In vivo study showed that SF/DSF@ZnO nanocomposites significantly increased the tumor accumulation and prolonged the retention time. In vivo antitumor experiments in the xenograft model showed that SF/DSF@ZnO exerted the highest tumor-inhibition rate among all the drug treatments. Therefore, this exquisite study established silk fibroin-modified disulfiram/zinc oxide nanocomposites, SF/DSF@ZnO, where ZnO not only acted as a delivery carrier but also served as a metal ion reservoir to achieve synergistic antitumor efficacy. The established DSF nanoformulation displayed excellent therapeutic potential in future cancer treatment.Our understanding of biological chemistry is shaped by the observation that all life comes from other life-as Pasteur put it, omne vivum ex vivo. A key step in expanding our biochemical vocabulary is to recapitulate biogenic catalysis using non-natural sequences that did not arise from common ancestry. Here we describe an enzyme designed completely de novo that hydrolyzes ATP. This protein was designed to lack β-sheet structure and is competitively inhibited by magnesium, two traits that are unlike natural ATPases.We investigate hole spin relaxation in the single- and multihole regime in a 2 × 2 germanium quantum dot array. We find spin relaxation times T1 as high as 32 and 1.2 ms for quantum dots with single- and five-hole occupations, respectively, setting benchmarks for spin relaxation times for hole quantum dots. Furthermore, we investigate qubit addressability and electric field sensitivity by measuring resonance frequency dependence of each qubit on gate voltages. We can tune the resonance frequency over a large range for both single and multihole qubits, while simultaneously finding that the resonance frequencies are only weakly dependent on neighboring gates. In particular, the five-hole qubit resonance frequency is more than 20 times as sensitive to its corresponding plunger gate. Excellent individual qubit tunability and long spin relaxation times make holes in germanium promising for addressable and high-fidelity spin qubits in dense two-dimensional quantum dot arrays for large-scale quantum information.Chemistry on water is a fascinating area of research. The surface of water and the interfaces between water and air or hydrophobic media represent asymmetric environments with unique properties that lead to unexpected solvation effects on chemical and photochemical processes. Indeed, the features of interfacial reactions differ, often drastically, from those of bulk-phase reactions. In this Perspective, we focus on photoinduced oxidation reactions, which have attracted enormous interest in recent years because of their implications in many areas of chemistry, including atmospheric and environmental chemistry, biology, electrochemistry, and solar energy conversion. We have chosen a few representative examples of photoinduced oxidation reactions to focus on in this Perspective. Although most of these examples are taken from the field of atmospheric chemistry, they were selected because of their broad relevance to other areas. First, we outline a series of processes whose photochemistry generates hydroxyl radicals. These OH precursors include reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and sulfur dioxide. Second, we discuss processes involving the photooxidation of organic species, either directly or via photosensitization. The photochemistry of pyruvic acid and fatty acid, two examples that demonstrate the complexity and versatility of this kind of chemistry, is described. Finally, we discuss the physicochemical factors that can be invoked to explain the kinetics and thermodynamics of photoinduced oxidation reactions at aqueous interfaces and analyze a number of challenges that need to be addressed in future studies.Designing new ionic liquids (ILs) is of crucial importance for various industrial applications. However, this always leads to a daunting challenge, as the number of possible combinations of cation and anion are very high and it is impossible to experimentally propose and screen a wide pool of potential candidates. However, recent applications of machine learning (ML) models have greatly improved the overall chemical discovery pipeline. In this study, we compare different generative methods for producing ionic liquids. In this comparison, we show the following (1) when training data is scarce, a transfer learning approach can be applied to variational autoencoders (VAEs) to generate molecular structures of the target molecule type; (2) in a VAE-like structure, separate latent spaces for the cationic and anionic moieties can result in meaningful representations for their combinative, macroscopic properties; (3) interpolating between ILs with desired properties can result in a new IL with attributes similar to the two structural end points.When aqueous droplets travel through a temperature-controlled capillary from atmospheric pressure into a vacuum, they undergo aerodynamic and/or thermal breakup to give charged progeny droplets that subsequently produce gas-phase molecular ions from solutes that were in the original droplets. This phenomenon is the basis of droplet-assisted ionization, a method that was recently developed for online characterization of aerosols by mass spectrometry. The conditions allowing initial droplets to break up into progeny droplets were studied by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with a droplet evaporation model. The CFD results were then used to interpret experimental measurements of ion current vs capillary wall temperature. For capillary wall temperatures below about 150 °C, the abilities of droplets to undergo either aerodynamic or thermal breakup are strongly temperature dependent. Above this temperature, the mode of initial droplet breakup becomes temperature independent, and the temperature dependence of the ion signal intensity can be explained in relation to ion formation from charged progeny droplets. Activation energies for ion formation fall into two main categories ∼41 kJ mol-1 for droplets containing predominantly nonionic solutes, which matches the enthalpy of vaporization for water and suggests a charge residue process for ion formation, and ∼24 kJ mol-1 for droplets containing salts, which suggests an ion evaporation process where the ion is ejected from the droplet surface within a cluster of solvent molecules.