In contrast, shorter and less abundant reads were recovered from the dicyemid mitochondrial RNAs (mtRNAs). Even the longest read was 307 bp covering only a part of a minicircle. This study revealed significantly different modes of the mitochondrial transcription between a mesozoan and the host. Our approach to perform direct RNA-sequencing combined with the poly(A)-tailing reaction can be an effective method to fully capture non-poly(A) transcripts in a wide range of organisms. While significant advancements have been made in the available therapies for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), acquired resistance remains a major barrier to treatment. We have not yet achieved the ability to cure advanced NSCLC with systemic therapy, despite our growing understanding of many of the oncogenic drivers of this disease. Rather, the emergence of drug-tolerant and drug-resistant cells remains the rule, even in the face of increasingly potent targeted therapies. In this review, we provide a broad overview of the mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapy that have been demonstrated across molecular subtypes of NSCLC, highlighting the dynamic interplay between driver oncogene, bypass signaling pathways, shifting cellular phenotypes, and surrounding tumor microenvironment. From advances in the knowledge of the immune system, it is emerging that the specialized functions displayed by macrophages during the course of an immune response are supported by specific and dynamically-connected metabolic programs. The study of immunometabolism is demonstrating that metabolic adaptations play a critical role in modulating inflammation and, conversely, inflammation deeply influences the acquisition of specific metabolic settings.This strict connection has been proven to be crucial for the execution of defined immune functional programs and it is now under investigation with respect to several human disorders, such as dia