In summary, our results highlighted that offspring males perinatally exposed to naturally contaminated reared and river eels with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals displayed chronic depression-like phenotype. As extrapolation of data to humans should be done with precaution, retrospective and prospective epidemiological studies are needed to clarify this potential relationship, stressed in our animal model, between maternal polluted fish consumption and chronically low mood in offspring.The cadmium (Cd) is considered one of the widespread toxic metals in the aquatic and terrestrial environments, which is due to its long half-life, non-degradable characteristic, and toxicity. Aqueous extract of freeze-dried Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae family) leaves was examined for protective effect and antioxidant power against Cd toxicity. The results revealed that Moringa aqueous extract (MAE) has contents of total polyphenols and flavonoids about 30.14 mg GAE/g and 18.35 mg QE/g respectively. Furthermore, phenolic compounds in leaves of Moringa were studied using a high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Results showed that the largest number of phenolic compounds determined in leaves of Moringa belongs to flavonoids. Moreover, biological properties were determined by radical scavenging capacity (DPPH) and ferric-reducing power (FRAP). Cytoprotective effect and antioxidant power of Moringa extract were assessed using the mitochondrial activity testing method (MTT test), malondialdehyde (MDA), and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Results indicate that Moringa aqueous extract have a significant (i) proliferative, (ii) antioxidant, and (iii) cytoprotective effect on HCT116 and HEK293 cells against metal toxicity.Environment-economic growth nexus is one of the main concerns of the researchers in the modern era. Although there are several studies in this field, discussions are far from being reached a consensus. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of economic growth, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, oil prices, and trade openness on CO2 emissions in 25 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries over the period 1990-2014. We provide a comparative panel data evidence using both the first- and second-generation estimation methods. The Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) and Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) estimations indicate that the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis is valid in OECD countries. However, the Augmented Mean Group (AMG) estimator revealed that the EKC hypothesis is invalid. The AMG estimator is a second-generation estimator and provides robust results under cross-sectional dependence compared to the first-generation methods; therefore, the EKC hypothesis is invalid. Our additional findings show that rising renewable energy consumption and oil prices mitigate CO2 emissions while non-renewable energy consumption increases it according to all estimators. No significant relationship is found between trade openness and CO2 emissions.Dust particles suspended in the atmosphere have been a big headache for electric power transmission industry in China. As transmission lines pass through dusty or air-polluted areas, dust contaminants are likely to deposit and accumulate on line insulators, which is one of the greatest causes of flashover and failure of power transmission. To study the statistical characteristics of this type of contamination, dust samples were collected and measured, and a physical model was set up to explain the deposition and accumulation mechanism of the particles. The trajectories of particles were tracked using fluid mechanics and contact mechanics, and an adhesion criterion was proposed. Simulation software was then applied to validate the model; further different environmental factors were studied that would affect the particle size distribution. The results show that under natural contamination conditions, the particle size distribution on the surface of the insulator shows a certain concentration at size ranges 1~100 μm and basically obeys a log-normal distribution. In addition, relative humidity, air velocity, and the charge accumulated on the surface all have significant influences on particle size distribution characteristics, while the effect of the electric field is mainly reflected in the difference in the number concentration of particle adhesion.Low-value solid waste cordierite honeycomb ceramics were used as carrier of SCO denitration catalyst, and the active component was supported by the impregnation method to improve the performance of the catalyst. Firstly, the effect of calcination conditions on the denitration performance of the Mn-loaded cordierite catalyst was studied for the cordierite-loaded active component MnOX. Secondly, the preferred catalyst was reloaded with another active component to further improve its denitration performance; the bimetal ratios were affected by the denitration performance, which was, finally, characterized by XRD, XPS, and SEM. The result shows the following (1) Mn-loaded cordierite prepared at 450 °C for 3 h has a good denitration effect; (2) the MnOX-CuOX/CR catalyst is superior to MnOX-FeOX/CR, MnOX-CoOX/CR, and MnOX-CeOX/CR; (3) the MnO2 crystal form in the single metal-supported catalyst plays a major role, and Cu2Mn3O8 in the bimetallic catalyst affects the performance and activity of the catalyst. Graphical abstract.Dengue is the most important infectious disease in the world and is a severe public health problem. The chikungunya is an arbovirus, in many cases, increased, which is transmitted by the same transmitter dengue vector, Aedes aegypti. The symptoms of both diseases are similar, and infections can be lethal. Although there is no preventive vaccine against any of the two diseases, therefore, it is extremely important to control the mosquito. The eggs of A. aegypti are very resistant and hatch into larvae, which later give rise to mosquitoes in any container with water. Natural plant extracts have come from active substances with larvicidal activity against A. aegypti. However, they tend to be highly hydrophobic and need some strategy to improve its affinity for water. Because of these factors, this research aims to synthesize and characterize polymeric materials with properties suitable for the release of hydrophobic principles with larvicidal action. The synthesized polymers are poly (butylene succinate) (PBS) and PBS block copolymer with polyethylene glycol (PEG).