The main result is that for a general class of networks, random perturbations of either segment diameters or conductances will always, on average, decrease the average tissue oxygen levels. This result is supported through both simulations of the models and mathematical analysis. Our results promise to expand our understanding of cerebral capillary blood flow and its impact on the brain function in health and disease.Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are regarded as a prominent host for manufacturing therapeutic proteins. Although conventional strategies for generating recombinant proteins in CHO cells depend on the random integration of a gene of interest (GOI), these established techniques occasionally result in genetically heterogeneous cell lines, which causes diminished expression of the recombinant proteins in the long run. Production instability can be reduced by SSI and creates stable cell lines with a consistent expression of the GOI. In this experiment, we demonstrate the targeted incorporation of a reporter cassette in two PhiC31 pseudo attP sites of CHO cells exploiting the homology-directed repair (HDR) generated by the CRISPR/Cas9 platform. Genes encoding GFP and puromycin resistance marker were precisely inserted into these loci via CRISPR/Cas9. Stable cell lines were suitably produced following antibiotic selection. Junction PCR and fluorescence assay determined targeted integration and expression homogeneity of the reporter cassette, respectively. Taken together, our results indicate the possibility of these two PhiC31 pseudo attP sites as the target sites for site-specific integration of a transgene mediated by CRISPR/Cas9. Furthermore, higher knock-in efficiency and expression homogeneity was observed in the pseudo attP site associated with chromosome 6 compared to the pseudo attP site from chromosome 3.Insulin resistance is defined as a failure to trigger the activation of the PI3K-AKT pathway by normal levels of insulin; therefore, it is well linked to metabolic disorders. Although multiple mechanisms contribute to insulin resistance, one major cause is elevated concentrations of plasma free fatty acids, which are known to suppress insulin signaling. However, the underlying mechanism is still elusive. Here, we found that palmitic acid increased the expression of two miRNAs, miR-3180-3p and miR-4632-5p, in HepG2 cells. Transfection of HepG2 cells with miR-3180-3p or miR-4632-5p reduced insulin-induced activation of the PI3K-AKT pathway. Moreover, palmitic acid or two miRNAs inhibited insulin-induced phosphorylation of Tyr612 on IRS-1 without affecting insulin receptor activation. Therefore, two miRNAs are suggested to be involved in palmitic acid-induced insulin resistance through suppression of insulin-induced IRS-1 phosphorylation. Identification of miR-3180-3p and miR-4632-5p targets could provide valuable information for the development of therapeutic drugs for type 2 diabetes. To evaluate the effects of early treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on nutritional intake and in-hospital growth rates of extremely preterm (EPT) infants. EPT infants (24 -27 weeks of gestation) enrolled in the Surfactant Positive Airway Pressure and Pulse Oximetry Trial (SUPPORT) were included. EPT infants who died before 36weeks of postmenstrual age (PMA) were excluded. The growth rates from birth to 36weeks of PMA and follow-up outcomes at 18-22months corrected age of EPT infants randomized at birth to either early CPAP (intervention group) or early intubation for surfactant administration (control group) were analyzed. Growth data were analyzed for 810 of 1316 infants enrolled in SUPPORT (414 in the intervention group, 396 in the control group). The median gestational age was 26weeks, and the mean birth weight was 839g. Baseline characteristics, total nutritional intake, and in-hospital comorbidities were not significantly different between the 2 groups. In a regression model, growth rates between birth and 36weeks of PMA, as well as growth rates during multiple intervals from birth to day 7, days 7-14, days 14-21, days 21-28, day 28 to 32weeks PMA, and 32-36weeks PMA did not differ between treatment groups. Independent of treatment group, higher growth rates from day 21 to day 28 were associated with a lower risk of having a Bayley-III cognitive score <85 at 18-22months corrected age (P = .002). EPT infants randomized to early CPAP did not have higher in-hospital growth rates than infants randomized to early intubation. EPT infants randomized to early CPAP did not have higher in-hospital growth rates than infants randomized to early intubation. To assess patent ductus arteriosus treatment variation between Swiss perinatal centers and to determine its effect on outcome in a population-based setting. This was a retrospective cohort study of infants born less than 28weeks of gestation between 2012 and 2017. Outcomes between surgically ligated and pharmacologically treated infants as well as infants born in centers performing ≤10% ligation ("low" group) and >10% ("high" group) were compared using logistic regression and 11 propensity score matching. Matching was based on case-mix and preligation confounders intraventricular hemorrhages grades 3-4, necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, and ≥28days' oxygen supply. Of 1389 infants, 722 (52%) had pharmacologic treatment and 156 (11.2%) received surgical ligation. Compared with infants who received pharmacologic treatment, ligated infants had greater odds for major morbidities (OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.44-3.04) and 2-year neurodevelopmental impairment (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.15-2.84). Mortality was comparable after restricting the cohort to infants surviving at least until day 10 to avoid survival bias. In the "low" group, 34 (4.9%) of 696 infants were ligated compared with 122 (17.6%) of 693 infants in the "high" group. Infants in the "high" group had greater odds for major morbidities (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.11-2.0). Our analysis identified a burden on infants receiving surgical ligation vs pharmacologic treatment in a population-based setting where there was no agreed-on common procedure. These results may guide a revision of patent ductus arteriosus treatment practice in Switzerland. Our analysis identified a burden on infants receiving surgical ligation vs pharmacologic treatment in a population-based setting where there was no agreed-on common procedure. These results may guide a revision of patent ductus arteriosus treatment practice in Switzerland.