Novel tools and methods for monitoring marine environments can improve efficiency but must not compromise long-term data records. Quantitative comparisons between new and existing methods are therefore required to assess their compatibility for monitoring. Monitoring of shallow water coral reefs is typically conducted using diver-based collection of benthic images along transects. Diverless systems for obtaining underwater images (e.g. towed-cameras, remotely operated vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles) are increasingly used for mapping coral reefs. Of these imaging platforms, towed-cameras offer a practical, low cost and efficient method for surveys but their utility for repeated measures in monitoring studies has not been tested. We quantitatively compare a towed-camera approach to repeated surveys of shallow water coral reef benthic assemblages on fixed transects, relative to benchmark data from diver photo-transects. Differences in the percent cover detected by the two methods was partly explained by differences in the morphology of benthic groups. The reef habitat and physical descriptors of the site-slope, depth and structural complexity-also influenced the comparability of data, with differences between the tow-camera and the diver data increasing with structural complexity and slope. Differences between the methods decreased when a greater number of images were collected per tow-camera transect. We attribute lower image quality (variable perspective, exposure and focal distance) and lower spatial accuracy and precision of the towed-camera transects as the key reasons for differences in the data from the two methods and suggest changes to the sampling design to improve the application of tow-cameras to monitoring.AP2/ERF transcription factors (TFs) play indispensable roles in plant growth, development, and especially in various abiotic stresses responses. The AP2/ERF TF family has been discovered and classified in more than 50 species. However, little is known about the AP2/ERF gene family of Chinese willow (Salix matsudana), which is a tetraploid ornamental tree species that is widely planted and is also considered as a species that can improve the soil salinity of coastal beaches. In this study, 364 AP2/ERF genes of Salix matsudana (SmAP2/ERF) were identified depending on the recently produced whole genome sequencing data of Salix matsudana. These genes were renamed according to the chromosomal location of the SmAP2/ERF genes. The SmAP2/ERF genes included three major subfamilies AP2 (55 members), ERF (301 members), and RAV (six members) and two Soloist genes. Genes' structure and conserved motifs were analyzed in SmAP2/ERF family members, and introns were not found in most genes of the ERF subfamily, some unique motifs were found to be important for the function of SmAP2/ERF genes. Syntenic relationships between the SmAP2/ERF genes and AP2/ERF genes from Populus trichocarpa and Salix purpurea showed that Salix matsudana is genetically more closely related to Populus trichocarpa than to Salix purpurea. Evolution analysis on paralog gene pairs suggested that progenitor of S. matsudana originated from hybridization between two different diploid salix germplasms and underwent genome duplication not more than 10 Mya. RNA sequencing results demonstrated the differential expression patterns of some SmAP2/ERF genes under salt stress and this information can help reveal the mechanism of salt tolerance regulation in Salix matsudana. In urban environments, environmental air pollution poses significant risks to respiratory health. Moreover, the seasonal spatial variability of the air pollutant ozone, and respiratory illness within Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) is not well understood. We examine the relationships between spatial patterns of long-term ozone exposure and respiratory illness to better understand impacts on health outcomes. We propose that this study will establish an enhanced understanding of the spatio-temporal characteristics of ozone concentrations and respiratory emergency room visits (ERV) incidence. Air pollution data (ozone) and ERV incidence data from DFW was used to evaluate the relationships between exposures and outcomes using three steps (1) develop a geostatistical model to produce quarterly maps of ozone exposure for the DFW area; (2) use spatial analysis techniques to identify clusters of zip codes with high or low values of ozone exposure and respiratory ERV incidence; and (3) use concentration-response curves toverse respiratory outcomes.The effects of climate change such as dry spells, floods and erosion heavily impact agriculture especially smallholder systems on the Northwestern Loess Plateau of China. Nonetheless agriculture also contributes to global warming through the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O. Yet this complex conundrum can be alleviated and mitigated through sound soil and water management practices. Despite considerable literature on Conservation Agriculture (CA) as a strategy to improve the resilience and mitigation capacity of agroecosystems, there is still paucity of information on the impacts of CA on crop production and environmental quality on the Plateau. In order to fill this gap this study examined the effects of no-till and straw mulch on crop productivity and greenhouse gas fluxes in agroecosystems on the Plateau where farmers' common practice of conventional tillage (CT) was tested against three CA practices conventional tillage with straw mulch (CTS), no-till (NT) and no-till with straw mulchn significant reduction in net GWP. Grain yield was significantly correlated positively with SOC and STN (p less then 0.05); ecosystem respiration was also significantly correlated with SWC and ST while CH4 flux was highly correlated with ST (p less then 0.001). Crop yield and GHG responses to CA were controlled by soil hydrothermal and nutrient changes, thus improving these conditions through adoption of sustainable soil moisture improvement practices such as no-till, straw mulch, green manuring, contour ploughing and terracing can improve crop resilience to climate change and reduce GHG emissions in arid and semi-arid regions.