Several scholars have proposed that values embedded in science are a central reason why more research does not necessarily resolve scientific controversies around complex environmental issues. In the Capital Regional District, British Columbia, Canada, scientists have positioned themselves for and against the construction of a wastewater treatment plant in a debate framed as purely technical. This study explores the link between the scientists' positions in the debate and the way they, in their scientific publications, portray nature and environmental risks. We performed a qualitative content analysis of peer-reviewed publications by scientists who have publicly taken opposing positions in the controversy. We found that scientists against treatment predominantly frame nature as tolerant, up to a limit, to disturbances and potential risks, and they seem to embrace a view of science as capable of reducing uncertainties. In contrast, scientists in favor of treatment predominantly portray nature as fragile, particularly toward human-mobilized environmental risks and they commonly present scientific uncertainty as worrisome based on potentially harmful consequences. Our study suggests that value-laden perspectives impact scientists' positions even in a seemingly technical controversy.Providing potable water will be a challenge for humanity over the next years. In this research, water samples from the Gamasiab River (Iran) were purified to achieve drinking water by applying coagulation, conventional filtration in combination with the nanofiltration process. By using poly aluminum chloride as a coagulant, the turbidity decreased by 96.4%. The turbidity and COD decreased by 98.82% and 32.7%, respectively, via passing the effluent through the activated carbon. Membranes were made of polyethersulfone (PES). Cesium hydrogen phosphotungstic acid (Cs0.5 H2.5 PW12 O40 as CsPW) nanoparticles were incorporated into the polymer matrix to improve the hydrophilicity. The morphology of membranes was studied using the FE-SEM and AFM. The pure water flux and contact angle for the sulfonated PES with 1.5 wt.% CsPW were 51.9 kg/m2 h and 55.49 °, respectively. The percentage of the turbidity, conductivity, TDS, and COD removal was found to be 99.9, 89.3, 89.3, and 86.6%, respectively, after the hybrid process. The removal of calcium, magnesium, nitrate, chloride, sodium, sulfate, and bicarbonate ions was 90.5, 83.4, 87.9, 60.7, 49, 86, and 80.5%, respectively. Based on these results, the river water meets the standards for drinking water after being purified by applying the aforementioned coagulation/filtration and nanofiltration processes. PRACTITIONER POINTS The treatment of the Gamasiab River (Iran) was selected for this study to produce potable water. A hybrid systematic coagulation/filtration/nanofiltration (NF) was considered. Water quality parameters were measured and compared with the standard values. The cesium hydrogen phosphotungstic acid was incorporated into the NF to increase the hydrophilicity and water flux. Polyethersulfone was sulfonated to add the sulfonyl group to the polymer.The antibacterial activity of a Cinnamomum cassia essential oil (EO) and of its main component trans-cinnamaldehyde (90% w/w) was examined against five Listeria monocytogenes strains. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of C. cassia EO against the five L. monocytogenes strains were identical (250 µg ml-1 ), while the minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) ranged between 800 and 1200 µg ml-1 . In order to study if this EO and trans-cinnamaldehyde altered the five strains at the membrane level, fluorescence anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) was measured in presence of different concentrations (1/2MIC, MIC, 2MIC) of these antibacterial agents. A concentration-dependent increase of fluorescence anisotropy of DPH in their presence reflecting a rigidification of the membrane was observed for the five strains. This modification of the membrane fluidity was associated with a perturbation of the selective membrane permeability, as a perturbation of the gradient between intracellular and extracellular pH was also observed.Worldwide, nurses have been reporting high levels of burnout. Given the high prevalence of nurse burnout, measurements of burnout need to be carefully considered for their validity and reliability. Our research team used a relatively new instrument to measure burnout among nurses the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). This 19-item instrument measures burnout in three dimensions Personal, Work-related, and Client-related Burnout. However, the psychometric properties of the CBI have not been examined in nurses. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the CBI in a state-wide survey of inpatient staff nurses. A total of 928 registered nurses working in Alabama-area hospitals (N = 42 hospitals) participated in this study. Confirmatory factor analysis resulted in an adequate fit to the data and supported construct validity. As evidence of convergent validity, the CBI was moderately to highly correlated with measures of the overall work environment, job satisfaction, and intent to leave, in the anticipated directions. The Cronbach's alphas for Personal Burnout, Work-related Burnout, and Client-related Burnout were 0.91, 0.89, and 0.92, respectively, demonstrating excellent internal consistency reliability for the subscales. Based on our data, the CBI demonstrates adequate validity and reliability for measuring burnout among frontline nurses. As nurses provide care to the most vulnerable patients in healthcare systems, their psychological well-being is important due to the impact on quality of care on patient outcomes. The availability of the CBI on its website allows nurses, nurse managers, and researchers to evaluate burnout in a variety of nursing populations with no licensing costs.Ketorolac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug administered as an analgesic in humans. It has analgesic effects comparable to opioids but without adverse effects such as respiratory depression or restrictions because of controlled drug status. We designed this study to examine the potential of ketorolac as an analgesic for sea turtle rehabilitative medicine. Our objective was to determine the pharmacokinetics of a single 0.25 mg/kg intramuscular dose of ketorolac in a population of 16 captive-raised juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). A sparse sampling protocol was utilized, and blood samples were collected for 12 hours after administration of ketorolac. Samples were analyzed with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), and a nonlinear mixed effects model (NLME) was used to determine parameters for the population. With these methods, we identified a long elimination half-life (βT1/2 = 11.867 hr) but a low maximum concentration (CMAX = 0.508 µg/mL) and concentrations were below the level proposed to be therapeutic in humans (EC50 = 0.