As the technical aspects of chemistry, biology and informatics on medicine are expanding fast, time has come to step back and to evaluate the impact of technology-driven chemistry on diabetics and how the bridges from research laboratories to market products are established. In this review, the large variety of therapeutic approaches proposed in the last five years for diabetic patients are discussed in an applied context. A survey of the state of the art of closed-loop insulin delivery strategies in response to blood glucose level fluctuation is provided together with insights into the emerging key technologies for diagnosis and drug development. Chemical engineering strategies centered on preserving and regenerating functional pancreatic β-cell mass are evoked in addition as they represent a permanent solution for diabetic patients.Optical analog computing has attracted widespread attention in recent decades due to its advantages of lower consumption, higher efficiency, and real-time imaging in image processing. Here, we propose a two-dimensional optical analog computing scheme based on the Brewster effect. We experimentally demonstrate two-dimensional edge detection with high efficiency. By combining microscopy, our approach may develop some significant applications in cellular and molecular imaging.In this Letter, we demonstrate the design and fabrication of a biomimetic curved compound-eye camera (BCCEC) with a high resolution for detecting distant moving objects purpose. In contrast to previously reported compound-eye cameras, our BCCEC has two distinct features. One is that the ommatidia of the compound eye are deployed on a curved surface which makes a large field of view (FOV) possible. The other is that each ommatidium has a relatively large optical entrance and long focal length so that a distant object can be imaged. To overcome the mismatch between the curved focal plane formed by the curved compound eye a