ve detrimental associations at higher levels of MVPA. Remodelling of the cardiovascular system (including heart and vasculature) is a dynamic process influenced by multiple physiological and pathological factors. We sought to understand whether remodelling in response to a stimulus, exercise training, altered with healthy ageing. A total of 237 untrained healthy male and female subjects volunteering for their first time marathon were recruited. At baseline and after 6 months of unsupervised training, race completers underwent tests including 1.5T cardiac magnetic resonance, brachial and non-invasive central blood pressure assessment. For analysis, runners were divided by age into under or over 35 years (U35, O35). Injury and completion rates were similar among the groups; 138 runners (U35 n = 71, women 49%; O35 n = 67, women 51%) completed the race. On average, U35 were faster by 37 minutes (12%). Training induced a small increase in left ventricular mass in both groups (3 g/m2, P < 0.001), but U35 also increased ventricular cavity sizes (left ventriculg when younger and predominantly vascular remodelling when older. There is a lack of large longitudinal studies of urate deposition measured by dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) during urate lowering therapy (ULT) in people with gout. We explored longitudinal changes in DECT urate depositions during a treat-to-target strategy with ULT in gout. Patients with a recent gout flare and serum-urate (sUA) >360 µmol/l attended tight-control visits during escalating ULT. The treatment target was sUA <360 µmol/l, and <300 µmol/l if presence of tophi.A DECT scanner (General Electric Discovery CT750 HD) acquired data from bilateral forefeet and ankles at baseline and after one and two years. Images were scored in known order, using the semi-quantitative Bayat method, by one experienced radiologist who was blinded to serum urate and clinical data. Four regions were scored the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP1) joint, the other joints of the toes, the ankles and midfeet, and all tendons in the feet and ankles. DECT was measured at baseline in 187 of 211 patients. The mean (S.D.) serum urate level (μmol/l) decreased from 501 (80) at baseline to 311 (48) at 12 months, and 322 (67) at 24 months.DECT scores at all locations decreased during both the first and the second year (p< 0.001 for all comparisons vs baseline), both for patients achieving and not achieving the sUA treatment target. In patients with gout, urate depositions in ankles and feet as measured by DECT decreased both in the first and the second year, when patients were treated using a treat-to-target ULT strategy. In patients with gout, urate depositions in ankles and feet as measured by DECT decreased both in the first and the second year, when patients were treated using a treat-to-target ULT strategy.Despite life's diversity, studies of variation often remind us of our shared evolutionary past. Abundant genome sequencing and analyses of gene regulatory networks illustrate that genes and entire pathways are conserved, reused, and elaborated in the evolution of diversity. Predating these discoveries, 19th-century embryologists observed that though morphology at birth varies tremendously, certain stages of vertebrate embryogenesis appear remarkably similar across vertebrates. In the mid to late 20th century, anatomical variability of early and late-stage embryos and conservation of mid-stages embryos (the "phylotypic" stage) was named the hourglass model of diversification. This model has found mixed support in recent analyses comparing gene expression across species possibly owing to differences in species, embryonic stages, and gene sets compared. We compare 186 microarray and RNA-seq data sets covering embryogenesis in six vertebrate species. We use an unbiased clustering approach to group stages of embryogenesis by transcriptomic similarity and ask whether gene expression similarity of clustered embryonic stages deviates from a null expectation. We characterize expression conservation patterns of each gene at each evolutionary node after correcting for phylogenetic nonindependence. We find significant enrichment of genes exhibiting early conservation, hourglass, late conservation patterns in both microarray and RNA-seq data sets. Enrichment of genes showing patterned conservation through embryogenesis indicates diversification of embryogenesis may be temporally constrained. However, the circumstances under which each pattern emerges remain unknown and require both broad evolutionary sampling and systematic examination of embryogenesis across species. Osteoarthritis (OA) results from loss of cartilage in-tegrity in association with changes to the structure of the entire joint. Treatment of OA is based on different pharmaceutical and no phar-maceutical approaches and the latter include the use of spa-therapy. The biological effects of mud-bath therapy are mainly secondary to heat stimulation and to physic-chemical properties of mineral waters and mud-packs. Mud-bath therapy likely exerts its effects modulating several cytokines and other molecules involved in inflammation and cartilage degradation. Our aim was to perform an updated meta-analysis of the effectiveness of the mud-bath therapy on knee osteoarthritis and briefly to discuss the mechanisms of action of this treatment. A MEDLINE on PubMed for articles on knee OA and spa therapy published from 1995 through up to April 2019 was performed. Then, we checked the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials to find additional references included up to April 2019. Articles were included if in accordeatment with mud-bath therapy may relieve pain, stiffness and improve functio-nal status in patients with knee OA. Anaphylaxis is defined as a rapid systemic reaction that develops in individuals previously exposed to specific allergens. The new exposure causes systemic cellular degranulation, which in turn leads to cardiovascular and respiratory changes that are fatal if not treated immediately. One of the main problems of this scenario in the forensic field is the determination of a correct post-mortem diagnosis. Traditional methods, such as histopathological examination of the respiratory tract and the use of specific antibodies used in immunohistochemistry, are sensitive but not always specific and therefore do not guarantee a high degree of probability in the diagnosis of anaphylaxis. For this reason, a new and promising research frontier in this field of forensic pathology could be represented by the application of miRNAs as biomarkers, as has been done in other areas of medicine. Anaphylaxis is defined as a rapid systemic reaction that develops in individuals previously exposed to specific allergens. The new exposure causes systemic cellular degranulation, which in turn leads to cardiovascular and respiratory changes that are fatal if not treated immediately.