It explains why how a new training curriculum and e-game developed by Sea4All can be crucial in future Environmental Education and Education for a Sustainable Development.Abdominal infections including cholangitis represent a major problem in patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (pCCA). Thus, we investigated bacterial colonization of the bile ducts and determined its impact on postoperative outcome focusing on abdominal infections. A cohort of 95 pCCA patients who underwent surgery between 2010 and 2019 with available intraoperative microbial bile cultures were analyzed regarding bile duct colonization and postoperative abdominal infection by group comparisons and logistic regressions. 84.2% (80/95) showed bacterial colonization of the bile ducts and 54.7% (52/95) developed postoperative abdominal infections. Enterococcus faecalis (38.8%, 31/80), Enterococcus faecium (32.5%, 26/80), Enterobacter cloacae (16.3%, 13/80) and Escherichia coli (11.3%, 9/80) were the most common bacteria colonizing the bile ducts and Enterococcus faecium (71.2%, 37/52), Enterococcus faecalis (30.8%, 16/52), Enterobacter cloacae (25.0%, 13/52) and Escherichia coli (19.2%, 10/52) the most common causes of postoperative abdominal infection. Further, reduced susceptibility to perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (OR = 10.10, p = .007) was identified as independent predictor of postoperative abdominal infection. Bacterial colonization is common in pCCA patients and reduced susceptibility of the bacteria to the intraoperative antibiotic prophylaxis is an independent predictor of postoperative abdominal infections. Adapting antibiotic prophylaxis might therefore have the potential to improve surgical outcome pCCA patients.Some strains of brown hydra (Hydra vulgaris) are able to harbor the green algae Chlorococcum in their endodermal epithelial cells as symbionts. However, the relationship between brown hydra and chlorococcum is considered to be incipient symbiosis because most artificially introduced symbionts are not stable and because symbiotic H. vulgaris strains are rare in the wild. In this study, we compared the gene expression levels of the newly established symbiotic hydra (strain 105G), the native symbiotic strain (J7), and their non-symbiotic polyps to determine what changes would occur at the early stage of the evolution of symbiosis. We found that both the 105G and J7 strains showed comparable expression patterns, exhibiting upregulation of lysosomal enzymes and downregulation of genes related to nematocyte development and function. Meanwhile, genes involved in translation and the respiratory chain were upregulated only in strain 105G. Furthermore, treatment with rapamycin, which inhibits translation activity, induced the degeneration of the symbiotic strains (105G and J7). This effect was severe in strain 105G. Our results suggested that evolving the ability to balance the cellular metabolism between the host and the symbiont is a key requirement for adapting to endosymbiosis with chlorococcum.Sound and vibrations that cause the skull bone to vibrate can be heard as ordinary sounds and this is termed hearing by bone conduction (BC). Not all mechanisms that causes a skull vibration to result in BC hearing are known, and one such unknown is how the direction of the vibration influences BC hearing. This direction sensitivity was investigated by providing BC stimulation in five different directions at the vertex of the guinea pig skull. The hearing thresholds for BC stimulation was obtained in the frequency range of 2 to 20 kHz by measurements of compound action potential. During the stimulation by BC, the vibration of the cochlear promontory was measured with a three-dimensional laser Doppler vibrometer resulting in a set of unique three-dimensional velocity magnitude combinations for each threshold estimation. The sets of three-dimensional velocity magnitude at threshold were used to investigate nine different predictors of BC hearing based on cochlear promontory velocity magnitudes, six single direction (x, y and z directions in isolation, the normal to the stapes footplate, the oval to round window direction, and the cochlear base to apex direction), one linear combination of the three dimension velocity magnitudes, one square-rooted sum of the squared velocity magnitudes, and one sum of the weighted three dimensional velocity magnitudes based on a restricted minimum square error (MSE) estimation. The MSE gave the best predictions of the hearing threshold based on the cochlear promontory velocity magnitudes while using only a single direction gave the worst predictions of the hearing thresholds overall. According to the MSE estimation, at frequencies up to 8 kHz the vibration direction between the right and left side gave the greatest contribution to BC hearing in the guinea pig while at the highest frequencies measured, 16 and 20 kHz, the anteroposterior direction of the guinea pig head gave the greatest contribution.Competent social functioning of group-living species relies on the ability of individuals to detect and utilize conspecific social cues to guide behavior. Previous studies have identified numerous brain regions involved in processing these external cues, collectively referred to as the Social Decision-Making Network. However, how the brain encodes social information with respect to an individual's social status has not been thoroughly examined. In mice, cues about an individual's identity, including social status, are conveyed through urinary proteins. In this study, we assessed the neural cFos immunoreactivity in dominant and subordinate male mice exposed to familiar and unfamiliar dominant and subordinate male urine. The posteroventral medial amygdala was the only brain region that responded exclusively to dominant compared to subordinate male urine. In all other brain regions, including the VMH, PMv, and vlPAG, activity is modulated by a combination of odor familiarity and the social status of both the urine donor and the subject receiving the cue. We show that dominant subjects exhibit robust differential activity across different types of cues compared to subordinate subjects, suggesting that individuals perceive social cues differently depending on social experience. These data inform further investigation of neurobiological mechanisms underlying social-status related brain differences and behavior.