Because of the practical interest in the axial pressure, we develop a Harasima/Ewald (H/E) method for calculating the long-range Coulombic contribution to the local axial pressure for rigid molecules. As an application, the axial pressure profile of water inside and outside a (20, 20) single-wall carbon nanotube is determined. The H/E method is compared to the IK method, which assumes a spherically truncated Coulombic potential. Detailed analysis of the pressure profile by both methods shows that the water confined in the nanotube is in a stretched state overall in the axial direction.Frozen-density embedding (FDE) represents a versatile embedding scheme to describe the environmental effect on electron dynamics in molecular systems. The extension of the general theory of FDE to the real-time time-dependent Kohn-Sham method has previously been presented and implemented in plane waves and periodic boundary conditions [Pavanello, M.; J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 142, 154116]. In the current paper, we extend our recent formulation of the real-time time-dependent Kohn-Sham method based on localized basis set functions and developed within the Psi4NumPy framework to the FDE scheme. The latter has been implemented in its "uncoupled" flavor (in which the time evolution is only carried out for the active subsystem, while the environment subsystems remain at their ground state), using and adapting the FDE implementation already available in the PyEmbed module of the scripting framework PyADF. The implementation was facilitated by the fact that both Psi4NumPy and PyADF, being native Python API, provided an iotential is evident in the HHG spectrum reducing the number of the well-resolved high harmonics at high energy with respect to the free water. This is consistent with a shift toward lower ionization energy passing from an isolated water molecule to a small water cluster. The computational burden for the propagation step increases approximately linearly with the size of the surrounding frozen environment. Furthermore, we have also shown that the updating frequency of the embedding potential may be significantly reduced, much less than one per time step, without jeopardizing the accuracy of the transition energies.While free energies are fundamental thermodynamic quantities to characterize chemical reactions, their calculation based on ab initio theory is usually limited by the high computational cost. This is particularly true if multiple levels of theory have to be tested to establish their relative accuracy, if highly expensive quantum mechanical approximations are of interest, and also if several different temperatures have to be considered. We present an ab initio approach that effectively couples perturbation theory and machine learning to make ab initio free energy calculations more affordable. Starting from results based on a certain production ab initio theory, perturbation theory is applied to obtain free energies. The large number of single point calculations required by a brute force application of this approach are here significantly decreased by applying machine learning techniques. Importantly, the training of the machine learning model requires only a small amount of data and does not need to be performed again when the temperature is decreased. The accuracy and efficiency of this method is demonstrated by computing the free energy of activation of the proton exchange reaction in the zeolite chabazite. Starting from an ab initio calculation based on a semilocal approximation of density functional theory, free energies based on significantly more expensive nonlocal van der Waals and hybrid functionals are obtained with only a few tens of additional single point calculations. In this way this work paves the route to quick free energy calculations using different levels of theory or approximations that would be too computationally expensive to be directly employed in molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations.Fitting mathematical models with a direct connection to experimental observables to the outputs of molecular simulations can be a powerful tool for extracting important physical information from them. In this study, we present two new approaches that use stochastic time series modeling to predict long-time-scale behavior and macroscopic properties from molecular simulation, which can be generalized to other molecular systems where complex diffusion occurs. In our previous work, we studied long molecular dynamics (MD) simulation trajectories of a cross-linked HII phase lyotropic liquid crystal (LLC) membrane, where we observed subdiffusive solute transport behavior characterized by intermittent hops separated by periods of entrapment. In this work, we use our models to parameterize the behavior of the same systems, so we can generate characteristic trajectory realizations that can be used to predict solute mean-squared displacements (MSDs), solute flux, and solute selectivity in macroscopic length pores. FirstDs calculated from MD simulations. However, qualitative differences between MD and Markov state-dependent model-generated trajectories may in some cases limit their usefulness. With these parameterized stochastic models, we demonstrate how one can estimate the flux of a solute across a macroscopic length pore and, based on these quantities, the membrane's selectivity toward each solute. This work therefore helps to connect microscopic, chemically dependent solute motions that do not follow simple diffusive behavior with long-time-scale behavior, in an approach generalizable to many types of molecular systems with complex dynamics.This study outlines the development of an implicit-solvent model that reproduces the behavior of colloidal nanoparticles at a fluid-fluid interface. The center point of this formulation is the generalized quaternion-based orientational constraint (QOCO) method. The model captures three major energetic characteristics that define the nanoparticle configuration-position (orthogonal to the interfacial plane), orientation, and inter-nanoparticle interaction. The framework encodes physically relevant parameters that provide an intuitive means to simulate a broad spectrum of interfacial conditions. Results show that for a wide range of shapes, our model is able to replicate the behavior of an isolated nanoparticle at an explicit fluid-fluid interface, both qualitatively and often nearly quantitatively. Furthermore, the family of truncated cubes is used as a test bed to analyze the effect of changes in the degree of truncation on the potential-of-mean-force landscape. Finally, our results for the self-assembly of an array of cuboctahedra provide corroboration to the experimentally observed honeycomb and square lattices.