To systematically analyze histopathologic features of pseudocapsule in small renal cell tumor(diameter≤4cm), assess the integrity of pseudocapsules by Computed Tomography (CT), and provide theoretical basis for the safety of nephron sparing surgery. The pathological data of 116 patients who underwent surgery with clear cell renal cell carcinoma admitted from May 2010 to October 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent a CT scan of the abdomen including an unenhanced and triple-phase (arterial, nephrographic and excretory) post contrast series."All patients underwent a CT scan of the abdomen including an unenhanced and triple-phase (arterial, nephrographic and excretory) post contrast series."All patients underwent a CT scan of the abdomen including an unenhanced and triple-phase (arterial, nephrographic and excretory) post contrast seriesAll patients underwent a CT scan of the abdomen including an unenhanced and three-phase (arterial, nephrographic and excretory) post contrast series. Thh the pathologic findings. Most small renal cell tumors have an obvious psuedocapsule. Preoperative determination of the psuedocapsule's integrity is particularly important. CT scan can reliably evaluate the tumor margins and demonstrate the psuedocapsule when present. The imaging results are well correlated with the pathologic findings.Since the emergence of Covid19 epidemics different guidelines and protocols have been published by Urology associations. Most of these recommendations have focused on the aptitude of any disease or condition for postponement. With the evolution of the outbreak, it is clear that postponement of procedures is not the policy we can rely on exclusively. We must know where do we stand? Where are we going in our country? How useful our recommendations have been for urology practitioners? We try to draw a clearer although-to some extent- conjectural picture and to adjust our protocols to this picture of outbreak evolution. Assuming that anything in this predicament is subject to unexpected changes. For these goals, we raise these arguments in three sections. First, where do we stand and where are we going? Explaining the present situation and best available statistics of the disease, the velocity the disease is spreading and our approximate predicted date its subsidence or partial remission. In a web form survey, we tried to evaluate that in the absence of a clear picture of outbreak progress in a specific area, how useful experts' points of view will be for the urologists working in non-referral centers especially in relevance to equivocal and challenging cases. Will there be any significant difference at all? In the third section, we try to give the plot to guide scheduling or postponing procedures in any given are according to the level of involvement. Here we considered both the characteristics of the special urology condition and also the situation and progress of the outbreak in that area. Fractional dose (1/5th of full intramuscular dose) of inactivated poliovirus-vaccine administered intradermally (fIPV) is used as IPV dose-sparing strategy. We compared the rate of decline of poliovirus antibodies (PVA) in recipients of either two doses of fIPV or IPV. Community-based randomized controlled trial was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan. Children aged 14 weeks were randomized into fIPV or full IPV study arms (A, B) and received one vaccine doses at 14 weeks and one at 9 months of age. PVA were measured at 14, 18 weeks and 10, 21 months of age. Seroprevalence of poliovirus-type 2 antibodies of 170/250 (68%) enrolled children after two IPV or fIPV doses at 10 months of age in arms-A and B reached 100% vs 99% (p=0.339); and at 21 months it was 86% vs 67% (p=0.004). Between 10 and 21 months of age, the antibody-titers in log2 scale dropped from >=10.5 to 6.8 in arm-A; and from 9.2 to 3.7 in arm B. A significant decline in antibody titers12 months following second IPV dose. The slope of decline is similar for both full IPV and fIPV recipients. The results provide further evidence that fIPV is a viable option for IPV dose-sparing. A significant decline in antibody titers12 months following second IPV dose. The slope of decline is similar for both full IPV and fIPV recipients. The results provide further evidence that fIPV is a viable option for IPV dose-sparing.The genetic underpinnings of traits are rarely simple. Most traits of interest are instead the product of multiple genes acting in concert to determine the phenotype. This is particularly true for behavioral traits, like dispersal. Our investigation focuses on the genetic architecture of dispersal tendency in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. We used artificial selection to generate lines with either high or low dispersal tendency. Our populations responded quickly in the first generations of selection and almost all replicates had higher dispersal tendency in males than in females. These selection lines were used to create a total of 6 additional lines F1 and reciprocal F1, as well as 4 types of backcrosses. We estimated the composite genetic effects that contribute to divergence in dispersal tendency among lines using line cross-analysis. We found variation in the dispersal tendency of our lines was best explained by autosomal additive and 3 epistatic components. Our results indicate that dispersal tendency is heritable, but much of the divergence in our selection lines was due to epistatic effects. These results are consistent with other life-history traits that are predicted to maintain more epistatic variance than additive variance and highlight the potential for epistatic variation to act as an adaptive reserve that may become visible to selection when a population is subdivided.We present a microsphere-based flow cytometry assay that quantifies the ability of plasma to inhibit the binding of spike protein to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. Plasma from 22 patients who had recovered from mild coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and expressed anti-spike protein trimer immunoglobulin G inhibited angiotensin-converting enzyme 2-spike protein binding to a greater degree than controls. The degree of inhibition was correlated with anti-spike protein immunoglobulin G levels, neutralizing titers in a pseudotyped lentiviral assay, and the presence of fever during illness. This inhibition assay may be broadly useful to quantify the functional antibody response of patients recovered from COVID-19 or vaccine recipients in a cell-free assay system.