Despite a plethora of suggested technological and biomedical applications, the nanotoxicity of two-dimensional (2D) graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) towards biomolecules remains elusive. To address this issue, we employ all-atom classical molecular dynamics simulations and investigate the interactions between nucleic acids and g-C3N4. It is revealed that, toxicity is modulated through a subtle balance between electrostatic and van der Waals interactions. When the exposed nucleobases interact through predominantly short-ranged van der Waals and π-π stacking interactions, they get deviated from their native disposition and adsorb on the surface, leading to loss of self-stacking and intra-quartet H-bonding along with partial disruption of the native structure. In contrast, for the interaction with double-stranded structures of both DNA and RNA, long-range electrostatics govern the adsorption phenomena since the constituent nucleobases are relatively concealed and wrapped, thereby resulting in almost complete preservation of the nucleic acid structures. Construction of free energy landscapes for lateral translation of adsorbed nucleic acids suggests decent targeting specificity owing to their restricted movement on g-C3N4. The release times of nucleic acids adsorbed through predominant electrostatics are significantly less than those adsorbed through stacking with the surface. I.Novel coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) may be associated with thrombocytopenia which might have different mechanisms in different patients and in different phases of the disease. Cytokine release, thrombotic consumption or autoimmune destruction are some leading etiologies of thrombocytopenia in COVID‐19. This case report presents a 41‐year‐old male COVID‐19 patient who had petechiae and purpura as the referral symptoms. Laboratory tests revealed isolated thrombocytopenia with no other additional pathologic findings. Most probable diagnosis was COVID‐19 induced immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and high dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) treatment generated a good response. There were four other recent publications with a total of eight cases in the literature. The presented case was discussed in comparison with those similar cases. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.An efficient route to various vancoresmycin-type tetramic acids has been developed. The modular route is based on an effective Fries-type rearrangement to introduce various appending acetyl residues. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the new tetramic acids against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were determined, revealing that three of the new compounds exhibit antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. These bioactive compounds were structurally most closely related to the authentic vancoresmycin building block. Additionally, the compounds induced a lial-lux bioreporter, which responds to cell wall stress induced by antibiotics that interfere with the lipid II biosynthesis cycle. These data suggest the tetramic acid moiety to be a part of the vancoresmycin pharmacophore.Gene flow has tremendous importance on local adaptation, by influencing the fate of de novo mutations, maintaining standing genetic variation, and driving adaptive introgression. Furthermore, structural variation as chromosomal rearrangements may facilitate adaptation despite high gene flow. However, our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms impending or favoring local adaptation in the presence of gene flow is still limited to a restricted number of study systems. In this study, we examined how demographic history, shared ancestral polymorphism, and gene flow among glacial lineages contribute to local adaptation to sea conditions in a marine fish, the capelin (Mallotus villosus). We first assembled a 490 Mbp draft genome of M. villosus to map our RAD sequence reads. Then, we used a large dataset of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (25,904 filtered SNPs) genotyped in 1,310 individuals collected from 31 spawning sites in the northwest Atlantic. We reconstructed the history of divergence among three glacial lineages and showed that they likely diverged from 3.8 to 1.8 MyA and experienced secondary contacts. Within each lineage, our analyses provided evidence for large Ne and high gene flow among spawning sites. Within the NWA lineage, we detected a polymorphic chromosomal rearrangement leading to the occurrence of three haplogroups. Genotype-environment associations revealed molecular signatures of local adaptation to environmental conditions prevailing at spawning sites. Our study also suggests that, both shared polymorphism among lineages, resulting from standing genetic variation or introgression, and chromosomal rearrangements may contribute to local adaptation in the presence of high gene flow.The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in New York City (NYC) is dramatic. COVID-19 cases surged, hospitals expanded to meet capacity, and NYC remains the global epicenter of this pandemic. During this unprecedented time, a young woman with known Marfan syndrome presented with an acute complicated type B aortic dissection to our Aortic Center. Using the provisional extension to induce a complete attachment technique, we treated this patient and quickly discharged her the next day to decrease the risk of COVID-19 infection. Her progress was monitored using frequent phone calls and one office visit at two weeks.Focal ischemic stroke (FIS) is a leading cause of human death. Glial scar formation largely caused by reactive astrogliosis in peri-infarct region (PIR) is the hallmark of FIS. Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) was originally isolated from a rat glioma cell-line supernatant and is a potent survival neurotrophic factor. Here, using CreERT2 -LoxP recombination technology, we generated inducible and astrocyte-specific GDNF conditional knockout (cKO), that is, GLAST-GDNF-/- cKO mice to investigate the effect of reactive astrocytes (RAs)-derived GDNF on neuronal death, brain damage, oxidative stress and motor function recovery after photothrombosis (PT)-induced FIS. Under non-ischemic conditions, we found that adult GLAST-GDNF-/- cKO mice exhibited significant lower numbers of Brdu+, Ki67+ cells, and DCX+ cells in the dentate gyrus (DG) in hippocampus than GDNF floxed (GDNFf/f ) control (Ctrl) mice, indicating endogenous astrocytic GDNF can promote adult neurogenesis. Under ischemic conditions, GLAST-GDNF-/- cKO mice had a significant increase in infarct volume, hippocampal damage and FJB+ degenerating neurons after PT as compared with the Ctrl mice.