is website using PAR ensures that families have ready access to practical and evidence-based information following a young child's diagnosis. The website guides families to access relevant, reputable, and evidence-based information in addition to summarizing key challenges encountered after diagnosis (ie, grief, sharing the diagnosis) and the importance of self-care. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) can occur any time someone uses a medication. ADRs are systematically tracked and cataloged, with varying degrees of success, in order to better understand their etiology and develop methods of prevention. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has developed the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) for this purpose. FAERS collects information from myriad sources, but the primary reporters have traditionally been medical professionals and pharmacovigilance data from manufacturers. Recent studies suggest that information shared publicly on social media platforms related to medication use could be of benefit in complementing FAERS data in order to have a richer picture of how medications are actually being used and the experiences people are having across large populations. The aim of this study is to validate the accuracy and precision of social media methodology and conduct evaluations of Twitter ADR reporting for commonly used pharmaceutical agents. ADR data from t no difference (P=.60). For gabapentin, there were no differences in terms of the ADRs ineffectiveness and fatigue (P=.15 and P=.67, respectively). For amoxicillin, hypersensitivity, nausea, and rash shared similar profiles between platforms (P=.35, P=.05, and P=.31, respectively). FAERS and Twitter shared similarities in types of data reported and a few unique items to each data set as well. The use of Twitter as an ADR pharmacovigilance platform should continue to be studied as a unique and complementary source of information rather than a validation tool of existing ADR databases. FAERS and Twitter shared similarities in types of data reported and a few unique items to each data set as well. The use of Twitter as an ADR pharmacovigilance platform should continue to be studied as a unique and complementary source of information rather than a validation tool of existing ADR databases. The emergence and increased spread of microbial resistance is a major challenge to all health care systems worldwide. In primary care, acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) is the health condition most strongly related to antibiotic overuse. The RESIST program aims at optimizing antibiotic prescribing for ARTI in German primary care. By completing a problem-orientated online training course, physicians are motivated and empowered to utilize patient-centered doctor-patient communication strategies, including shared decision making, in the treatment of patients with ARTI. RESIST will be evaluated in the form of a nonrandomized controlled trial. Approximately 3000 physicians of 8 (out of 16) German federal states can participate in the program. Patient and physician data are retrieved from routine health care data. Physicians not participating in the program serve as controls, either among the 8 participating regional Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (control group 1) or among the rcare. Long-term follow up of up to 21 months will allow for investigating the sustainability of the intervention. ISRCTN Registry ISRCTN13934505; http// RR1-10.2196/18648. RR1-10.2196/18648. Telehealth is an effective means to assist existing health care systems, particularly for the current aging society. However, most extant telehealth systems employ individual data sources by offline data processing, which may not recognize health deterioration in a timely way. Our study objective was two-fold to design and implement an integrated, personalized telehealth system on a community-based level; and to evaluate the system from the perspective of user acceptance. The system was designed to capture and record older adults' health-related information (eg, daily activities, continuous vital signs, and gait behaviors) through multiple measuring tools. State-of-the-art data mining techniques can be integrated to detect statistically significant changes in daily records, based on which a decision support system could emit warnings to older adults, their family members, and their caregivers for appropriate interventions to prevent further health deterioration. A total of 45 older adults recruited from of our personalized telehealth system in their future health management (ie, behavioral intention mean 4.45, SD 1.78). The proposed health monitoring system provides an example design for monitoring older adults' health status based on multiple data sources, which can help develop reliable and accurate predictive analytics. The results can serve as a guideline for researchers and stakeholders (eg, policymakers, elderly care centers, and health care providers) who provide care for older adults through such a telehealth system. The proposed health monitoring system provides an example design for monitoring older adults' health status based on multiple data sources, which can help develop reliable and accurate predictive analytics. The results can serve as a guideline for researchers and stakeholders (eg, policymakers, elderly care centers, and health care providers) who provide care for older adults through such a telehealth system. Incomplete adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is one of the factors that contribute to HIV drug resistance, and it is a major problem for the public health system in controlling the HIV pandemic. There is emerging evidence that SMS can play an important role in health care delivery among patients with HIV on ART, especially in resource-limited settings. This paper aims to assess the impact of two-way and one-way SMS text messaging on adherence to HIV treatment. We hypothesized that sending weekly text messages through the one-way and two-way SMS text messaging approach will improve adherence to ART among patients with HIV and improve associated clinical outcomes (quality of life). A randomized controlled trial is being carried out among participants with HIV who have been on ART for at least one month from an accredited treatment center, namely the Buea Regional Hospital and Kumba District Hospital of South West Region, Cameroon. Participants with HIV, both male and female, aged 21 years and older make up a sample size of 207.