resence of glare, suggest that mix-and-match approaches might be a better option compared to bilateral implantation of ERV IOLs. To evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of certain methods of analyzing astigmatic vectors. Cullen Eye Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Case samples. Using 2 sample cases for analysis of corneal surgically induced astigmatism and an actual toric intraocular lens (IOL) case, univariate analyses from the ASSORT program was compred with double-angle plots of preoperative and postoperative astigmatism and prediction errors. Certain univariate figures for analyzing the 2 cases were misleading. For the toric IOL case, some of the key outcome vectors were inaccurate. ASSORT's univariate analysis of astigmatic vectors can be unpredictably erroneous and misleading. Recommended vector analyses should include double-angle plots with centroids and confidence ellipses of preoperative and postoperative astigmatism and the prediction errors, along means and standard deviations of these vector magnitudes. ASSORT's univariate analysis of astigmatic vectors can be unpredictably erroneous and misleading. Recommended vector analyses should include double-angle plots with centroids and confidence ellipses of preoperative and postoperative astigmatism and the prediction errors, along means and standard deviations of these vector magnitudes.A 52-year-old man presented with left eye redness, blurred vision, and photophobia. A history included marginal keratitis and conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma treated with excision and topical mitomycin-C. Examination revealed current marginal keratitis, managed with topical antibiotic and corticosteroid. Regular assessments included high-resolution optical coherence corneal tomography, refraction, and blood tests to exclude other causes of peripheral infiltrate and thinning. Two weeks later, visual acuity (VA) decreased and astigmatism increased. Significant refractive instability with astigmatism increased to 5.25 diopters with a corresponding decrease in VA. After 4 months of topical treatment, the marginal keratitis, astigmatism, and change in VA resolved. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report to describe an induced and fluctuating high-magnitude corneal astigmatic change in response to marginal keratitis.Congenital iris colobomas do not usually present a major optical issue until the time of cataract surgery, when an intraocular lens (IOL) is placed in the eye that is roughly half the diameter of the crystalline lens. Leaving the coloboma unrepaired or sutured closed without addressing the sphincter muscle in the coloboma often creates visual challenges for the eye postoperatively. The problem has previously been addressed, in part, with a technique that creates a scissor snip between the normal iris sphincter and the colobomatous iris sphincter, but still requires notable peripheral iris traction and root disinsertion for closure of the defect. The technique presented here removes all iris sphincter from the sides of the coloboma allowing closure of the colobomatous defect without the need to create iridodialyses. In certain cases, the use of iris diathermy can be used to create focal iris contraction to maximize sphericity and centration of the pupil.Iatrogenic ocular injuries from unexpected cannula ejection during ophthalmic surgery are rare and can cause vision-threatening damage. This report describes 2 cases of cannula-associated ocular injuries that resulted in good visual outcome, despite the cannula traveling intrastromally through the visual axis. To evaluate the effect of a single administration of topical povidone-iodine (PVI) 10% plus levofloxacin 0.5%, at 1 hour before cataract surgery, on perioperative elimination rate of conjunctival flora. Poostchi Ophthalmology Research Center, Shiraz, Iran. Randomized controlled trial. Patients who required cataract surgery were randomly assigned to one of two groups intervention (administration of PVI 10% plus levofloxacin at 1 hour before surgery) or control. The patients in both groups received PVI just before the operation. Conjunctival cultures were obtained using thioglycollate broth at 4 timepoints including T1 before intervention; T2 before the second application of PVI; T3 3 minutes after the second administration of PVI; and T4 just after the surgery. The study comprised 142 patients.The comparative rates of positive cultures in the intervention vs control groups were as follows T1 (70.4% vs 73.2%; P=0.709); T2 (15.5% % vs 71.8%; P<0.001,); T3 (7.0% vs 19.7%; P=0.027); and T4 (5.6% vs 4.2%; P=0.698). Coagulase negative Staphylococci was the most common isolated microorganism. Results showed that a single adjuvant application of PVI 10% plus levofloxacin 0.5% eyedrops at 1 hour before operation leads to a further increase in the rate of sterile conjunctiva just before the surgery. Results showed that a single adjuvant application of PVI 10% plus levofloxacin 0.5% eyedrops at 1 hour before operation leads to a further increase in the rate of sterile conjunctiva just before the surgery. To point out the biomechanical changes of the topographically and tomographically normal partner eye (NPE) in patients with very asymmetrical corneal ectasia. Department of Ophthalmology, Saarland University Medical Center in Homburg/Saar, Germany. Retrospective study. The topographical and tomographical results of the NPE using the Pentacam HR as well as the biomechanical corneal properties using the Ocular Response Analyzer (keratoconus match index [KMI], corneal hysteresis [CH], corneal resistance factor [CRF]) and the Corvis ST (topographic biomechanical index [TBI], Corvis biomechanical index) and compared those results with a normal control group (CG). The clinical records of 26 patients recruited from the Homburg Keratoconus Center diagnosed with a very asymmetrical corneal ectasia were reviewed. The NPE (8.5±1.5 mm Hg) showed a significantly more pathological CH (p<0.001) compared to the CG. The CRF was also significantly more pathological (p=0.04) for the NPE (8.3±1.5 mmHg) compared with the CG.