PURPOSE To determine the airplane travel-related carbon footprint of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting, the associated health burden, and the costs to offset these greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. compensation of emissions by funding an equivalent CO2 saving elsewhere). METHODS The RSNA's website was used to determine the reported country of origin of attendees to the 2017 meeting that took place in Chicago from November 26 to December 1. It was assumed that attendees had traveled from the airport nearest to the largest city in their country or state to Chicago's O'Hare international airport. The total amount of air travel-related CO2-equivalent emission (based on round-trip economy class travel), the imposed health burden in terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in the global population, the total CO2 offsets costs, and the CO2 offsets costs per DALY were calculated. RESULTS The calculated airplane travel-related CO2-equivalent emissions of 11,223 attendees from the United States and 10,684 attendees from other countries were 7,067,618 kg and 32,438,420 kg, totaling 39,506,038 kg. This caused an estimated 51.4-79.0 DALYs. The calculated amount of Total CO2 offset costs were calculated to be $474,072, which corresponds to $6,001-9,223 per DALY averted. CONCLUSIONS The airplane travel-related carbon footprint of the RSNA annual meeting and the associated disease burden are relevant, and potential attendees and organizers should take measures to overcome this undesired side effect. Offsetting this carbon footprint is cost-effective and this initiative should be taken by the radiological community. Scapular dyskinesis is observed in 61% of overhead athletes (Burn et al., 2016). For most of them, it remains asymptomatic. However, scapular dyskinesis is considered a risk factor for shoulder injury by some authors (Clarsen et al., 2014). The aim of this study is to explore the effectiveness of kinesiotaping in modifying scapular kinematics and peri-scapular muscle activity in dyskinetic athletes. The 3-dimensional position and orientation of the scapula as well as the activation of upper trapezius, lower trapezius and serratus anterior were recorded in twenty asymptomatic athletes during shoulder movements (flexion and abduction), in loaded and unloaded conditions and in three circumstances (standard, kinesiotaping 1, kinesiotaping 2). A significant decrease between 9 and 12% in upper trapezius activity was observed with kinesiotaping 1 and 2. Lower trapezius activity was slightly increased with kinesiotaping 1 while it was significantly decreased about 15-20% with kinesiotaping 2. No change was observed in serratus anterior activity, for either kinesiotaping 1 or 2. Considering scapular kinematics, both kinesiotaping 1 and 2 significantly increased posterior tilt and upward rotation. External rotation was decreased with kinesiotaping 2, in comparison to standard condition. Kinesiotaping, and especially taping 1, seems to be an effective method for changing periscapular muscle activity and scapular kinematics. Ultrasound imaging (USI) of muscle thickness offers different insights into musculoskeletal function than kinematics, kinetics, and surface electromyography (sEMG), however it is unknown how USI-derived measures correlate to traditional measures during walking. The purpose of this study was to compare USI-derived gluteus maximus (GMAX) and medius (GMED) thickness measures to tri-planar hip kinematics and kinetics, and GMED thickness to sEMG amplitude. Fourteen females walked on a treadmill at 1.34 m/s. GMAX and GMED thickness, hip tri-planar kinematics, kinetics, and GMED sEMG were simultaneously recorded. USI-derived thickness measures were compared to other biomechanical outcomes using cross-correlation analyses, computed at each 1% (11-ms) of the gait cycle with lag times from -20% to 20%. GMED and GMAX thickness measures were most strongly correlated with hip extension and abduction angles at 150-220-ms lags (cross-correlation coefficients [CCF] -0.34; -0.83). GMED thickness was most correlated to abduction and external rotation moments simultaneously (CCF -0.28; -0.47). GMAX thickness and flexion moments were most strongly correlated at a 66-ms lag (CCF 0.33). GMED sEMG amplitude was most strongly correlated to muscle thickness at a 99-ms lag (CCF 0.39). These results elucidate the unique information provided from USI-derived measures of gluteal muscle thickness during walking. Electromyographic (EMG) raw signals are sensitive to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Consequently, EMG normalization is required to draw proper interpretations of standardized data. Specific recommendations are needed regarding a relevant EMG normalization method for participants who show atypical EMG patterns, such as post-stroke subjects. This study compared three EMG normalization methods ("isometric MVC", "isokinetic MVC", "isokinetic MVC kinematic-related") on muscle activations and the antagonist-agonist co-contraction index. Fifteen post-stroke subjects and fifteen healthy controls performed active elbow extensions, followed by isometric and isokinetic maximum voluntary contractions (MVC). Muscle activations were obtained by normalizing EMG envelopes during active movement using a reference value determined for each EMG normalization method. The results showed no significant difference between the three EMG normalization methods in post-stroke subjects on muscle activation and the antagonist-agonist co-contraction index. We highlighted that the antagonist-agonist co-contraction index could underestimate the antagonist co-contraction in the presence of atypical EMG patterns. Based on its practicality and feasibility, we recommend the use of isometric MVC as a relevant procedure for EMG normalization in post-stroke subjects. We suggest combined analysis of the antagonist-agonist co-contraction index and agonist and antagonist activations to properly investigate antagonist co-contraction in the presence of atypical EMG patterns during movement. The majority of motor unit studies were performed predominantly on calf muscles, where three types of units S, FR and FF were found. These muscles are involved in postural activity, walking, running and jumping. The properties of foot muscles that perform other functions, e.g. scratching (in animals), and are purely co-active with calf muscles, are poorly known. The aim of the present study was to investigate the contractile properties of motor units in the flexor digitorum brevis. Fifty-six motor units were studied in male Wistar rats. Several methods of fast/slow motor unit categorization, presence of sag, contraction time values, and 20 Hz index, did not allow the separation of the studied motor units into discrete clusters. Therefore, motor units were divided into two groups fatigable and resistant to fatigue, based on the fatigue index with the border value of 0.5 (although the distribution of the index was not bimodal). The fatigable motor units were stronger and faster compared to the resistant ones. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/lenalidomide-s1029.html In conclusion, the distribution of motor unit contractile properties in the studied foot muscle was continuous and indicated a lack of three separate physiological types of motor units that usually occurs for the majority of hindlimb muscles.