ly the substrate of other disorders. Smartphones and its functionalities became part of everyone's life by the various benefits guaranteed. However, an addictive behavior can cause damage, principally in the Health Care setting and health professional's abusive use must be monitored. Further investigation is needed to determine the motivations of this addictive behavior and if abusive smartphone usage is a new psychiatric classification or merely the substrate of other disorders.This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between stress and unhealthy eating among undergraduate students, considering the moderation effects of BMI, eating style, and nationality. A total of 748 Italian and French students completed self-report measures of academic stress, emotional eating, restrained eating, BMI, and unhealthy eating intake. Results showed that academic stress increased unhealthy food consumption in Italian students, whereas it reduced junk food consumption in French students. Negative emotional eating and BMI moderated, respectively, the impact of academic stress on sweet food intake and snacking. Finally, no clear support was found for the moderation role of restrained eating. Traditionally, peer review was a closed process conducted only by individuals working in the research field. To establish a more integrated and patient-centered approach, one of Canada's largest kidney research networks (Can-SOLVE CKD) has created a Research Operations Committee (ROC) that includes patients as key members. The ROC represents one way for achieving meaningful patient-oriented research (POR). Can-SOLVE CKD, a network created as part of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR). The ROC consists of patients, physicians, scientists, Indigenous partners, experts in research methodology, and a member of Can-SOLVE CKD's operational team. On an annual basis, Can-SOLVE CKD'