Generative adversarial network (GAN)-based synthetic images can be viable solutions to current supervised deep learning challenges. However, generating highly realistic images is a prerequisite for these approaches. The aim of this study was to investigate and validate the unsupervised synthesis of highly realistic body computed tomography (CT) images by using a progressive growing GAN (PGGAN) trained to learn the probability distribution of normal data. We trained the PGGAN by using 11,755 body CT scans. Ten radiologists (4 radiologists with <5 years of experience [Group I], 4 radiologists with 5-10 years of experience [Group II], and 2 radiologists with >10 years of experience [Group III]) evaluated the results in a binary approach by using an independent validation set of 300 images (150 real and 150 synthetic) to judge the authenticity of each image. The mean accuracy of the 10 readers in the entire image set was higher than random guessing (1781/3000, 59.4% vs 1500/3000, 50.0%, respectivelyges; however, it has limitations in generating body images of the thoracoabdominal junction and lacks accuracy in the anatomical details.Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the primary causative agent for the uterine cervical cancer. The expression of oncoproteins E6/E7 promotes apoptosis inhibition and increases the risk of cervical cancer progression. Some research reported that elevated expression of paxillin (PXN) stimulated cancer growth and invasion. However, the clinical significance of PXN in cervical cancer has not been well characterized so far. We found that PXN mRNA expression and protein level are significantly upregulated in cervical cancer cells compared to adjacent normal cells. Furthermore, the paxillin over-expression was correlated with potential of tumorigenesis and invasion. Cervical cancer cells with increased paxillin expression had an ability to form more tumor clones and were characterized by higher invasiveness as well. Therefore, our findings suggest that paxillin may act as an important prognostic factor for cervical cancer patients as it promotes tumor regeneration and invasion.It is often straightforward to distinguish glioblastoma (GBM) from metastatic carcinoma by cytology; however, small cell variants of GBM or GBM with primitive neuronal component (GBMPNC) can mimic metastatic small cell carcinoma (SCC). Herein, we report a case of GBMPNC mimicking metastatic SCC and present cytological and ultrastructural findings. A 65-year-old man with memory disturbance was hospitalized. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed the presence of a 6 cm sized tumor in the right anterior temporal lobe. Intraoperative cytology slides indicated that the tumor consisted of small-sized cells with scant cytoplasm showing high cellularity. The initial intraoperative diagnosis was metastatic SCC; however, any primary visceral tumor was not detected clinically. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies of postoperative histological sections revealed that the lesion was GBMPNC. This case shows that some GBMs may have the potential to closely mimic metastatic SCC, which expands the differential diagnosis and emphasizes the importance of clinical correlation. There are pieces of evidence regarding the association between melasma and metabolic syndrome. To assess the prevalence and grade of nonalcoholic fatty liver and lipid profile status in patients with melasma, we designed this case-control study. This study was performed on 30 consecutive women with melasma who referred to the dermatology clinic of the hospital as the case group and 34 healthy women. For all participants, serum lipid profiles and liver enzymes were checked. Also, the existence of fatty liver was assessed by ultrasonography. Except for serum level of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) that was significantly higher in the melasma group than in the healthy group (104.23±25.00mg/dl versus 89.85±23.00mg/dl, p=0.020), the level of other parameters including other lipid profiles, blood sugar, or liver enzymes was similar in both groups. In ultrasonography, the overall prevalence of fatty liver was 23.3% in the melasma group and 20.6% in the control group, and no difference was found between the two groups in grade of fatty liver (p=0.791). The study showed a higher serum LDL level in patients with melasma compared to women without melasma, but there was no difference between the groups in prevalence or grade of fatty liver. The study showed a higher serum LDL level in patients with melasma compared to women without melasma, but there was no difference between the groups in prevalence or grade of fatty liver. To determine the application range of diagnostic kits utilizing anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody, we tested a newly developed latex aggregation turbidity assay (latex) and a conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (E-plate), both containing Japanese H.pylori protein lysates as antigens, using sera from seven Asian countries. Serum samples (1797) were obtained, and standard H.pylori infection status and atrophy status were determined by culture and histology (immunohistochemistry) using gastric biopsy samples from the same individuals. The two tests (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and latex) were applied, and receiver operating characteristics analysis was performed. Area under the curve (AUC) from the receiver operating characteristic of E-plate and latex curves were almost the same and the highest in Vietnam. The latex AUC was slightly lower than the E-plate AUC in other countries, and the difference became statistically significant in Myanmar and then Bangladesh as the lowest. To consider past infection cases, atrophy was additionally evaluated. Most of the AUCs decreased using this atrophy-evaluated status; however, the difference between the two kits was not significant in each country, but the latex AUC was better using all samples. Practical cut-off values were 3.0U/mL in the E-test and 3.5U/mL in the latex test, to avoid missing gastric cancer patients to the greatest extent possible. The kits were applicable in all countries, but new kits using regional H.pylori strains are recommended for Myanmar and Bangladesh. Use of a cut-off value lower than the best cut-off value is essential for screening gastric cancer patients. The kits were applicable in all countries, but new kits using regional H. pylori strains are recommended for Myanmar and Bangladesh. Use of a cut-off value lower than the best cut-off value is essential for screening gastric cancer patients.