Huangqi Jianzhong Tang (HQJZ) is a representative prescription used for clinical treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) in Chinese medicine. Our previous study had revealed that energy regulation was one of the important mechanisms of HQJZ action against CAG. In this study, ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole-Exactive mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Q-Exactive MS) based metabonomics was used to find the potential mitochondrial biomarkers and metabolic pathways of HQJZ in CAG rats, which focused on a specific organelle (mitochondria) isolated from gastric tissue samples. A total of 16 biomarkers from CAG tissues were identified with 11 of these significantly regulated by HQJZ treatment. These biomarkers was mainly involved in glycine, serine, and threonine metabolism; aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis metabolism; and taurine and hypotaurine metabolism. Our results show that HQJZ could protect from CAG by altering the mitochondrial function. These findings deepen our understanding of the mitochondrial metabolic changes that occur with CAG and shine a light on the mechanism of HQJZ. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of nurse-led health coaching on adherence to health regimens and lifestyle factors among frequent attenders in primary health care. One hundred and ten patients were enrolled in the quasi-experimental study. The experimental group (n=52) received nurse-led health coaching and the control group (n=58) received conventional care at primary healthcare centres between 2015 and 2016. Data were collected before the intervention and 12months afterwards using a questionnaire on adherence to health regimens and lifestyle factors. The intervention consisted of individual health coaching provided by a nurse, health-coaching sessions, and a written action plan. Frequent attenders exhibited good adherence to health regimens. After the intervention, there were no significant differences in adherence to health regimens and/or lifestyle factors between the experimental and control groups. However, nurse-led health coaching improved adherence to health regimens and physical activity in the experimental group. Nurse-led health coaching appears to promote participation and adherence to health regimens among frequent attenders at primary healthcare facilities. Before starting the health-coaching programme, it is recommended to carefully specify the content of health coaching and test the nurses' health-coaching competence. Nurse-led health coaching appears to promote participation and adherence to health regimens among frequent attenders at primary healthcare facilities. Before starting the health-coaching programme, it is recommended to carefully specify the content of health coaching and test the nurses' health-coaching competence.Antibiotics are widely used in intensive care patients to treat severe infections. To avoid bacterial resistance or toxic side effects, the determination of serum concentration of ABs is advisable. Therefore, in this study, we developed and validated a simple and fast high-performance liquid chromatography method with UV detection for the simultaneous determination of four β-lactam ABs (meropenem, imipenem, ceftazidime, and piperacillin) and two coadministered substances (cilastatin and tazobactam) in human serum. Sample preparation required a simple protein precipitation by methanol. The separation of the ABs occurred within a timeframe of 17 min. For this purpose, we used a Kinetex F5 column with a linear gradient of acetonitrile and phosphate buffer (pH 6.9). The UV detector recorded two separate chromatograms at 220 and 295 nm simultaneously. Validation has demonstrated that the method is linear, accurate, and precise within the clinically relevant range for each substance. Down syndrome has been considered an independent risk factor for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. Palivizumab, an anti-RSV humanised monoclonal antibody, was currently approved for all children with Down syndrome in Japan. To investigate the change in RSV-associated hospitalisation (RSVH) rates before and after the universal approval of palivizumab in Japan in 2013, we conducted a nationwide retrospective survey. We conducted a nationwide, retrospective, questionnaire survey across paediatric institutions in Japan. The recruited children with Down syndrome were divided into two groups those born April 2010 to March 2013 (2010-2012 cohort) and those born April 2013 to March 2016 (2013-2015 cohort). Of the 664 institutions, 321 (48.3%) replied, and a total of 3929 children with Down syndrome were registered. The percentage of children who received palivizumab increased from 49.2% to 82.2%. The cumulative RSVH rate showed a decreased trend in the 2013-2015 cohort (OR, 0.83; 95%CI, 0.63-1.10), while the rate of these children (without CHD and born at a gestational age≥36weeks) was significantly decreased in the 2013-2015 cohort (OR, 0.56; 95%CI, 0.34-0.92). The cumulative RSVH rate tended to be decreased after approval for all children with Down syndrome although the result was not significant. The cumulative RSVH rate tended to be decreased after approval for all children with Down syndrome although the result was not significant.Hospital inpatient and emergency care settings provide frequent opportunities for clinicians to screen and provide brief interventions to patients who engage in the harmful use of alcohol. However, these services are not always provided, with several reasons given in different studies. We aimed to systematically review clinician-reported barriers in the provision of brief alcohol screening, brief advice, and intervention specific to hospital inpatient and emergency department (ED) settings. A systematic literature review was conducted in MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL to identify the barriers perceived by healthcare workers in the provision of alcohol screening and brief intervention. These barriers were then categorized according to the capability, opportunity, and motivation (COM-B) model of behavior change theory. Twenty-five articles were included in this study, which involved questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and conference call discussions. The most commonly cited barriers (i.e., greater than half of the studies) were related to capability (lack of knowledge cited in 60% of studies); opportunity (lack of time and resources, 76 and 52% of studies, respectively); and motivation (personal discomfort in 60% of studies).