13 kDa), polyphosphateADP/GDP phosphotransferase (40.88 kDa), ribonuclease P protein component (14.96 kDa) and cobalt-precorrin-5B C(1)-methyltransferase (38.43 kDa) with MASCOT score of 54, 81, 94, and 100, respectively. All of these proteins help the bacteria to overcome arsenate stress.The revolutionary and pioneering advancements of flexible electronics provide the boundless potential to become one of the leading trends in the exploitation of wearable devices and electronic skin. Working as substantial intermediates for the collection of external mechanical signals, flexible strain sensors that get intensive attention are regarded as indispensable components in flexible integrated electronic systems. Compared with conventional preparation methods including complicated lithography and transfer printing, 3D printing technology is utilized to manufacture various flexible strain sensors owing to the low processing cost, superior fabrication accuracy, and satisfactory production efficiency. Herein, up-to-date flexible strain sensors fabricated via 3D printing are highlighted, focusing on different printing methods based on photocuring and materials extrusion, including Digital Light Processing (DLP), fused deposition modeling (FDM), and direct ink writing (DIW). Sensing mechanisms of 3D printed strain sensors are also discussed. Furthermore, the existing bottlenecks and future prospects are provided for further progressing research.Chromatin of the eukaryotic cell nucleus comprises microscopically dense heterochromatin and loose euchromatin domains, each with distinct transcriptional ability and roles in cellular mechanotransduction. While recent methods are developed to characterize the mechanics of nucleus, measurement of intranuclear mechanics remains largely unknown. Here, the development of "nuclear elastography," which combines microscopic imaging and computational modeling to quantify the relative elasticity of the heterochromatin and euchromatin domains, is described. Using contracting murine embryonic cardiomyocytes, nuclear elastography reveals that the heterochromatin is almost four times stiffer than the euchromatin at peak deformation. The relative elasticity between the two domains changes rapidly during the active deformation of the cardiomyocyte in the normal physiological condition but progresses more slowly in cells cultured in a mechanically stiff environment, although the relative stiffness at peak deformation does not change. Further, it is found that the disruption of the Klarsicht, ANC-1, Syne Homology domain of the Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton complex compromises the intranuclear elasticity distribution resulting in elastically similar heterochromatin and euchromatin. These results provide insight into the elastography dynamics of heterochromatin and euchromatin domains and provide a noninvasive framework to further investigate the mechanobiological function of subcellular and subnuclear domains limited only by the spatiotemporal resolution of the acquired images.Owing to their high safety and reversibility, aqueous microbatteries using zinc anodes and an acid electrolyte have emerged as promising candidates for wearable electronics. However, a critical limitation that prevents implementing zinc chemistry at the microscale lies in its spontaneous corrosion in an acidic electrolyte that causes a capacity loss of 40% after a ten-hour rest. Widespread anti-corrosion techniques, such as polymer coating, often retard the kinetics of zinc plating/stripping and lack spatial control at the microscale. Here, a polyimide coating that resolves this dilemma is reported. The coating prevents corrosion and hence reduces the capacity loss of a standby microbattery to 10%. The coordination of carbonyl oxygen in the polyimide with zinc ions builds up over cycling, creating a zinc blanket that minimizes the concentration gradient through the electrode/electrolyte interface and thus allows for fast kinetics and low plating/stripping overpotential. The polyimide's patternable feature energizes microbatteries in both aqueous and hydrogel electrolytes, delivering a supercapacitor-level rate performance and 400 stable cycles in the hydrogel electrolyte. Moreover, the microbattery is able to be attached to human skin and offers strong resistance to deformations, splashing, and external shock. The skin-mountable microbattery demonstrates an excellent combination of anti-corrosion, reversibility, and durability in wearables.A rotating phenyl ring is introduced between the two pyridinium rings, namely, 1,1'-bis[3-(trimethylamonium)propyl]-4,4'-(1,4-phenylene)bispyridinium tetrachloride ((APBPy)Cl4 ), to form a switchable conjugation. In this design, the conjugation is switched "off" in the oxidized state and the two pyridinium rings behave independently during the redox process, yielding a concomitant transfer of two electrons at the same potential and, thus, simplifying the battery management. The conjugation is switched "on" in the reduced state and the charge can be effectively delocalized, lowering the Lewis basicity and improving its chemical stability. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/oxidopamine-hydrobromide.html By pairing 0.50 m (APBPy)Cl4 with a 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl oxyl derivative as the positive electrolyte, a flow battery delivers a high standard cell voltage of 1.730 V and a high specific capacity of 20.0 Ah L-1 . The battery also shows an exceptionally high energy efficiency of 80.8% and a superior cycling stability at 80 mA cm-2 . This strategy proves itself a great success in engineering viologen as a two-electron storage mediator with high capacity and stability.Short-wave infrared (SWIR, 900-1700 nm) enables in vivo imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution and penetration depth due to the reduced tissue autofluorescence and decreased photon scattering at long wavelengths. Although small organic SWIR dye molecules have excellent biocompatibility, they have been rarely exploited as compared to their inorganic counterparts, mainly due to their low quantum yield. To increase their brightness, in this work, the SWIR dye molecules are placed in close proximity to gold nanorods (AuNRs) for surface plasmon-enhanced emission. The fluorescence enhancement is optimized by controlling the dye-to-AuNR number ratio and up to ≈45-fold enhancement factor is achieved. In addition, the results indicate that the highest dye-to-AuNR number ratio gives the highest emission intensity per weight and this is used for synthesizing SWIR imaging probes using layer-by-layer (LbL) technique with polymer coating protection. Then, the SWIR imaging probes are applied for in vivo imaging of ovarian cancer and the surface coating effect on intratumor distribution of the imaging probes is investigated in two orthotopic ovarian cancer models.