Three new quinoline and di-tert-butyl phenothiazine isomeric derivatives were synthesized and characterized towards applications for oxygen sensing and optical information multicoding. The compounds with phenylene linker showed outstanding phase-dependent reversibility between ON/OFF states (low and high emission intensity, drastic shifting of emission colors, short- and long-lived fluorescence) in systematic grinding/fuming cycles, as required for multichannel memory devices based on optical information multicoding. The conformational diversity of the phenothiazine unit resulted in dual emission of the doped films implemented by the different luminescence mechanisms with peaks located at 414/530, 416/540, and 440/582 nm. The presence of a phenylene linker and thus two rotational degrees of freedom resulted in quenching of the delayed fluorescence of quasi-equatorial conformers in the solid state. The compound containing no phenylene bridge was characterized by two different driving photoluminescence mechanisms of the doped films short fluorescence of the quasi-axial conformer and thermally activated delayed fluorescence of the quasi-equatorial form. This compound showed oxygen sensitivity with a Stern-Volmer constant of 7.5×10-4  ppm-1 .Community occupancy models estimate species-specific parameters while sharing information across species by treating parameters as sampled from a common distribution. When communities consist of discrete groups, shrinkage of estimates toward the community mean can mask differences among groups. Infinite-mixture models using a Dirichlet process (DP) distribution, in which the number of latent groups is estimated from the data, have been proposed as a solution. In addition to community structure, these models estimate species similarity, which allows testing hypotheses about whether traits drive species response to environmental conditions. We develop a community occupancy model (COM) using a DP distribution to model species-level parameters. Because clustering algorithms are sensitive to dimensionality and distinctiveness of clusters, we conducted a simulation study to explore performance of the DP-COM with different dimensions (i.e., different numbers of model parameters with species-level DP random effects) es than the overall community. Given that estimates were consistent between the normal and the DP-COM, and considering the computational burden for the DP models, we recommend using the DP-COM only when the analysis focuses on community structure and species similarity, as these quantities can only be obtained under the DP-COM. To investigate the intravascular contribution to the overall balanced SSFP (bSSFP) BOLD effect in human blood at high to ultrahigh field strengths (3 T, 9.4 T, and 14.1 T). Venous blood prepared at two different oxygenation levels (deoxygenated Y ≈ 71%, oxygenated Y ≈ 94%) was measured with phase-cycled bSSFP for varying TRs/flip angles at 3 T, 9.4 T, and 14.1 T. The oxygen sensitivity was analyzed by intrinsic MIRACLE (motion-insensitive rapid configuration relaxometry)-R estimation and passband signal differences. The intravascular BOLD-related signal change was extracted from the measured data for microvasculature and macrovasculature, and compared with the extravascular contribution obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. The MIRACLE-R values showed a characteristic increase with longer TRs in deoxygenated blood, corroborating that SE-R data cannot be used to assess the intravascular bSSFP BOLD effect. Passband bSSFP signal differences measured at optimal flip angles of 30° at 3 T and 20° at 9.4 T/14.1 T revealed considerable relative intravascular contributions of 95%/70% at 3 T, 74%/43% at 9.4 T, 66%/46% at 14.1 T for TR = 5 ms, and 90%/65% at 3 T, 36%/27% at 9.4 T, 13%/15% at 14.1 T for TR = 10 ms in macrovascular/microvascular regimes. The results indicate that intravascular effects have to be considered to better understand the origin of bSSFP BOLD contrast in functional MRI experiments, especially at short TRs. The MIRACLE-R method demonstrated the ability to quantify the apparent decrease in R due to rapid RF refocusing. The results indicate that intravascular effects have to be considered to better understand the origin of bSSFP BOLD contrast in functional MRI experiments, especially at short TRs. The MIRACLE-R2 method demonstrated the ability to quantify the apparent decrease in R2 due to rapid RF refocusing. Fusion of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) to computed tomography (CT) has been touted as a possible technique to improve cholesteatomas localization. This study set out to assess the ability of DWI images fused with thin-slice heavily T2-weighted images to similarly localize surgically-confirmed cholesteatomas. A retrospective review was completed of consecutive patients that underwent MR temporal bone imaging (9/2011-3/2020) with both DWI and thin-slice T2-weighted imaging. Included patients underwent surgical resection of primary or recidivistic cholesteatoma after preoperative MR imaging. A neuroradiologist, who was blinded to operative and clinical notes, localized each lesion on both DWI and fused DWI-T2 images in 11 anatomic subdivisions of the temporal bone. Surgical confirmation of cholesteatoma location was used as the gold standard for comparison. Of 24 included examinations, the average age at time of MR was 48.2 ± 24.7 years; 12/24 (50.0%) were female. Five of 24 had primary cholesteatoma, while the remainder had recidivistic disease. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of unfused DWI images were 52.1%, 88.9%, and 75.8%, respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of fused DWI-T2 images were 57.1%, 94.8%, and 81.8%, respectively. Fused DWI-T2 images outperformed unfused DWI images in the anatomic localization of temporal bone cholesteatomas. This method represents a potential alternative to MR-CT fusion for pre-operative cholesteatoma evaluation, and warrants future investigations. Opposed to MR-CT fusion, this method only necessitates MR sequences and removes the need for additional CT acquisition. 3 Laryngoscope, 2020. 3 Laryngoscope, 2020.