We end with suggestions for future research, including analytical approaches and experimental conditions and hypothesize that brain-inspired neural networks are promising techniques for better understanding of IBS through hyperscanning.Here we leverage 80 years of emotional contagion research in rodents and perform the first meta-analysis on this topic. Using 457 effect sizes, we show that, while both rats and mice are capable of emotional contagion, there are differences in how various factors modulate empathy in these species 1) only mice show strain-specific differences in emotional contagion response; 2) although rats and mice have equivalent contagion response to familiar and unfamiliar individuals, our results show that familiarity length is negatively correlated with level of contagion in rats only; 3) prior experience with emotional stimuli almost doubles fear contagion response in rats while no changes are detected in pre-exposed mice; 4) both mice and rats tested alone show comparable reduced contagion compared to animals tested in a group; 5) emotional contagion is reduced in animals from both species missing one sensory modality compared to situations where all sensory modalities are recruited during emotional contagion. Lastly, we report similar patterns of brain activation during emotional contagion in rats and mice.Motivated behaviors are controlled by the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) system, consisting of projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and prefrontal cortex (PFC), with input from structures including the medial preoptic area (mPOA). Sex differences are present in this circuit, and gonadal hormones (e.g., estradiol and testosterone) are important for regulating DA transmission. Early life stress (ELS) also regulates the mesocorticolimbic DA system. ELS modifies motivated behaviors and the underlying DA circuitry, increasing risk for disorders such as substance use disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia. ELS has been shown to change gonadal hormone signaling in both sexes. Thus, one way that ELS could impact mesocorticolimbic DA is by altering the efficacy of gonadal hormones. This review provides evidence for this idea by integrating the gonadal hormone, motivation, and ELS literature to argue that ELS alters gonadal hormone signaling to impact motivated behavior. We also discuss the importance of these effects in the context of understanding risk and treatments for psychiatric disorders in men and women.Previous studies have shown that, oxytocin has anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects. One of the most important complications of Hypercapnic-hypoxia is drug resistance epilepsy. Effects of chronic intraperitoneal oxytocin treatment on gliosis, neuroinflammation and seizure activity was investigated in a model in which rats were exposed to hypoxia on postnatal day 1 and later challenged to the seizure-inducing pentylenetetrazol Forty pups were included in the study on their first day of birth. 16 pups were exposed to 100% CO2 for 5 minutes and other 16 pups for 10 minutes. The remaining 8 pups comprised the control group. Groups were classified according to oxytocin administration within the first 4 weeks. Pentylenetetrazol was administered 6 months after the oxytocin treatment. The Racine's Convulsion Scale and onset times of first myoclonic jerk (FMJ) were evaluated. To determine the mechanisms by which oxytocin exerted its effects on hypercapnic-anoxia exposed rats, we performed CA1 total neuron count & CA1 GFAP immunostaining, and measured brain levels of TNF-α and GAD-67. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/npd4928.html The Racine scale and TNF-α values were significantly lower in both groups that received oxytocin, while time-to-FMJ and GAD-67 level were significantly higher. The histopathological evaluations showed that oxytocin had significant ameliorative effects (especially regarding gliosis) on the hippocampus of hypoxic rats. Regarding the results of present study, it can be speculated that after acute hypercapnic-anoxia exposure, chronic Oxytocin treatment has long lasting therapeutic potential on rats, possibly by reducing the gliosis with its anti-inflammatory feature and by activating the GABA pathway. We aimed to evaluate the immune response of HIV-1 positive patients to a single injection of HAV vaccine in a context of vaccine shortage during the 2017 European outbreak. We retrospectively enrolled all HIV-1 positive patients vaccinated by a single injection of HAV vaccine Vaqta 50®. HAV serology was performed before and>30 days after the vaccine injection. Among the 73 patients, HIV-1 viral load was≤50 copies/mL in 93.2% of the cases. Medians of CD4 and median ratio of T CD4/CD8 cells were 658/mm and 0.9, respectively. A low immune response rate (59.7%) was observed among the patients. Responders had a significantly higher CD4/CD8 cell ratio than non-responders. A serologic control should be recommended in this population in the event of a single injection vaccination schedule. During routine follow-up, and prior to any untoward event, physicians should assess the vaccination coverage of HIV-infected patients. A serologic control should be recommended in this population in the event of a single injection vaccination schedule. During routine follow-up, and prior to any untoward event, physicians should assess the vaccination coverage of HIV-infected patients.Efficient therapeutic strategies are needed to counter the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In a context where specific vaccines are not yet available, the containment of the pandemic would be facilitated with efficient prophylaxis. We screened several clinical trials repositories and platforms in search of the prophylactic strategies being investigated against COVID-19 in July 2020. Up to July 5, 2020, only one clinical trial result was published, although we found 112 clinical trial protocols targeting medical workers (n=70, 63%), patients relatives (n=20, 18%) or individuals at risk of severe COVID-19 (n=14, 13%). (Hydroxy)chloroquine was the most frequently evaluated treatment (n=69, 62%), before BCG vaccine (n=12, 11%), this followed by numerous antivirals and immune enhancers. Ninety-eight (88%) clinical trials were randomized with a median of planned inclusions of 530 (IQR 258-1299). Both pre- and post-exposure prophylaxes are investigated.