Cancer cells secrete membranous extracellular vesicles (EVs) which contain specific oncogenic molecular cargo (including oncoproteins, oncopeptides, and RNA) into their microenvironment and the circulation. As such, EVs including exosomes (small EVs) and microvesicles (large EVs) represent important circulating biomarkers for various diseases, including cancer and its progression. These circulating biomarkers offer a potentially minimally invasive and repeatable targets for analysis (liquid biopsy) that could aid in the diagnosis, risk stratification, and monitoring of cancer. Although their potential as cancer biomarkers has been promising, the identification and quantification of EVs in clinical samples remain challenging. Like EVs, other types of circulating biomarkers (including cell-free nucleic acids, cf-NAs; or circulating tumor cells, CTCs) may represent a complementary or alternative approach to cancer diagnosis. In the context of multiple myeloma (MM), a systemic cancer type that causes cancer cellsions for the development of cancer diagnostics in MM.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane-enclosed vesicles released by cells. They carry proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites which can be transferred to a recipient cell, locally or at a distance, to elicit a functional response. Since their discovery over 30 years ago, the functional repertoire of EVs in both physiological (e.g., organ morphogenesis, embryo implantation) and pathological (e.g., cancer, neurodegeneration) conditions has cemented their crucial role in intercellular communication. Moreover, because the cargo encapsulated within circulating EVs remains protected from degradation, their diagnostic as well as therapeutic (such as drug delivery tool) applications have garnered vested interest. Global efforts have been made to purify EV subtypes from biological fluids and in vitro cell culture media using a variety of strategies and techniques, with a major focus on EVs of endocytic origin called exosomes (30-150 nm in size). Given that the secretome comprises of soluble secreted proteins, pro functional response to exosomes in the Transwell-Matrigelâ„¢ Invasion assay.Imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) is a gold standard method for characterizing the charge heterogeneity of protein therapeutics. A broad range of protein therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), and fusion proteins are routinely analyzed by icIEF due to its high resolution and high reproducibility. Platform methods, which can be applied without modification to the analysis of different protein therapeutics, save valuable time and resources in method development and quality control. Here, we provide platform methods for icIEF analysis of three classes of protein therapeutics, a biosimilar to the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab, recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO), and a fusion protein. The details of sample preparation and separation conditions for each molecule are described in this chapter.Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of a protein are chemical modifications that play a key role because they regulate almost all cellular events, including gene expression, signal transduction, protein-protein interaction, cell-cell interaction, and communication. Defects in PTMs have been linked to numerous developmental disorders and human diseases, highlighting the importance of PTMs in maintaining normal cellular states. PTMs reversibly or irreversibly alter the structure and properties of proteins through biochemical reactions, thus extending protein function beyond what is dictated by gene transcripts. As analytical approaches have evolved, the biological influences of many types of PTMs have been identified and are routinely analyzed in many systems.Among several types of PTMs, polyubiquitination-addition of ubiquitin (often in the form of polymers) to substrates-governs a variety of biological processes ranging from proteolysis to DNA damage response. The functional flexibility of this modification correlates with the existence of a large number of ubiquitinating enzymes that form distinct ubiquitin polymers, which in turn result in different signals. Thus, the need of specific and sensitive methods for the analysis of the complexity of ubiquitin chain linkage is needed to understand how this structural diversity could translate into various cellular functions. In this section, we described a detailed protocol to enrich polyubiquitinated proteins.We describe a standard protocol for phosphate-affinity fluorescent gel staining that uses a fluorophore-labeled dizinc(II) complex of a derivative of the phosphate-binding tag molecule Phos-tag to detect His- and Asp-phosphorylated proteins separated by SDS-PAGE. The procedure permits the quantitative monitoring of phosphorylated histidine kinases (His-phosphoproteins) and their cognate phosphorylated response regulators (Asp-phosphoproteins) in bacterial two-component signaling transduction systems. The total time required for each gel staining operation is about 2 h at room temperature.Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylation, acetylation, and glycosylation are an essential regulatory mechanism of protein function and interaction, and they are associated with a wide range of biological processes. Since most PTMs alter the molecular mass of a protein, mass spectrometry (MS) is the ideal analytical tool for studying various PTMs. However, PTMs are often present in substoichiometric levels, and therefore their unmodified counterpart often suppresses their signal in MS. Consequently, PTM analysis by MS is a challenging task, requiring highly specialized and sensitive PTM-specific enrichment methods. Currently, several methods have been implemented for PTM enrichment, and each of them has its drawbacks and advantages as they differ in selectivity and specificity toward specific protein modifications. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of more than 400 known modifications, we have no or poor tools for selective enrichment.Here, we describe a comprehensive workflow to simulS /MS analysis. This allows the analysis of multiple types of modifications from the same highly complex biological sample without decreasing the quality of each individual PTM study.