Advances from empirical studies in phylogeography, systematics and species delimitation highlight the importance of integrative approaches for quantifying taxonomic diversity. Genomic data have greatly improved our ability to discern both systematic diversity and evolutionary history. Here we combine analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences, thousands of genome-wide SNPs and linear and geometric morphometrics on Antaresia, a clade of four currently recognised dwarf pythons from Australia and New Guinea (Antaresia childreni, A. stimsoni, A. maculosa and A. perthensis). Our integrative analyses of phylogenetics, population structure, species delimitation, historical demography and morphometrics revealed that the true evolutionary diversity is not well reflected in the current appraisal of the diversity of the group. We find that Antaresia childreni and A. stimsoni comprise a widespread network of populations connected by gene flow and without evidence of species-level divergence among them. However, A. maculosa shows considerable genetic structuring which leads us to recognise two subspecies in northeastern Australia and a new species in Torres Strait and New Guinea. These two contrasting cases of over and under estimation of diversity, respectively, illustrate the power of thorough integrative approaches into understanding evolution of biodiversity. Furthermore, our analyses of historical demographic patterns highlight the importance of the Kimberley, Pilbara and Cape York as origins of biodiversity in Australia.Conidae is a hyperdiverse family of marine snails that has many hallmarks of adaptive radiation. Hybridization and introgression may contribute to such instances of rapid diversification by generating novel gene combinations that facilitate exploitation of distinct niches. Here we evaluated whether or not these mechanisms may have contributed to the evolutionary history of a subgenus of Conidae (Virroconus). Several observations hint at evidence of past introgression for members of this group, including incongruence between phylogenetic relationships inferred from mitochondrial gene sequences and morphology and widespread sympatry of many Virroconus species in the Indo-West Pacific. We generated and analyzed transcriptome data of Virroconus species to (i) infer a robust nuclear phylogeny, (ii) assess mitochondrial and nuclear gene tree discordance, and (iii) formally test for introgression of nuclear loci. We identified introgression of mitochondrial genomes and nuclear gene regions between ancestors of one pair of Virroconus species, and mitochondrial introgression between another pair. We also found evidence of adaptive introgression of conotoxin venom loci between a third pair of species. Together, our results demonstrate that hybridization and introgression impacted the evolutionary history of Virroconus and hence may have contributed to the adaptive radiation of Conidae.Rhipicephalus are a species-diverse genus of ticks, mainly distributed in the Afrotropics with some species in the Palearctic and Oriental regions. Current taxonomic consensus comprise nine informal species groups/lineages based on immature morphology. This work integrates biogeographic, ecological and molecular lines of evidence to better understand Rhipicephalus evolution. Phylogenetic analysis based on four genes (12S, 16S, 28S-D2 and COI) recovered five distinct clades with nine descendant clades that are generally congruent with current taxonomy, with some exceptions. Historical biogeography is inferred from molecular divergence times, ancestral distribution areas, host-use and climate niches of four phylogenetically significant bioclimatic variables (isothermality, annual, seasonal and diurnal temperature range). Novel hosts enabled host-linked dispersal events into new environments, and ticks exploited new hosts through nested predator-prey connections in food webs. Diversification was further induced ce these processes and drive speciation. Off-host periods facilitate adaptive radiation by enabling host switches along nested predator-prey connections in food webs, but at the cost of environmental exposure that partitions niches among dispersing progenitors, disrupting geneflow and driving diversification. As such, the evolution and ecological niches of Rhipicephalus are characterised by trade-offs between on- and off-host periods, and these trade-offs interact with nested predator-prey connections in food webs, host-use at different life stages, as well as gradients in annual and seasonal temperature ranges to drive adaptive radiation and speciation.Traditional phylogenies inferred from chloroplast DNA fragments have not obtained a well-resolved evolutionary history for the backbone of Apioideae, the largest subfamily of Apiaceae. In this study, we applied the genome skimming approach of next-generation sequencing to address whether the lack of resolution at the tip of the Apioideae phylogenetic tree is due to limited information loci or the footprint of ancient radiation. A total of 90 complete chloroplast genomes (including 23 newly sequenced genomes and covering 20 major clades of Apioideae) were analyzed (RAxML and MrBayes) to provide a phylogenomic reconstruction of Apioideae. Dating analysis was also implemented using BEAST to estimate the origin and divergence time of the major clades. As a result, the early divergences of Apioideae have been clarified but the relationship among its distally branching clades (Group A) was only partially resolved, with short internal branches pointing to an ancient radiation scenario. Four major clades, Tordyliinae I, Pimpinelleae I, Apieae and Coriandreae, were hypothesized to have originated from chloroplast capture events induced by early hybridization according to the incongruence between chloroplast-based and nrDNA-based phylogenetic trees. Furthermore, the variable and nested distribution of junction positions of LSC (Large single copy region) and IRB (inverted repeat region B) in Group A may reflect incomplete lineage sorting within this group, which possibly contributed to the unclear phylogenetic relationships among these clades inferred from plastome data. Molecular clock analysis revealed the chloroplast capture events mainly occurred during the middle to late Miocene, providing a geological and climate context for the evolution of Apioideae.