colorectal ou de l’appendice est sécuritaire chez les patients soigneusement sélectionnés, sans accroissement de la morbidité ou de la mortalité, et elles sont associées à une survie à long terme significative, particulièrement chez les patients ayant un cancer de l’appendice. Ces résultats appuient la reprise des CCR/CHIP chez ces patients.OBJECTIVE Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer. The etiology and effects derived from this infection are set by molecular techniques and cytological diagnosis, respectively. In the present study, data obtained by an opportunist screening of cervical cancer in La Ribera region are revised and related statistically. METHODS Data considering different variables such as age, degree of lesion, HPV type detected and number of virus in coinfection were collected from 1,372 HPV positive cytology samples. HPV detection was carried out by means of three molecular techniques and the degree of lesion was analyzed by cytological diagnosis (Bethesda). In order to determine the relationship between different selected variables, several statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS Only degree of lesion variable showed a direct relationship with the rest of variables, increasing with aging process, viral oncogenicity, presence of at least one high-risk virus and with the fact of being mono-infected. The probability of presenting a higher-level degree of lesion multiplied by 28.4 when high-risk HPV was detected in mono-infection. CONCLUSIONS HPV molecular detection is the most suitable technique to perform a cervix cancer primary screening for the management of women with negative cytological diagnose. The number of detected types is statistically related to the degree of lesion. The establishment of a properly regulated screening to identify HPV infection, and therefore, of cervical cancer risk, is essential. ©The Author 2020. Published by Sociedad Española de Quimioterapia. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)(https// document gathers the opinion of a multidisciplinary forum of experts on different aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) in Spain. It has been structured around a series of questions that the attendees considered relevant and in which a consensus opinion was reached. The main messages were as follows CDI should be suspected in patients older than 2 years of age in the presence of diarrhea, paralytic ileus and unexplained leukocytosis, even in the absence of classical risk factors. With a few exceptions, a single stool sample is sufficient for diagnosis, which can be sent to the laboratory with or without transportation media for enteropathogenic bacteria. In the absence of diarrhoea, rectal swabs may be valid. The microbiology laboratory should include C. difficile among the pathogens routinely searched in patients with diarrhoea. Laboratory tests in different order and sequence schemes include GDH detection, presence of toxins, molecular tests and toxigenic cud less necessary and prevention with vaccines is under research. Probiotics have so far not been shown to be therapeutically or preventively effective. The therapeutic strategy should be based, rather than on the number of episodes, on the severity of the episodes and on their potential to recur. Some data point to the efficacy of oral vancomycin prophylaxis in patients who reccur CDI when systemic antibiotics are required again. ©The Author 2020. Published by Sociedad Española de Quimioterapia. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)(https// is a group of metabolic disorders that is characterized by hyperglycemia which increases the risks of cardiovascular, microvascular, and macrovascular complications. Innovative therapeutic trials regarding diabetes control and management are continually being undertaken. The present review was aimed to explore the potential effects and mechanisms that lead to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its relation with asprosin. Asprosin is a newly discovered hormone that is encoded by protein fibrillin 1 (FBN1 gene), secreted by white adipose during fasting conditions at 5-10 nM levels, which acts on the liver through cell membrane receptors and activates the G protein cAMP- PKA pathway. Asprosin secretion is increased during fasting as the compensatory mechanism in hypoglycemia. Asprosin concentration is higher in patients with T2DM and impaired glucose regulation compared to healthy subjects. Genetic deficiency of asprosin may cause problems of poor appetite and extreme leanness in humans. Attenuating asprosin activity or depleting asprosin may serve as a novel therapeutic innovation for the treatment of T2DM and obesity. Hence, asprosin may serve as a beacon for the target of a future therapy in diabetes management. Copyright 2020 Biolife Sas. of February 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak started in China in December 2019 has been spreading in many countries in the world. With the numbers of confirmed cases are increasing, information on the epidemiologic investigation and clinical manifestation have been accumulated. However, data on viral load kinetics in confirmed cases are lacking. Here, we present the viral load kinetics of the first two confirmed patients with mild to moderate illnesses in Korea in whom distinct viral load kinetics are shown. This report suggests that viral load kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 may be different from that of previously reported other coronavirus infections such as SARS-CoV. © 2020 The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences.Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is found to cause a large outbreak started from Wuhan since December 2019 in China and SARS-CoV-2 infections have been reported with epidemiological linkage to China in 25 countries until now. We isolated SARS-CoV-2 from the oropharyngeal sample obtained from the patient with the first laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in Korea. Cytopathic effects of SARS-CoV-2 in the Vero cell cultures were confluent 3 days after the first blind passage of the sample. Coronavirus was confirmed with spherical particle having a fringe reminiscent of crown on transmission electron microscopy. Phylogenetic analyses of whole genome sequences showed that it clustered with other SARS-CoV-2 reported from Wuhan. © 2020 The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences.