The discovery of NST1 as a key substrate for phosphorylation by SnRK2 suggests that the ABA-mediated core-signaling cascade provided land plants with a hormone-modulated, competitive desiccation-tolerance strategy allowing them to differentiate water-conducting and supporting tissues built of cells with thicker cell walls.Understanding the genetics and taxonomy of ancient viruses will give us great insights into not only the origin and evolution of viruses but also how viral infections played roles in our evolution. Endogenous viruses are remnants of ancient viral infections and are thought to retain the genetic characteristics of viruses from ancient times. In this study, we used machine learning of endogenous RNA virus sequence signatures to identify viruses in the human genome that have not been detected or are already extinct. Here, we show that the k-mer occurrence of ancient RNA viral sequences remains similar to that of extant RNA viral sequences and can be differentiated from that of other human genome sequences. Furthermore, using this characteristic, we screened RNA viral insertions in the human reference genome and found virus-like insertions with phylogenetic and evolutionary features indicative of an exogenous origin but lacking homology to previously identified sequences. Our analysis indicates that animal genomes still contain unknown virus-derived sequences and provides a glimpse into the diversity of the ancient virosphere.miR-33 is an intronic microRNA within the gene encoding the SREBP2 transcription factor. Like its host gene, miR-33 has been shown to be an important regulator of lipid metabolism. Inhibition of miR-33 has been shown to promote cholesterol efflux in macrophages by targeting the cholesterol transporter ABCA1, thus reducing atherosclerotic plaque burden. Inhibition of miR-33 has also been shown to improve high-density lipoprotein (HDL) biogenesis in the liver and increase circulating HDL-C levels in both rodents and nonhuman primates. However, evaluating the extent to which these changes in HDL metabolism contribute to atherogenesis has been hindered by the obesity and metabolic dysfunction observed in whole-body miR-33-knockout mice. To determine the impact of hepatic miR-33 deficiency on obesity, metabolic function, and atherosclerosis, we have generated a conditional knockout mouse model that lacks miR-33 only in the liver. Characterization of this model demonstrates that loss of miR-33 in the liver does not lead to increased body weight or adiposity. Hepatic miR-33 deficiency actually improves regulation of glucose homeostasis and impedes the development of fibrosis and inflammation. We further demonstrate that hepatic miR-33 deficiency increases circulating HDL-C levels and reverse cholesterol transport capacity in mice fed a chow diet, but these changes are not sufficient to reduce atherosclerotic plaque size under hyperlipidemic conditions. By elucidating the role of miR-33 in the liver and the impact of hepatic miR-33 deficiency on obesity and atherosclerosis, this work will help inform ongoing efforts to develop novel targeted therapies against cardiometabolic diseases.Over one third of the estimated 3 million people with epilepsy in the United States are medication resistant. Responsive neurostimulation from chronically implanted electrodes provides a promising treatment alternative to resective surgery. However, determining optimal personalized stimulation parameters, including when and where to intervene to guarantee a positive patient outcome, is a major open challenge. Network neuroscience and control theory offer useful tools that may guide improvements in parameter selection for control of anomalous neural activity. Here we use a method to characterize dynamic controllability across consecutive effective connectivity (EC) networks based on regularized partial correlations between implanted electrodes during the onset, propagation, and termination regimes of 34 seizures. We estimate regularized partial correlation adjacency matrices from 1-s time windows of intracranial electrocorticography recordings using the Graphical Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (GLASSO). Average and modal controllability metrics calculated from each resulting EC network track the time-varying controllability of the brain on an evolving landscape of conditionally dependent network interactions. We show that average controllability increases throughout a seizure and is negatively correlated with modal controllability throughout. Our results support the hypothesis that the energy required to drive the brain to a seizure-free state from an ictal state is smallest during seizure onset, yet we find that applying control energy at electrodes in the seizure onset zone may not always be energetically favorable. Our work suggests that a low-complexity model of time-evolving controllability may offer insights for developing and improving control strategies targeting seizure suppression.Turbulence is an important determinant of phytoplankton physiology, often leading to cell stress and damage. Turbulence affects phytoplankton migration both by transporting cells and by triggering switches in migratory behavior, whereby vertically migrating cells can actively invert their direction of migration upon exposure to turbulent cues. However, a mechanistic link between single-cell physiology and vertical migration of phytoplankton in turbulence is currently missing. Here, by combining physiological and behavioral experiments with a mathematical model of stress accumulation and dissipation, we show that the mechanism responsible for the switch in the direction of migration in the marine raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo is the integration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling generated by turbulent cues. Within timescales as short as tens of seconds, the emergent downward-migrating subpopulation exhibited a twofold increase in ROS, an indicator of stress, 15% lower photosynthetic efficiency, and 35% lower growth rate over multiple generations compared to the upward-migrating subpopulation. The origin of the behavioral split as a result of a bistable oxidative stress response is corroborated by the observation that exposure of cells to exogenous stressors (H2O2, UV-A radiation, or high irradiance), in lieu of turbulence, caused comparable ROS accumulation and an equivalent split into the two subpopulations. By providing a mechanistic link between the single-cell mechanics of swimming and physiology on the one side and the emergent population-scale migratory response and impact on fitness on the other, the ROS-mediated early warning response we discovered contributes to our understanding of phytoplankton community composition in future ocean conditions.