The original version of this article unfortunately contained an error. The author apologizes for having communicated an interchanged author's first and family names. Given in this article are the correct author names.The kidneys filter large amounts of glucose. To prevent the loss of this valuable fuel, the tubular system of the kidney, particularly the proximal tubule, has been programmed to reabsorb all filtered glucose. The machinery involves the sodium-glucose cotransporters SGLT2 and SGLT1 on the apical membrane and the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT2 on the basolateral membrane. The proximal tubule also generates new glucose, particularly in the post-absorptive phase but also to enhance bicarbonate formation and maintain acid-base balance. The glucose reabsorbed or formed by the proximal tubule is primarily taken up into peritubular capillaries and returned to the systemic circulation or provided as an energy source to further distal tubular segments that take up glucose by basolateral GLUT1. Recent studies provided insights on the coordination of renal glucose reabsorption, formation, and usage. Moreover, a better understanding of renal glucose transport in disease states is emerging. This includes the kidney in diabetes mellitus, when renal glucose retention becomes maladaptive and contributes to hyperglycemia. Furthermore, enhanced glucose reabsorption is coupled to sodium retention through the sodium-glucose cotransporter SGLT2, which induces secondary deleterious effects. As a consequence, SGLT2 inhibitors are new anti-hyperglycemic drugs that can protect the kidneys and heart from failing. Recent studies discovered unique roles for SGLT1 with implications in acute kidney injury and glucose sensing at the macula densa. This review discusses established and emerging concepts of renal glucose transport, and outlines the need for a better understanding of renal glucose handling in health and disease.PURPOSE To study the retinal capillary microvasculature and the choriocapillaris (CC) in myopic eyes using swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography (SS-OCTA). METHODS Patients with high myopia (≥ - 6D; axial length ≥ 26.5 mm), moderate myopia (≥ - 3D,  0.05). CONCLUSION The retinal microvasculature may demonstrate alterations in highly myopia eyes. The CC in macular regions shows greater impairment in eyes with high myopia compared with eyes with lesser degrees of myopia, and these deficits are already present in the absence of features of pathologic or degenerative myopia. The threshold of CC FD leading to myopic maculopathy remains to be defined.The history of climate is crucially important for any part of the world to understand the nature of climate change. In this context, precipitation reconstruction is still lacking in northern Kazakhstan. The purpose of this study is to present a reconstruction for the total precipitation of October of the previous year to July of the current year in northern Kazakhstan. Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) forests in Burabai Region are quite important to collect samples to study the climate history. A regional chronology, covering the years of 1702-2014 of Pinus sylvestris constructed by using 289/466 trees/cores was used in the reconstruction. The gridded climate data for the years of 1950-2014 were used in the calibration and verification process. High and significant correlations were obtained between tree-ring widths and October to July precipitation in Burabai Region. Based on this significant relationship, reconstruction was performed for the years of 1744-2014. Adjusted R2, F-value, sign test, and r value were found as 0.38, 39.7 (P ≤ 0.001), 47+/17, and 0.62 for reconstruction, respectively. The reconstruction showed that 43 dry and 42 wet years occurred during the years of 1744-2014. Only a one-time four-year duration of the wet period was determined covering the years 1978-1981. However, three of six very dry years occurred after the 1950s. As a conclusion, extremity in recent decades is getting an increase in Burabai region.BACKGROUND Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a constant motivation. There is growing evidence that an endoscopic (rather than microscopic) transsphenoidal approach to pituitary tumours can play a role, facilitating faster recovery and a commensurate reduction in length of stay (LOS). Reducing LOS is beneficial to both patients and healthcare systems. We sought to assess the safety, patient feedback, and resource implications of adopting an enhanced recovery and accelerated discharge policy for elective pituitary surgery. METHODS We retrospectively assessed two consecutive cohorts of patients undergoing elective surgery for pituitary adenoma in a single UK centre between July 2016 and November 2019. The pre-ERAS cohort included 52 sequential patients operated prior to protocol change. The ERAS cohort included 55 sequential patients operated after a protocol change. Patient demographic data, tumour characteristics, intra- and post-operative CSF leak, the rate and cause of readmission (within 30 days), and the mean and median LOS were recorded. Patient feedback was collected from a subset of patients (n = 23) in the ERAS group. RESULTS The two cohorts were well-matched with respect to their demographic, pathological, and operative characteristics. The rates of readmission within 30 days of discharge were similar between the two groups (8% pre-ERAS cohort, 9% ERAS cohort, p = 0.75). In the pre-ERAS cohort, the mean LOS was 4.5 days and median LOS was 3 days. This compares with significant reduction in LOS for the ERAS group mean of 1.7 days and median of 1 day (p  less then  0.05). Thirty-nine of 55 patients in the ERAS group were discharged on post-operative day 1. Patient feedback was very positive in the ERAS group (mean patient satisfaction score of 9.7/10 using a Likert scale). CONCLUSIONS An enhanced recovery protocol after elective endoscopic pituitary surgery is safe, reduces length of stay, and is associated with high patient satisfaction.BACKGROUND Brain capillary telangiectasias (BCTs) are small, dilated capillary networks in the brain that are most commonly asymptomatic. Though rare, symptomatic cases of BCTs have been reported, and it is therefore important to understand the nature of these lesions in order to facilitate proper recognition. Relative to other intracranial vascular malformations, updated information on the various epidemiologic, radiographic, and pathologic features of BCTs within the published literature may be inadequate. METHODS We searched the PubMed database for prior reports of symptomatically-manifested BCTs. Moreover, Google Scholar and PubMed were searched in order to review current epidemiologic, radiographic, pathologic, and pathogenetic features of BCTs. RESULTS Forty-eight published studies were included for a total of 99 individual cases of BCTs with symptomatic manifestations. Thirty-three symptomatic BCTs were hemorrhagic in nature, while 66 were non-hemorrhagic. The mean age at presentation of hemorrhagic lesions was 25.