What is Multi-Level Marketing? Multi-level marketing, commonly referred to as MLM, is a business strategy in which individuals become independent contractors for a company, selling its products or services and recruiting new members to join the company's network. These contractors, often called distributors, earn commissions not only on their own sales but also on the sales made by the people they recruit, creating a hierarchical structure with multiple levels of compensation. This model has been employed by a wide range of companies, from cosmetics and nutrition supplements to home care products and financial services. The concept of MLM has been around for decades, with some companies tracing their roots back to the mid-20th century. Over the years, MLM has evolved, adapting to changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and shifts in regulatory environments. Despite its longevity, MLM remains a subject of controversy, with proponents praising its potential for financial freedom and critics condemning its practices as deceptive and exploitative. How Multi-Level Marketing Works At its core, an MLM company operates by having a product or service that it wants to sell to consumers. However, instead of relying solely on traditional retail channels, the company encourages individuals to become distributors. These distributors are responsible for selling the product directly to consumers, often through in-person sales, online platforms, or a combination of both. What distinguishes MLM from other direct sales models is the emphasis on recruitment. Distributors are incentivized to recruit new members to join the network, as this not only expands the company's reach but also increases the recruiter's potential earnings. The compensation plan in an MLM typically involves several components. Distributors earn a commission on their personal sales, which is the most straightforward aspect of their compensation. Additionally, they can earn over