Treg cells instead upregulate pathways involved in the metabolism of the glycolytic by-product lactic acid. Treg cells withstand high-lactate conditions, and treatment with lactate prevents the destabilizing effects of high-glucose conditions, generating intermediates necessary for proliferation. Deletion of MCT1-a lactate transporter-in Treg cells reveals that lactate uptake is dispensable for the function of peripheral Treg cells but required intratumorally, resulting in slowed tumour growth and an increased response to immunotherapy. Thus, Treg cells are metabolically flexible they can use 'alternative' metabolites in the TME to maintain their suppressive identity. Further, our results suggest that tumours avoid destruction by not only depriving effector T cells of nutrients, but also metabolically supporting regulatory populations.The concept of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) prevention is gaining increased interest owing to the physical limitation, poor quality of life and low remission rates that are achieved with current therapies for PsA. The psoriasis-to-PsA transition offers a unique opportunity to identify individuals at increased risk of developing PsA and to implement preventive strategies. However, identifying individuals at increased risk of developing PsA is challenging as there is no consensus on how this population should be defined. This Consensus Statement puts forward recommended terminology from the Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Clinics Multicenter Advancement Network (PPACMAN) for defining specific subgroups of individuals during the preclinical and early clinical phases of PsA to be used in research studies. Following a three-round Delphi process, consensus was reached for three terms and definitions 'increased risk for PsA', 'psoriasis with asymptomatic synovio-entheseal imaging abnormalities' and 'psoriasis with musculoskeletal symptoms not explained by other diagnosis'. These terms and their definitions will enable improved identification and standardization of study populations in clinical research. In the future, as increasing evidence emerges regarding the molecular and clinical features of the psoriasis-to-PsA continuum, these terms and definitions will be further refined and updated.The integrin α4β7 selectively regulates lymphocyte trafficking and adhesion in the gut and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Here, we describe unexpected involvement of the tyrosine phosphatase Shp1 and the B cell lectin CD22 (Siglec-2) in the regulation of α4β7 surface expression and gut immunity. Shp1 selectively inhibited β7 endocytosis, enhancing surface α4β7 display and lymphocyte homing to GALT. In B cells, CD22 associated in a sialic acid-dependent manner with integrin β7 on the cell surface to target intracellular Shp1 to β7. Shp1 restrained plasma membrane β7 phosphorylation and inhibited β7 endocytosis without affecting β1 integrin. B cells with reduced Shp1 activity, lacking CD22 or expressing CD22 with mutated Shp1-binding or carbohydrate-binding domains displayed parallel reductions in surface α4β7 and in homing to GALT. Consistent with the specialized role of α4β7 in intestinal immunity, CD22 deficiency selectively inhibited intestinal antibody and pathogen responses.The circadian clock evolved in diverse organisms to integrate external environmental changes and internal physiology. The clock endows the host with temporal precision and robust adaptation to the surrounding environment. When circadian rhythms are perturbed or misaligned, as a result of jet lag, shiftwork or other lifestyle factors, adverse health consequences arise, and the risks of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases or metabolic disorders increase. Although the negative impact of circadian rhythm disruption is now well established, it remains underappreciated how to take advantage of biological timing, or correct it, for health benefits. In this Review, we provide an updated account of the circadian system and highlight several key disease areas with altered circadian signalling. We discuss environmental and lifestyle modifications of circadian rhythm and clock-based therapeutic strategies, including chronotherapy, in which dosing time is deliberately optimized for maximum therapeutic index, and pharmacological agents that target core clock components and proximal regulators. Promising progress in research, disease models and clinical applications should encourage a concerted effort towards a new era of circadian medicine.Mutations in the E3 ubiquitin ligase RING domains of BRCA1/BARD1 predispose carriers to breast and ovarian cancers. We present the structure of the BRCA1/BARD1 RING heterodimer with the E2 enzyme UbcH5c bound to its cellular target, the nucleosome, along with biochemical data that explain how the complex selectively ubiquitylates lysines 125, 127 and 129 in the flexible C-terminal tail of H2A in a fully human system. The structure reveals that a novel BARD1-histone interface couples to a repositioning of UbcH5c compared to the structurally similar PRC1 E3 ligase Ring1b/Bmi1 that ubiquitylates H2A Lys119 in nucleosomes. This interface is sensitive to both H3 Lys79 methylation status and mutations found in individuals with cancer. Furthermore, NMR reveals an unexpected mode of E3-mediated substrate regulation through modulation of dynamics in the C-terminal tail of H2A. Our findings provide insight into how E3 ligases preferentially target nearby lysine residues in nucleosomes by a steric occlusion and distancing mechanism.Patterning graphene with a spatially periodic potential provides a powerful means to modify its electronic properties1-3. In particular, in twisted bilayers, coupling to the resulting moiré superlattice yields an isolated flat band that hosts correlated many-body phases4,5. However, both the symmetry and strength of the effective moiré potential are constrained by the constituent crystals, limiting its tunability. Here, we have exploited the technique of dielectric patterning6 to subject graphene to a one-dimensional electrostatic superlattice (SL)1. We observed the emergence of multiple Dirac cones and found evidence that with increasing SL potential the main and satellite Dirac cones are sequentially flattened in the direction parallel to the SL basis vector, behaviour resulting from the interaction between the one-dimensional SL electric potential and the massless Dirac fermions hosted by graphene. Our results demonstrate the ability to induce tunable anisotropy in high-mobility two-dimensional materials, a long-desired property for novel electronic and optical applications7,8.