For many years the Shouldice technique was the gold standard for inguinal hernia repair. Nowadays mesh repair has been proven to entail better results in randomized trials. Since the first publication 1953 the Repair has been described in detail in many textbooks, articles and You Tube videos. It appears that the original technique is used almost exclusively in the Shouldice Hospital in Thornhill/ Canada and despite the success of the Shouldice Hospital many surgeons inexplicably modify this original technique in their daily practice. In the last couple of years there appears to be an increasing interest in pure tissue repairs for various reasons, often fear of mesh-related pain. The aim of the study was to review the current evidence and to define an updated standard with key principles of the Shouldice repair. Because of unpublished evidence regarding many operative details the organizing group decided to create a technical update via a consensus meeting with 13 international designated hernia surgeons pair the technique should continue to merit consideration by all hernia surgeons. After this consensus meeting a clear binding standard of the Shouldice technique for all interested surgeons is proposed.Research integrity (RI) is a continuously developing concept, and increasing emphasis is put on creating RI promotion practices. This study aimed to map the existing RI guidance documents at research performing organisations (RPOs) and research funding organisations (RFOs). A search of bibliographic databases and grey literature sources was performed, and retrieved documents were screened for eligibility. The search of bibliographical databases and reference lists of selected articles identified a total of 92 documents while the search of grey literature sources identified 118 documents for analysis. The retrieved documents were analysed based on their geographical origin, research field and organisational origin (RPO or RFO) of RI practices, types of guidance presented in them, and target groups to which RI practices are directed. Most of the identified practices were developed for research in general, and are applicable to all research fields (n = 117) and medical sciences (n = 78). They were mostly written in the form of guidelines (n = 136) and targeted researchers (n = 167). A comprehensive search of the existing RI promotion practices showed that initiatives mostly come from RPOs while only a few RI practices originate from RFOs. This study showed that more RI guidance documents are needed for natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities since only a small number of documents was developed specifically for these research fields. The explored documents and the gaps in knowledge identified in this study can be used for further development of RI promotion practices in RPOs and RFOs.A history of the common snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, is set out in folkloric fashion. Its religious connection is evident as well as the inspiration it arouses in artists and in ordinary persons. It is intended to shed light on the initial works relating to the snowdrop's alkaloid, galanthamine, performed by Soviet and Bulgarian scientists, which lie buried away and generally remain unknown. A brief history and nature of alkaloids continues with the emphasis placed on galanthamine. Heretofore hidden uses of snowdrops in traditional (folk) medicine are unveiled. An anticholinesterase with central and peripheral activity, feasible clinical indications with galanthamine are described. Certain disorders for which galanthamine has been deemed beneficial are presented for their historical value. Ongoing research regarding drugs and chemicals developed from the snowdrop and galanthamine is mentioned.The heterogeneity of "rare bone disorders" can be explained by the number of molecules and regulatory pathways which are responsible for bone health and normal stature. In this article, the most important basic principles behind bone homeostasis from development to structure and regulation of the growing skeleton are summarized. The aim is to provide the reader with some theoretical background to understand the nature of the different main groups of disorders affecting bone stability, longitudinal growth and disturbances of calcium and phosphate homeostasis.No university or research institution is immune to research misconduct or the more widespread problem of questionable research practices. To strengthen integrity in research, universities worldwide have developed education in research integrity. However, little is known about education in research integrity for PhD students in European research-intensive universities. We conducted a content analysis of didactic materials of 11 of the 23 members of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) to map out the content, format, frequency, duration, timing, and compulsory status of their training programmes and the characteristics of instructors of the onsite courses. Quantitative results revealed substantial variation in educational materials among the studied institutions. This variation might be because European research universities are free to design curricula without any requirements from the European, national, or institutional public funding channels. Given the challenges inherent to modern science and preventing misconduct, research institutions should empower future generations of researchers to engage in responsible research practices. To promote integrity in research among PhD students, we provide a set of recommendations for university-wide education in research integrity for doctoral trainees based on our investigation of educational resources.Aging is a physiological process mediated by numerous biological and genetic pathways, which are directly linked to lifespan and are a driving force for all age-related diseases. Human life expectancy has greatly increased in the past few decades, but this has not been accompanied by a similar increase in their healthspan. At present, research on aging biology has focused on elucidating the biochemical and genetic pathways that contribute to aging over time. Several aging mechanisms have been identified, primarily including genomic instability, telomere shortening, and cellular senescence. Aging is a driving factor of various age-related diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, immune system disorders, and musculoskeletal disorders. Efforts to find drugs that improve the healthspan by targeting the pathogenesis of aging have now become a hot topic in this field. In the present review, the status of aging research and the development of potential drugs for aging-related diseases, such as metformin, rapamycin, resveratrol, senolytics, as well as caloric restriction, are summarized.