at 1 year in MS. In addition to global atrophy measures, sensorimotor and cerebellar GM atrophy explained baseline disability and clinical worsening.Antibiotic resistance is a growing health concern. Efforts to control resistance would benefit from an improved ability to forecast when and how it will evolve. Epistatic interactions between mutations can promote divergent evolutionary trajectories, which complicates our ability to predict evolution. We recently showed that differences between genetic backgrounds can lead to idiosyncratic responses in the evolvability of phenotypic resistance, even among closely related Escherichia coli strains. In this study, we examined whether a strain's genetic background also influences the genotypic evolution of resistance. Do lineages founded by different genotypes take parallel or divergent mutational paths to achieve their evolved resistance states? We addressed this question by sequencing the complete genomes of antibiotic-resistant clones that evolved from several different genetic starting points during our earlier experiments. We first validated our statistical approach by quantifying the specificity of genomic evolution with respect to antibiotic treatment. As expected, mutations in particular genes were strongly associated with each drug. Then, we determined that replicate lines evolved from the same founding genotypes had more parallel mutations at the gene level than lines evolved from different founding genotypes, although these effects were more subtle than those showing antibiotic specificity. Taken together with our previous work, we conclude that historical contingency can alter both genotypic and phenotypic pathways to antibiotic resistance.From 25 to 29 April 2020, the state of Indiana undertook testing of 3,658 randomly chosen state residents for the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, the agent causing COVID-19 disease. This was the first statewide randomized study of COVID-19 testing in the United States. Both PCR and serological tests were administered to all study participants. This paper describes statistical methods used to address nonresponse among various demographic groups and to adjust for testing errors to reduce bias in the estimates of the overall disease prevalence in Indiana. These adjustments were implemented through Bayesian methods, which incorporated all available information on disease prevalence and test performance, along with external data obtained from census of the Indiana statewide population. Both adjustments appeared to have significant impact on the unadjusted estimates, mainly due to upweighting data in study participants of non-White races and Hispanic ethnicity and anticipated false-positive and false-negative test results among both the PCR and antibody tests utilized in the study. (CT) is routinely diagnosed by nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), which are unable to distinguish between nucleic acids from viable and non-viable CT organisms. We applied our recently developed sensitive PCR (viability PCR) technique to measure viable bacterial CT load and explore associated determinants in 524 women attending Dutch sexual health centres (STI clinics), and who had genital or rectal CT. We included women participating in the FemCure study (Netherlands, 2016-2017). At the enrolment visit (pre-treatment), 524 were NAAT positive (n=411 had genital and rectal CT, n=88 had genital CT only and n=25 had rectal CT only). We assessed viable rectal and viable genital load using V-PCR. We presented mean load (range 0 (non-viable) to 6.5 log CT/mL) and explored potential associations with urogenital symptoms (coital lower abdominal pain, coital blood loss, intermenstrual bleeding, altered vaginal discharge, painful or frequent micturition), rectal symptoms (discharge, pain, blood loss), o497. Patient-delivered partner therapy (PDPT) is a method for providing antibiotic treatment for the sexual partners of an index patient with an STI by means of a prescription or medication that the index patient gives to their sexual partner(s). Qualitative research regarding barriers and enablers to PDPT has largely focused on the views of healthcare providers. In this study, we sought to investigate the views of young people (as potential health consumers) regarding PDPT for chlamydia. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with young Australian men and women. Participants were asked to provide their views regarding PDPT from the perspective of both an index patient and partner. Purposive and snowball sampling was used. Data were analysed thematically. We interviewed 22 people (13 women, 9 men) aged 18-30 years, 15 of whom had previously been tested for chlamydia. Despite none having previous knowledge of or experience using PDPT, all viewed it positively and thought it should be widely avails unlikely to fully replace partners' interactions with healthcare providers, it may facilitate partner notification conversations and provide partners greater choice on how, when and where they are treated. This paper aims to estimate the percentage of European men who have sex with men (MSM) who may benefit from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), applying the three most widely used HIV risk indices for MSM (MSM Risk Index, Menza score, San Diego Early Test (SDET) score) and drawing on a large-scale multisite bio-behavioural survey (Sialon II). The Sialon II study was a bio-behavioural survey among MSM implemented in 13 European cities using either time-location sampling or respondent-driven sampling. Biological and behavioural data from 4901 MSM were collected. Only behavioural data of HIV-negative individuals were considered. Three widely used risk indices to assess HIV acquisition risk among MSM were used to estimate individual HIV risk scores and PrEP eligibility criteria. 4219 HIV-negative MSM were considered. Regardless the HIV risk score used and the city, percentages of MSM eligible for PrEP were found to range between 5.19% and 73.84%. Overall, the MSM Risk Index and the Menza score yielded broadly w that a considerable percentage of MSM in each city should be offered PrEP in order to reduce HIV infections. As PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV among MSM, our findings provide useful, practical guidance for stakeholders in implementing PrEP at city level to tackle HIV infections in Europe.