ith laser and 28.5% in those who had amnioreduction. CONCLUSIONS Twin pregnancies affected by early TTTS are at substantial risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity; however data comes from very small studies with high risk of selection bias. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.The metabolism of healthy murine and more recently human immune cells has been investigated with an increasing amount of details. These studies have revealed the challenges presented by immune cells to respond rapidly to a wide variety of triggers by adjusting the amount, type, and utilization of the nutrients they import. A concept has emerged that cellular metabolic programs regulate the size of the immune response and the plasticity of its effector functions. This has generated a lot of enthusiasm with the prediction that cellular metabolism could be manipulated to either enhance or limit an immune response. In support of this hypothesis, studies in animal models as well as human subjects have shown that the dysregulation of the immune system in autoimmune diseases is associated with a skewing of the immunometabolic programs. These studies have been mostly conducted on autoimmune CD4+ T cells, with the metabolism of other immune cells in autoimmune settings still being understudied. Here we discuss systemic metabolism as well as cellular immunometabolism as novel tools to decipher fundamental mechanisms of autoimmunity. We review the contribution of each major metabolic pathway to autoimmune diseases, with a focus on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), with the relevant translational opportunities, existing or predicted from results obtained with healthy immune cells. Finally, we review how targeting metabolic programs may present novel therapeutic venues. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.A typical area, Gaomi City in China, was chosen to discuss the enrichment process of groundwater fluorine in seawater intrusion area. The groundwater had fluorine levels of 0.09-10.99 mg/L, with an average concentration of 1.38 mg/L. The high-fluorine groundwater was mainly distributed in the unconsolidated Quaternary sediments, where concentrations in 83.6% of the samples exceeded the national limit of 1.0 mg/L. The groundwater in the Quaternary sediments also had higher levels of Cl- , TDS, Mg2+ , pH and lower levels of Ca2+ , Co, Ni, Cu than that in the bedrock. The groundwater fluorine levels in the Quaternary sediments are positively correlated with Cl- , TDS, Mg2+ , pH, and negatively correlated with Ca2+ , γCa2+ /γMg2+ , Co, Ni, Cu. Geochemical indexes of Cl- and TDS indicate seawater intrusion in the Quaternary high-fluorine groundwater area (F-  > 1.0 mg/L), while they do not in the bedrock area. The chemical weathering of minerals was intensified with the intrusion of seawater. Cation exchange was confirmed to occur in the Quaternary sediments, and was promoted by seawater intrusion. Cation exchange consumes part of groundwater Ca2+ and permits more F- dissolving. Consequently, in the Quaternary sediments, the groundwater was super-saturated with CaF2 minerals and under-saturated with MgF2 minerals when F-  > 1.0 mg/L, while CaF2 and MgF2 minerals both are under-saturated when F-   less then  1.0 mg/L. Thus, the chemical weathering of minerals and cation exchange caused by seawater intrusion are the crucial processes controlling the groundwater fluorine levels, which should be considered when the groundwater fluorine enrichment mechanism is discussed along coastal zones. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.This study investigated the prospective associations among emotion expression, behavioral regulation, and cortisol responses in relation to different maternal parenting behaviors during the first 2 years of the infant's life, among a sample of low-income families. Participants included 1,141 mother-child pairs, assessed when the infants were 6, 15, and 24 months old. Maternal parenting behaviors were observed at the 6-month assessment, whereas infant emotion expression, orienting toward mothers, and cortisol responses were measured using a series of emotion-eliciting tasks at all time points. A latent profile analysis revealed four maternal parenting profiles Detached, Intrusive, Average, and Engaged. Furthermore, a multiple-group path model revealed distinct patterns of emotion development for infants within different maternal parenting groups. Among children with Engaged and Average mothers, orienting behaviors tended to predict less negative emotion and cortisol responses, which was associated with more future orienting behaviors. Conversely, among children with Intrusive and Detached mothers, orienting behaviors tended to predict more negative emotion and cortisol responses, which predicted less future orienting behaviors. Findings of this study enhance current understanding of how different profiles of maternal parenting behaviors impact infant emotional development in poverty, with significant implications for intervention programs targeting early mother-infant interactions. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, English, Spanish ANTECEDENTES El JCOG0212 ( NCT00190541) fue un ensayo fase III de no inferioridad en pacientes con cáncer de recto en estadio clínico II/III sin ganglios linfáticos aumentados de tamaño en la pared pélvica lateral. El ensayo comparó la escisión del mesorrecto (mesorectal excision, ME) con la ME con disección de los ganglios linfáticos laterales (lateral lymph node dissection, LLND), siendo el criterio de valoración principal la supervivencia libre de recidiva (recurrence free survival, RFS). El análisis primario planificado a los 5 años de seguimiento no pudo confirmar la no inferioridad de la ME frente a la ME con LLND. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar la ME como procedimiento único y la ME con LLND utilizando datos de seguimiento a largo plazo del ensayo JCOG0212. MÉTODOS En este estudio se incluyeron pacientes con cáncer de recto en estadio clínico II/III por debajo de la reflexión peritoneal sin ganglios linfáticos aumentados de tamaño en la pared pélvica lateral.