Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heritable neurodevelopmental condition associated with impairments in social interaction, communication and repetitive behaviors. While the underlying disease mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated, dysfunction of neuronal plasticity and local translation control have emerged as key points of interest. Translation of mRNAs for critical synaptic proteins are negatively regulated by Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), which is lost in the most common single-gene disorder associated with ASD. Numerous studies have shown that mRNA transport, RNA metabolism, and translation of synaptic proteins are important for neuronal health, synaptic plasticity, and learning and memory. Accordingly, dysfunction of these mechanisms may contribute to the abnormal brain function observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this review, we summarize recent studies about local translation and mRNA processing of synaptic proteins and discuss how perturbations of these processes may be related to the pathophysiology of ASD.In the context of smart cities, there is a general benefit from monitoring close encounters among pedestrians. For instance, for the access control to office buildings, subway, commercial malls, etc., where a high amount of users may be present simultaneously, and keeping a strict record on each individual may be challenging. GPS tracking may not be available in many indoor cases; video surveillance may require expensive deployment (mainly due to the high-quality cameras and face recognition algorithms) and can be restrictive in case of low budget applications; RFID systems can be cumbersome and limited in the detection range. This information can later be used in many different scenarios. For instance, in case of earthquakes, fires, and accidents in general, the administration of the buildings can have a clear record of the people inside for victim searching activities. However, in the pandemic derived from the COVID-19 outbreak, a tracking that allows detecting of pedestrians in close range (a few meters) can be particularly useful to control the virus propagation. Hence, we propose a mobile clustering scheme where only a selected number of pedestrians (Cluster Heads) collect the information of the people around them (Cluster Members) in their trajectory inside the area of interest. Hence, a small number of transmissions are made to a control post, effectively limiting the collision probability and increasing the successful registration of people in close contact. Our proposal shows an increased success packet transmission probability and a reduced collision and idle slot probability, effectively improving the performance of the system compared to the case of direct transmissions from each node.Microwave hyperthermia (MH) requires the selective focusing of microwave energy on the targeted region while minimally affecting the healthy tissue. Emerging from the simple nature of the linear antenna arrays, this work demonstrates focusing maps as an application guide for MH focusing by adjusting the antenna phase values. The focusing of the heating potential (HP) on different density breast models is performed via the proposed method using Vivaldi antennas. The effect of the tumor conductivity on the focusing is discussed. As a straightforward approach and utilizing the Vivaldi antennas, the system can be further combined with MH monitoring application.The objective of this study was to assess the effect of 8-week long endurance training on the prooxidative-antioxidative status of plasma in women treated for breast cancer. The participants of the study were 12 women after radical mastectomy aged 45 to 56 years (M = 50.6 ± 2.9 years), who had undergone full cancer treatment, on average more than 5 years after the treatment (M = 5.9 ± 0.9 years). Body mass components were measured twice using the method of bioelectric impedance analysis. In order to optimize training loads and to assess the level of exercise tolerance of the participants, the group was subject to an ergospirometric exercise test twice, before (1st) and after (2nd) the completion of the training cycle. The blood was also taken twice for biochemical analyses. Statistically significant differences were noted in the maximum exercise load, the level of which increased in the second test (p less then 0.05). No change was observed in the level of antioxidative potential, i.e., the content of some variables, ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), urea, total phenolics, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and in the blood indices of the body's nutritional status during the project (total protein, albumin. Endurance training caused an increase in exercise tolerance and did not cause an aggravation of oxidative stress in women undergoing breast cancer treatment.An original experimental method was used to investigate the influence of water and road salt with anti-caking agent on the material used in pavement construction layers. This method allowed for monitoring material changes resulting from the influence of water and road salt with anti-caking agent over time. The experiment used five different mineral road mixes, which were soaked separately in water and brine for two time intervals (2 days and 21 days). Then, each sample of the mix was subjected to tests of the complex module using the four-point bending (4PB-PR) method. The increase in mass of the soaked samples and the change in value of the stiffness modulus were analyzed. Exemplary tomographic (X-ray) imaging was performed to confirm the reaction of the road salt and anti-caking agent (lead agent) with the material. Based on measurements of the stiffness modulus and absorption, the correlations of the mass change and the value of the stiffness modulus were determined, which may be useful in estimating the sensitivity of mixes to the use of winter maintenance agents-e.g., road salt with anti-caking agent (sodium chloride). It was found that the greatest changes occur for mixes intended for base course layers (mineral cement mix with foamed asphalt (MCAS) and mineral-cement-emulsion mixes (MCE)) and that the smallest changes occur for mixes containing highly modified asphalt (HIMA).