Given a multigraph, suppose that each vertex is given a local assignment of k colours to its incident edges. We are interested in whether there is a choice of one local colour per vertex such that no edge has both of its local colours chosen. The least k for which this is always possible given any set of local assignments we call the single-conflict chromatic number of the graph. This parameter is closely related to separation choosability and adaptable choosability. We show that single-conflict chromatic number of simple graphs embeddable on a surface of Euler genus g is O ( g 1 ∕ 4 log   g ) as g → ∞ . This is sharp up to the logarithmic factor.Effective engagement among scientists, government agency staff, and policymakers is necessary for solving fisheries challenges, but remains challenging for a variety of reasons. We present seven practices learned from a collaborative project focused on invasive species in the Great Lakes region (USA-CAN). These practices were based on a researcher-manager model composed of a research team, a management advisory board, and a bridging organization. We suggest this type of system functions well when (1) the management advisory board is provided compelling rationale for engagement; (2) the process uses key individuals as communicators; (3) the research team thoughtfully selects organizations and individuals involved; (4) the funding entity provides logistical support and allows for (5) a flexible structure that prioritizes management needs; (6) a bridging organization sustains communication between in-person meetings; and (7) the project team determines and enacts a project endpoint. We predict these approaches apply equally effectively to other challenges at the research-management-policy interface, including reductions of water pollution, transitions to renewable energy, increasing food security, and addressing climate change. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection poses a great health and economic burden, especially in developing nations where a high burden of disease has been described. A previous study in Uyo shows that some characteristics associated with a higher prevalence of HIV infection include female gender, exposure to tertiary level of education, and late disease presentation. This study aimed at determining the sociodemographic and the clinical characteristics of highly active antiretroviral treatment-naïve (HAART-naïve) HIV-seropositive patients at Uyo, Nigeria. This was a cross-sectional comparative study of 210 respondents, composed of 105 HAART-naïve HIV-seropositive patients (subjects) and an equal number of sex- and age-matched HIV-negative individuals (controls). Data were collected using pretested interviewer-administered questionnaires and hospital records. Anthropometry and blood pressure (BP) were measured for all the respondents, while clinical and immunologic staging were done for subjects. Data se appeared to present in early disease. Hemodialysis is the most common renal replacement therapy (RRT) modality in Africa and few countries enjoy reimbursement from the government to fund it. Africa contributes <10% of the total RRT patients worldwide this is mainly due to high cost. We aimed to review the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients requiring hemodialysis in our center over a 7 years period, to highlight the enormous challenges encountered. This is a retrospective study of patients aged 15 years and above that was seen between April 2010 and March 2017 at the Hemodialysis unit of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital. Information was extracted from the patient's case folders and dialysis charts. In total, 226 patients had hemodialysis over the period, 124 (54.9%) were male and 102 (49.1%) were female. Sixty-one (27%) patients had acute kidney injury (AKI), 143 (63.3%) had chronic kidney disease (CKD), whereas 22 (9.7%) had acute-on-CKD. A total of 2215 sessions of hemodialysis were done in the period, of which 782 (35.3%) were for AKI and 469 (21.2%) for acute on CKD. A total of 138 (60.6%) patients were discharged and 58 deaths were recorded. Although there is rapid proliferation of hemodialysis facilities in the country, many patients could not afford adequate hemodialysis. Inadequate dialysis due to finances was the main cause of death in these category of patients. Although there is rapid proliferation of hemodialysis facilities in the country, many patients could not afford adequate hemodialysis. Inadequate dialysis due to finances was the main cause of death in these category of patients. Conduct disorder is a mental disorder characterized by hostile and sometimes physically violent behavior. It is a source of concern not only to the parents but also to the children's teachers and the community. Its prevalence rate in our environment is unknown. The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence rate of conduct disorder among primary school pupils in Ikot-Ekpene, Southern Nigeria. Vanderbilt attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnostic teacher rating scale for oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder was administered on 1174 pupils aged 6-12 years drawn from 12 primary schools in Ikot-Ekpene, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. Parents of the pupils with conduct disorder completed a pro forma on their sociodemographic characteristics. One hundred and fifteen of the studied 1174 pupils had conduct disorder with a prevalence rate of 9.8%. A greater number of males had conduct disorder with a male-to-female ratio of 4.751. Children from upper social class comprised the highest number with conduct disorder. Younger children (6-9 years) were more affected (76.5%) than the older ones. The predominant symptom exhibited by the children was difficult temperament. Comorbidities associated with conduct disorder were ADHD, anxiety disorder, and depression. The prevalence rate of conduct disorder is within the global range in our environment and tends to affect the younger children. Policy should be put in place to screen these children at school entrance so as to render appropriate health intervention. The prevalence rate of conduct disorder is within the global range in our environment and tends to affect the younger children. Policy should be put in place to screen these children at school entrance so as to render appropriate health intervention.