4% ± 4.1% in the first SRC rotation mode. The electrical resistance of the legs regions decreased to -16.5% ± 2.3%. Slowdown of the SRC led to the reverse changes in resistance. The blood redistribution in head and legs regions was independent of the mode of SRC rotation during the first 30 minutes, and varied on average by +10% and -15% respectively. SIGNIFICANCE Вioimpedance monitoring is promising for detection and prediction of blood circulation changes during rotation on the SRC. © 2020 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.This paper presents a review of deep learning (DL) based medical image registration methods. We summarized the latest developments and applications of DL-based registration methods in the medical field. These methods were classified into seven categories according to their methods, functions and popularity. A detailed review of each category was presented, highlighting important contributions and identifying specific challenges. A short assessment was presented following the detailed review of each category to summarize its achievements and future potentials. We provided a comprehensive comparison among DL-based methods for lung and brain registration using benchmark datasets. Lastly, we analyzed the statistics of all the cited works from various aspects, revealing the popularity and future trend of DL-based medical image registration. © 2020 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.We developed and validated a dedicated small field back-projection portal dosimetry model for pretreatment and in vivo verification of stereotactic plans entailing small unflattened photon beams. For this purpose an aSi-EPID was commissioned as small field dosimeter. Small field output factors for 6MV FFF beams were measured using the PTW microDiamond detector and the Agility 160-leaf MLC from Elekta. The back-projection algorithm developed in our department was modified to better model the small field physics. The feasibility of small field portal dosimetry was validated via absolute point dose differences w.r.t. small static beams, and 5 hypofractionated stereotactic VMAT clinical plans measured with the OCTAVIUS 1000 SRS array dosimeter and computed with the treatment planning system Pinnacle v16.2. Dose reconstructions using the currently clinically applied back-projection model were also computed for comparison. We found that the latter yields underdosage of about -8% for square beams with cross section near 10mm × 10mm and about 6% for VMAT treatments with PTV volumes smaller than about 2 cm3. With the methods described in this work such errors can be reduced to less than the ±3.0% recommendations for clinical use. Our results indicate that aSi-EPIDs can be used as accurate small field radiation dosimeters, offering advantages over point dose detectors, the correct positioning and orientation of which is challenging for routine clinical QA. © 2020 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.Enhanced magnetic moment and coercivity in SrRuO3 thin films are significant issues for advanced technological usages and hence are researched extensively in recent times. Most of the previous reports on thin films with enhanced magnetic moment attributed it to the high spin state. Our magnetization results show high magnetic moment of 3.3 μB/Ru ion in the epitaxial thin films grown on LSAT substrate against 1.2 μB/Ru ion observed in bulk compound. Contrary to the previous reports the Ru ions are found to be in low spin state and the orbital moment is shown to be contributing significantly in the enhancement of magnetic moment. We employed x-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant valance band spectroscopy to probe the spin state and orbital contributions in these films. The existence of strong spin-orbit coupling responsible for the de-quenching of the 4d orbitals is confirmed by the observation of the non-statistical large branching ratio at the Ru M2,3 absorption edges. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies performed at the Ru M2,3 edges provided direct evidence of significant contribution of orbital moment in the film grown on LSAT. The relaxation of orbital quenching by strain engineering provides a new tool for enhancing magnetic moment and strain disorder is shown to be an efficient mean to control the spin-orbit coupling. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Hydrogen-argon mixed dilution has been applied for the deposition of boron-doped nanocrystalline silicon carbide (nc-SiCx) thin films. The variations of structural, compositional, electrical and optical properties with the varying H2/Ar ratio are systemically investigated through various characterizations. It is shown that by using H2-Ar mixed dilution for deposition, B-doped nc-SiCx thin film possessing both wide optical band gap (~2.22 eV) and high conductivity (~1.9 S/cm) can be obtained at the H2/Ar flow ratio of 360/140. In addition, the B-doped nc-SiCx thin films are fabricated as the window layers of a-Si thin film solar cells, and the highest conversion efficiency (8.13%) is obtained when applying the window layer with the largest optical band gap energy. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Anisotropy of bulk magnetic properties and magnetic structure studies of a Tb2Pd2In single crystal by means of bulk magnetization methods and neutron diffraction techniques confirmed the antiferromagnetic order below the Néel temperature 29.5 K. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/tegatrabetan.html The collinear magnetic structure of Tb magnetic moments aligned along the tetragonalc-axis is characterized by a propagation vectork= (1/4, 1/4, 1/2), yielding an equal-moment-size structure with alternating coupling between nearest as well as next-nearest Tb neighbors within the basal plane and antiferromagnetic coupling between thec-axis neighbors. In the context of magnetism of R2T2X compounds, where R stands for rare-earth or actinide element, such collinear structure with long-wavelength periodicity represents a new type of magnetic structure. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.For the collision and coagulation of dielectric nanoparticles randomly oriented and moving in an electric field, the collision frequency function of the particles in Stokes regime is derived. The numerical solution obtained by the Taylor expansion moment method in the Stokes regime coagulation problem is very consistent with the numerical solution obtained by the previous study of the TEMOM model. In this paper, the first-order ordinary differential equations are constructed to obtain closed-form expressions. The fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm is used to derive the particle concentration of the dielectric nanoparticles under different electric field strengths and different polarities. The law of variation of the polydispersity of the system during coagulation and rupture. These expressions are used in simple overall balance expressions to illustrate the importance of their range of physical parameter values encountered in real systems. The results show that this method can be used to solve the accuracy of the general kinetic equation in the process of particles coagulation under electric field, and the calculation cost is low.