They also provide estimates of important parameters such as species divergence times and ancestral population sizes while these parameters are not identifiable by summary methods. Our results highlight the need to improve the statistical efficiency of summary methods and the computational efficiency of full likelihood methods of species tree estimation.The integrity of the plasma membranes is extremely crucial for the survival and proper functioning of the cells. Organisms from all kingdoms of life employ specialized pore-forming proteins and toxins (PFPs and PFTs) that perforate cell membranes, and cause detrimental effects. PFPs/PFTs exert their damaging actions by forming oligomeric pores in the membrane lipid bilayer. PFPs/PFTs play important roles in diverse biological processes. Many pathogenic bacteria secrete PFTs for executing their virulence mechanisms. The immune system of the higher vertebrates employs PFPs to kill pathogen-infected cells and transformed cancer cells. The most obvious consequence of membrane pore-formation by the PFPs/PFTs is the killing of the target cells due to the disruption of the permeability barrier function of the plasma membranes. PFPs/PFTs can also activate diverse cellular processes that include activation of the stress-response pathways, induction of programmed cell death, and inflammation. Upon attack by the PFTs, host cells may also activate pathways to repair the injured membranes, restore cellular homeostasis, and trigger inflammatory immune responses. In this article, we present an overview of the diverse cellular responses that are triggered by the PFPs/PFTs, and their implications in the process of pathogen infection and immunity.Populations of wild and managed pollinators are declining in North America, and causes include increases in disease pressure and decreases in flowering resources. Tallgrass prairies can provide floral resources for managed honey bees (Hymenoptera Apidae, Apis mellifera Linnaeus) and wild bees. Honey bees kept near prairies may compete with wild bees for floral resources, and potentially transfer viral pathogens to wild bees. Measurements of these potential interactions are lacking, especially in the context of native habitat conservation. To address this, we assessed abundance and richness of wild bees in prairies with and without honey bee hives present, and the potential spillover of several honey bee viruses to bumble bees (Hymenoptera Apidae, Bombus Latrielle). We found no indication that the presence of honey bee hives over 2 yr had a negative effect on population size of wild bee taxa, though a potential longer-term effect remains unknown. All levels of viruses quantified in bumble bees were lower than those observed in honey bees. Higher levels of deformed wing virus and Israeli acute paralysis virus were found in Bombus griseocollis DeGeer (Hymenoptera Apidae) collected at sites with hives than those without hives. These data suggest that the presence of honey bees in tallgrass prairie could increase wild bee exposure to viruses. Additional studies on cross-species transmission of viruses are needed to inform decisions regarding the cohabitation of managed bees within habitat utilized by wild bees.The COVID-19 pandemic raised considerable challenges to obtain reliable guidance to help occupational health practitioners, workers, and stakeholders building up efficient prevention strategies at the workplace, between the constant increase of publications in the domain, the time required to run high-quality research and systematic reviews, and the urgent need to identify areas for prevention at the workplace. Social Media and Twitter, in particular, have already been used in research and constitute a useful source of information to identify community needs and topics of interest for prevention in the meatpacking industry. In this commentary, we introduce the methods and tools we used to screen relevant posts on Twitter. Twitter analytics is a way to capture real-time concerns of the community and help ensure compliance with the notion of social accountability. As such research has limitations in terms of exhaustiveness and level of evidence, it should be considered as provisional guidance to direct both actions at the workplace and further conventional research projects. To explore whether variations in odontogenesis-related genes are associated with tooth-size discrepancies. Measurements of the width of permanent teeth were obtained from dental casts of 62 orthodontic patients (age 15.65 ± 6.82 years; 29 males and 33 females). Participants were classified according to the anterior and overall Bolton ratios as without tooth-size discrepancy or with maxillary or mandibular tooth-size excess. Genomic DNA extracted from buccal cells was used, and 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across nine genes were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan chemistry. χ2 or Fisher exact tests were applied to determine the overrepresentation of genotypes/alleles depending on the type of tooth-size discrepancy (α = .05; corrected P value P < 5.556 × 10-3). Odds ratios (ORs) and their correspondent 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were also calculated to investigate the risk of this phenotype for the SNPs having significant association. Individuals carrying the FGF10 rs900379 T allele were more likely to have larger mandibular teeth (OR = 3.74; 95% CI 1.65-8.47; P = .002). This effect appeared to be stronger when two copies of the risk allele (TT) were found (recessive model, OR = 6.16; 95% CI 1.71-22.16; P = .006). On the other hand, FGF13 rs5931572 rare homozygotes (AA, or male A hemizygotes) had increased risk of displaying tooth-size discrepancies when compared with the common homozygotes (GG, or male G hemizygotes; OR = 10.32; 95% CI 2.20-48.26; P = .003). The results suggest that FGF10 and FGF13 may contribute to the presence of tooth-size discrepancies. The results suggest that FGF10 and FGF13 may contribute to the presence of tooth-size discrepancies. Recently, there has been increasing concern about the adverse health effects of long-term occupational exposure to low-level blast in military personnel. Occupational blast exposure occurs routinely in garrison through use of armaments and controlled blast detonations. In the current study, we focused on a population of breaching instructors and range staff. Breaching is a tactical technique that is used to gain entry into closed spaces, often through the use of explosives. Initial measurements of blast overpressure collected during breaching courses found that up to 10% of the blasts for range staff and up to 32% of the blasts for instructors exceeded the recommended 3 psi exposure limit. Using a cross-sectional design, we used tests of balance, ataxia, and hearing to compare a sample of breachers (n = 19) to age-and sex-matched military controls (n = 19). There were no significant differences between the two groups on the balance and ataxia tests, although the average scores of both groups were lower than would be expected in a normative population.