Introduction Health care is fragmented and frustrating to patients and physicians. The consequences include patient and physician dissatisfaction. Methods The author's perspective is informed by his research, innovation, and leadership to optimize the experience of care for physicians and patients. Results Understanding and prioritizing the touchpoints between patients and physicians is essential to designing health care delivery that is compassionate to patients and is fulfilling and sustainable for physicians. Conclusions Hospital administrative leaders and physicians must reject the culture of a dichotomy in purpose, and partner to create systems that make the right thing to do, the easy thing to do. Levels of evidence Level V-expert opinion.Background Never before has physician suffering received as much attention in the peer-reviewed medical literature and popular media as now. The purpose of this paper is to propose that the manner in which these concerns are being addressed is further complicating physician and medical family well-being due to the perpetuation of work ambivalence. Methods A search of the English literature was conducted using PubMed to identify papers addressing physician burnout and other forms of psychosocial suffering. In addition, a review of case records from the past 40 years of clinical experiences as counselors and life coaches to physicians and their life mates was conducted. Results Reported levels of physician burnout and psychosocial morbidity have escalated over the past 10 years, as have clinically observed levels of work/life conflict expressed both by physicians and their spouses. Discussion We contend that the contemporary rhetoric addressing physicians' psychosocial experience is yielding the iatrogenic effect of promoting work ambivalence, which is a key building block in fostering physician burnout and its sequelae. We propose that curbing physician burnout req