Some types of spinal dysraphism can be accompanied by extraspinal cysts, including myelomeningocele, myelocystocele, myelocele, meningocele, limited dorsal myeloschisis, lipomyelomeningocele, and terminal myelocystocele. Each disease is classified according to the developmental mechanism, embryologic process, site of occurrence, or internal structure of the extraspinal cyst. In most cystic spinal dysraphisms except meningocele, part of the spinal cord is attached to the cyst dome. Most open spinal dysraphisms pose a risk of infection and require urgent surgical intervention, but when the cyst is accompanied by closed spinal dysraphism, the timing of surgery may vary. However, if the extraspinal cyst grows, it aggravates tethering by pulling the tip of the cord, which is attached to the dome of the cyst. This causes neurological deficits, so urgent surgery is required to release the tethered cord.Cases of syringomyelia associated with spinal dysraphism are distinct from those associated with hindbrain herniation or arachnoiditis in terms of the suspected pathogenetic mechanism. The symptoms of terminal syringomyelia are difficult to differentiate from the symptoms caused by spinal dysraphism. Nonetheless, syringomyelia has important clinical implications, as it is an important sign of cord tethering. The postoperative assessment of syringomyelia should be performed with caution.There has been confusion in the classification of terminal myelocystocele (TMCC) due to its diverse morphology and vague pathoembryogenesis. TMCC could be summarized as having the essential features of an elongated caudal spinal cord extruding out of the dorsal extraspinal space that fuses with the subcutaneous fat, which is in the shape of a trumpet-shaped cerebrospinal fluid-filled cyst. The extraspinal portion of the extruded spinal cord is nonfunctional. The morphological features suggest that TMCC is formed during secondary neurulation, s