(Retro) di-peptides as R-DIM-P-LF11-215 and DIM-LF11-322 with a net charge of +9 and moderate hydrophobicity exhibited the highest specific antitumor activity. Further evaluation of the peptides anticancer activity by 3D in vitro studies confirmed their higher activity and cancer specificity compared to their parent R-DIM-P-LF11, with the exception of DIM-LF11-339. This highly hydrophobic peptide caused cell death mainly at the border of tumor spheroids indicating that too high hydrophobicity may prevent peptides from reaching the center of the spheroids. Individual differences in children's eating behaviours emerge early. We examined the relationship between breastfeeding exposure and subsequent eating behaviours among children from the Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) cohort. Children (n = 970) were grouped according to their breastfeeding exposure high (full breastfeeding ≥ 4 months with continued breastfeeding ≥ 6 months), low (any breastfeeding  less then  3 months or no breastfeeding) and intermediate (between low and high breastfeeding categories). Aspects of eating behaviour from ages 15 months to 6 years were captured using a combination of maternal reports (Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire; Infant Feeding Questionnaire; Preschooler Feeding Questionnaire) and laboratory-based measures of meal size, oral processing behaviours (e.g. average eating speed and bite size) and tendency to eat in the absence of hunger. Most children had low (44%) or intermediate (44%) breastfeeding exposure; only 12% had high exposure. After adjusting for confounders, multivariable linear regression analyses indicated the high (but not intermediate) breastfeeding group was associated with significantly lower reported food fussiness at 3 years compared to low breastfeeding group (-0.38 [-0.70, -0.06]), with similar but non-significant trends observed at 6 years (-0.27 [-0.66, 0.11]). At 3 years, mothers in the high breastfeeding group also reported the least difficulty in child feeding compared to low breastfeeding group (-0.22 [-0.43, -0.01]). However, high breastfeeding was not associated with any other maternal-reports of child feeding or eating behaviours, and no significant associations were observed between breastfeeding exposure and any of the laboratory measures of eating behaviour at any of the time points. These results do not strongly support the view that increased breastfeeding exposure alone has lasting and consistent associations with eating behaviours in early childhood. OBJECTIVES Plaque causes oral diseases and aspiration-pneumonia in the elderly. It is not known whether pellicle-like attached salivary proteins and microbiota on dental materials are identical to those on teeth. The purpose of this study was to determine the properties of salivary proteins and microbiota that attach to dental materials. METHODS Eight subjects wore removable oral splints with pieces of pure-titanium, cobalt-chromium alloy, silver-palladium-copper-gold-alloy, denture-base-resin, and hydroxyapatite for 24 hours. The bacteria that adhered to each material were analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing simultaneously. Each material sample was then immersed in pooled saliva, and the attached proteins were collected. Salivary proteins were analyzed using MALDI-TOF/MS, and high molecular weight proteins were identified using peptide mass fingerprinting. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/aminooxyacetic-acid-hemihydrochloride.html RESULTS Among the dental materials, the α- and β-diversity of adherent flora were similar. The bacterial species that adhered easily to materials were Streptococcus sp. oral taxon 058, Neisseria mucosa, Gemella haemolysans, and Rothia dentocariosa. Regardless of material, the peaks or spots of attached salivary proteins had similar patterns, containing functioning proteins such as anchoring receptors for early colonizers. CONCLUSIONS There were no significant differences in microbiota and protein adherence in hydroxyapatite compared to the dental materials. Therefore, similar microbiota was determined to have formed on the similar pellicle-like proteins. In our study, the characteristics of plaque adhesion on both hydroxyapatite and dental materials were clarified. Based on this study, the creation of new methods of inhibiting plaque adhesion to prevent aspiration-pneumonia and oral infections can be undertaken. V.OBJECTIVE To understand the profile and prevalence of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents and its association with impulsiveness and loneliness. METHODS Cross-sectional study carried out in 2017 in Maceió-Alagoas, Northeast Brazil, in the homes of 505 adolescents aged 12-17 years, using a sample stratified and randomized by gender and neighborhood. The following were used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Self-Injury Behavior Scale (SIB), the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, and the Brazilian Loneliness Scale. RESULTS A prevalence of 6.53% was found for non-suicidal self-injury disorder (DSM-5). Significant differences (p  less then  0.05) were observed regarding the most frequently used forms of NSSI related to the items "cut oneself" and "scratch oneself"; the use of three or more different forms of self-injurious behavior (66.67%) and, as reasons, "to relieve feelings of emptiness or indifference" and "to stop bad feelings/sensations." Significance was also characterized in relation to the sociodemographic profile 72.73% were females and 63.54% had family income below one minimum wage. Individuals with self-injurious behavior also had higher impulsiveness and loneliness scores (p ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSIONS The study identified a direct association between NSSI and impulsiveness and loneliness among adolescents, being more prevalent in females and in young individuals with socioeconomic vulnerability. The data provide support for improving public health policies, aimed at education, prevention, and treatment of adolescents who practice self-injury. The dietary fibre product examined is a pectic polysaccharide extract from carrot (Daucus carota), enriched for pectin fragments comprising mainly rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) (abbreviated product name cRG-I). To assess the safety of cRG-I for use as food ingredient, repeated-dose oral toxicity and in vitro genotoxicity studies were conducted. In the subchronic toxicity study (OECD test guideline 408), Wistar Hannover rats received cRG-I at dietary levels (w/w) of 0%, 2.5%, 5% and 10% for 13 weeks. cRG-I induced no adverse effects in this study. The NOAEL was 10% in the diet (equivalent to 6.9 and 7.8 g cRG-I/kg body weight/day in male and female rats, respectively). A package of three in vitro genotoxicity tests (Ames, mouse lymphoma and micronucleus assay in human peripheral blood lymphocytes) was negative for induction of point mutation and chromosome damage. An initial Ames test showed a weak positive response in Salmonella typhimurium strain (TA1537). This response was non-reproducible and attributed to microbial contamination as subsequent tests with an irradiated batch of cRG-I including a repeat Ames test were negative.