#include #include "afxsock.h" #include "math.h" #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define Saddress "" #define port 8080 //Same port as server CWinApp theApp; using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) { int nRetCode = 0; //initialize MFC and print and error on failure if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, GetCommandLine(), 0)) { //TODO: change error code to suit your needs _tprintf(_T("Fatal error: MFC initialization failed\n")); nRetCode = 1; } else { //TODO: code your application's behaviour here //Library initialization if (AfxSocketInit() == false) { cout << "Can not initialize socket library"; return false; } CSocket client; //1.Create Socket client.Create(); if (client.Connect(CA2W(Saddress), port)) { cout << "Client have connected to Server!" << endl; //Receiving from server the position number int id; client.Receive((char*)&id, sizeof(id), 0); cout << "\n\nThis is client number " << id + 1 << endl << endl; char ClientMsg[100]; int MsgSize; char* temp; //receive message from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); //print the message temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; cout << "\nServer: " << temp; //Send command q/l/r cin.getline(ClientMsg, 100, '\n'); //Wrong command while (strcmp(ClientMsg, "3") != 0 && strcmp(ClientMsg, "quit") != 0 && strcmp(ClientMsg, "login") != 0 && strcmp(ClientMsg, "1") != 0 && strcmp(ClientMsg, "2") != 0 && strcmp(ClientMsg, "register") != 0) { cout << "Wrong command" << endl; cout << "Retype: "; cin.getline(ClientMsg, 100, '\n'); } MsgSize = strlen(ClientMsg); //Send the message's length to server client.Send(&MsgSize, sizeof(MsgSize), 0); //Send the message with length is MsgSize client.Send(ClientMsg, MsgSize, 0); // goi chieu dai chuoi char buff[10]; if (strcmp(ClientMsg, "3") == 0 || strcmp(ClientMsg, "quit") == 0) { client.Close(); return nRetCode; } else if (strcmp(ClientMsg, "1") == 0 || strcmp(ClientMsg, "login") == 0) { int check = 0; bool success = false; do { delete temp; //Receiving USERNAME from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; cout << temp; //Send username char username[1000]; cin.getline(username, 100, '\n'); MsgSize = strlen(username); //Send the message's length to server client.Send(&MsgSize, sizeof(MsgSize), 0); //Send the message with length is MsgSize client.Send(username, MsgSize, 0); delete temp; //Receiving PASSWORD from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; cout << temp; //Send password char password[1000]; //Enter Pass cin.getline(password, 100, '\n'); MsgSize = strlen(password); //Send the message's length to server client.Send(&MsgSize, sizeof(MsgSize), 0); //Send the message with length is MsgSize client.Send(password, MsgSize, 0); _itoa_s(strlen(password), buff, 10); //nhan ket qua delete temp; //Receiving PASSWORD from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; if (strcmp(temp, "Invalid account") == 0) { cout << temp << endl; check++; cout << 3 - check << " chances left" << endl; } else { cout << temp; check = 3; success = true; } } while (strcmp(temp, "Invalid account") == 0 && check != 3); if (success) { char command[1000]; cin.getline(command, 100, '\n'); MsgSize = strlen(command); //Send the message's length to server client.Send(&MsgSize, sizeof(MsgSize), 0); //Send the message with length is MsgSize client.Send(command, MsgSize, 0); } else { cout << "UNSUCCESSFULL to login" << endl; } client.Close(); return nRetCode; } else if (strcmp(ClientMsg, "2") == 0 || strcmp(ClientMsg, "register") == 0) { delete temp; //Receiving USERNAME from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; cout << temp; //Send username char username[1000]; cin.getline(username, 100, '\n'); MsgSize = strlen(username); //Send the message's length to server client.Send(&MsgSize, sizeof(MsgSize), 0); //Send the message with length is MsgSize client.Send(username, MsgSize, 0); delete temp; //Receiving PASSWORD from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; while (strcmp(temp, "Invalid username\n This username has already been used\n Proceed to input another username\n") == 0) { cout << temp; delete temp; //Receiving USERNAME from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; cout << temp; //Send username char username[1000]; cin.getline(username, 100, '\n'); MsgSize = strlen(username); //Send the message's length to server client.Send(&MsgSize, sizeof(MsgSize), 0); //Send the message with length is MsgSize client.Send(username, MsgSize, 0); delete temp; //Receiving PASSWORD from server client.Receive((char*)&MsgSize, sizeof(int), 0); temp = new char[MsgSize + 1]; client.Receive((char*)temp, MsgSize, 0); temp[MsgSize] = '\0'; } cout << temp; //Send password char password[1000]; //Enter Pass cin.getline(password, 100, '\n'); MsgSize = strlen(password); //Send the message's length to server client.Send(&MsgSize, sizeof(MsgSize), 0); //Send the message with length is MsgSize client.Send(password, MsgSize, 0); _itoa_s(strlen(password), buff, 10); //nhan ket qua delete temp; } } else { printf("Can not connect to server!"); } getchar(); client.Close(); } getchar(); return nRetCode; }