Second, we will undertake a survey of systematic review methodologists and statisticians to seek their views on which items, of the bank of items generated in step 1, are most important to include in the checklist. Third, we will hold a virtual meeting to agree upon which items to include in the checklist. Fourth, before finalising the checklist, we will pilot with editors and peer reviewers of journals. Conclusion The developed checklist is intended to help journal editors and peer reviewers identify errors in the application and interpretation of meta-analyses in systematic reviews. Fewer errors in the conduct and improved interpretation will lead to more accurate review findings and conclusions to inform clinical practice.Background A dramatic growth in the prevalence of chronic wounds due to diabetes has represented serious global health care and economic issues. Hence, there is an imperative need to develop an effective and affordable wound dressing for chronic wounds. Recent research has featured the potential of bioactive compound gallic acid (GA) in the context of wound recovery due to their safety and comparatively low cost. However, there is a scarcity of research that focuses on formulating GA into a stable and functional hydrocolloid film dressing. Thus, this present study aimed to formulate and characterise GA-loaded alginate-based hydrocolloid film dressing which is potentially used as low to medium suppurating chronic wound treatment. Methods The hydrocolloid composite films were pre-formulated by blending sodium alginate (SA) with different combinations of polymers. The hydrocolloid films were developed using solvent-casting method and the most satisfactory film formulation was further incorporated with various GAng for low to medium suppurating chronic wounds was successfully developed.Fast-paced innovations in imaging have resulted in single systems producing exponential amounts of data to be analyzed. Computational methods developed in computer science labs have proven to be crucial for analyzing these data in an unbiased and efficient manner, reaching a prominent role in most microscopy studies. Still, their use usually requires expertise in bioimage analysis, and their accessibility for life scientists has therefore become a bottleneck. Open-source software for bioimage analysis has developed to disseminate these computational methods to a wider audience, and to life scientists in particular. In recent years, the influence of many open-source tools has grown tremendously, helping tens of thousands of life scientists in the process. As creators of successful open-source bioimage analysis software, we here discuss the motivations that can initiate development of a new tool, the common challenges faced, and the characteristics required for achieving success.Background Many types of data from genomic analyses can be represented as genomic tracks, i.e. features linked to the genomic coordinates of a reference genome. Examples of such data are epigenetic DNA methylation data, ChIP-seq peaks, germline or somatic DNA variants, as well as RNA-seq expression levels. Researchers often face difficulties in locating, accessing and combining relevant tracks from external sources, as well as locating the raw data, reducing the value of the generated information. Description of work We propose to advance the application of FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) to produce searchable metadata for genomic tracks. Findability and Accessibility of metadata can then be ensured by a track search service that integrates globally identifiable metadata from various track hubs in the Track Hub Registry and other relevant repositories. Interoperability and Reusability need to be ensured by the specification and implementation of a basic set of recommendations for metadata. We have tested this concept by developing such a specification in a JSON Schema, called FAIRtracks, and have integrated it into a novel track search service, called TrackFind. We demonstrate practical usage by importing datasets through TrackFind into existing examples of relevant analytical tools for genomic tracks EPICO and the GSuite HyperBrowser. Conclusion We here provide a first iteration of a draft standard for genomic track metadata, as well as the accompanying software ecosystem. It can easily be adapted or extended to future needs of the research community regarding data, methods and tools, balancing the requirements of both data submitters and analytical end-users.Pulmonary arterial hypertension is characterized by endothelial dysfunction and microthrombi formation. The role of anticoagulation remains controversial, with studies demonstrating inconsistent effects on pulmonary arterial hypertension mortality. Clinical anticoagulation practices are currently heterogeneous, reflecting physician preference. This study uses thrombelastography and hematology markers to evaluate whether clot formation and fibrinolysis are abnormal in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients. Venous blood was collected from healthy volunteers (nā€‰=ā€‰20) and patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (nā€‰=ā€‰20) on stable medical therapy for thrombelastography analysis. Individual thrombelastography parameters and a calculated coagulation index were used for comparison. In addition, hematologic markers, including fibrinogen, factor VIII activity, von Willebrand factor activity, von Willebrand factor antigen, and alpha2-antiplasmin, were measured in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients and comaphy results in patients treated with or without prostacyclin pathway targeted therapies were also non-significant. In conclusion, treated pulmonary arterial hypertension patients do not demonstrate abnormal clotting kinetics or fibrinolysis by thrombelastography. A growing body of research shows that race contributes to disparities in mental health services utilization and influences the clinical diagnostic process. To our knowledge, no studies on current practice in the Unites States have documented whether these disparities impact the prescription of antipsychotic medications across individual patients based on race. Consequently, this study aims to describe the prescribing patterns of antipsychotic medications in the inpatient setting based on patients' race, and to explore appropriateness of therapy based on Food and Drug Administration labeling and avoidance of inappropriate polypharmacy. Single-centered, retrospective, chart review of 398 psychiatric patients in the inpatient setting and who had a psychiatric diagnosis that warranted a prescription for an antipsychotic medication at the time of discharge. Frequencies were computed to describe differences in demographic variables (race, health insurance type, age, and gender), medical conditions (diagnosis, commodities, hospitalization status, antipsychotic medications, etc.