Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) is recognized as a powerful tool for the remediation of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated ethenes (CEs). This long-term field study explored nZVI-driven degradation of CEs supported by electrokinetic (EK) treatment, which positively affects nZVI longevity and migration, and its impact on indigenous bacteria. In particular, the impact of combined nZVI-EK treatment on organohalide-respiring bacteria, ethenotrophs and methanotrophs (all capable of CE degradation) was assessed using molecular genetic markers detecting Dehalococcoides spp., Desulfitobacterium spp., the reductive dehalogenase genes vcrA and bvcA and ethenotroph and methanotroph functional genes. The remediation treatment resulted in a rapid decrease of the major pollutant cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) by 75% in the affected area, followed by an increase in CE degradation products methane, ethane and ethene. The newly established geochemical conditions in the treated aquifer not only promoted growth of organohalide-respiring bacteria but also allowed for the concurrent presence of vinyl chloride- and cDCE-oxidizing methanotrophs and (especially) ethenotrophs, which proliferated preferentially in the vicinity of an anode where low levels of oxygen were produced. The nZVI treatment resulted in a temporary negative impact on indigenous bacteria in the application well close to the cathode; but even there, the microbiome was restored within 15 days. The nZVI-EK treatment proved highly effective in reducing CE contamination and creating a suitable environment for subsequent biodegradation by changing groundwater conditions, promoting transport of nutrients and improving CE availability to soil and groundwater bacteria. Groundwater infiltration into sanitary sewers increases hydraulic loadings of sewage collection systems and threatens wastewater treatment efficiency. However, cost-effective approach to quantify this important process still needs to be improved in order to better manage this common issue. This paper presents a method for determining the origin and amount of groundwater entering the urban sewer system. On a catchment scale, by measuring and tracking a chemical tracer (i.e., artificial sweetener acesulfame) in the urban sewers, the magnitude of daily groundwater flows in each sub-catchment could be quantified based on a Monte Carlo chemical mass balance approach. For the study site, 7.9% of the sewer length contributed 58% of the total groundwater infiltration. In the identified high-risk sub-catchment, groundwater sources and their spatial-temporal flows could be further pinpointed and elucidated by physically based numerical self-optimization model using microbial genetic algorithm method, which was verified by on-site sewer flow measurements, as well as time-series tracer concentration patterns at the terminal outlet. It was found that the diurnal variations of groundwater seepage into sewer network was linked to the in-pipe water level associated with sewage pumps operation mode, demonstrating the importance of in-pipe water level regulation in controlling groundwater infiltration. Compared with traditional visual inspection or direct flow measurement methods, the proposed approach exhibits distinct advantages in determining groundwater sources and flows in large sewer systems. High-solid anaerobic digestion (HAD) can directly treat dewatered sewage sludge (total solid content ≥15%) with superior volume efficiency. Sludge stabilization during HAD is expected to achieve by throughout organic degradation and conversion towards methane-rich biogas release and humic formation. Sewage sludge is the combination of microbial zoogleas and theirs adsorption of organic and inorganic matter, in which the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) account 60-80% of total sludge organic matter, inevitably participating most extracellular metabolic pathways. The interactions between EPS transformation and genetically annotated metabolic pathways were found in this research. In brief, noticing the highly cross-linked structures in EPS with major active components of humic substances (HS) and protein (PN), as PN hydrolysis and decomposition in EPS were enhanced in the high-solid anaerobic condition, the exposure of aromatic groups and sites in HS were considerable. HS release was the main factor shifting the electron exchange capacity and activity, which aided in energy metabolism of sludge microorganisms involved in redox reactions, especially the methanogenesis, thus in turn facilitating the PN degradation; Then, the screened humic groups and active protein derives might act as the beneficial precursors to regenerate neo-humic structures, whose significant bridging effect and signal role on stimulating amino acid biosynthesis, member transport and metallic complexation could further contribute to proteolytic condensation and EPS reconstruction. Hence, the in-depth sludge stabilization mechanism during HAD process was established for developing enlightening strategies. Although there are numerous studies concerning the occurrence of microplastics (MP) in the environment and its impact on the ecosystem, dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from MP (MP-DOM) has received little attention, and its characteristics have been rarely examined. It is presumed that the DOM leaching from plastics could be accelerated when plastics lost their protective additives during their transport and weathering processes in aquatic systems. In this study, two additive-free MPs (or micro-sized plastic polymers) were leached in artificial freshwater under UV irradiation and dark conditions. The leached DOM was characterized by typical analyses for naturally occurring DOM (N-DOM) such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The potential to generate trihalomethanes (THMs), a well-known environmental impact of N-DOM, was also explored for the DOM with plastic origins for the first time. The leaching results demonstrated that UV irradiation promoted the leaching of DOM from the plastic polymers with an amount corresponding to ∼3% of the total mass of the polymers. The leached amounts were much greater than those previously reported using commercial plastics which presumably contained protective additives. The SEC results revealed that, different from typical aquatic N-DOM, MP-DOM is mostly composed of low molecular weight fractions less then 350 Da. For the two polymer types (polyethylene and polypropylene), the MP-DOM exhibited a high potential to form THMs upon chlorination, which was comparable to those of typical aquatic N-DOM. This study highlighted an overlooked contribution of UV irradiation to the DOM leaching from additive-free plastics and the potential risk of MP-DOM to produce toxic disinfection byproducts (DBPs) upon chlorination.