This review provides an overview of the role of the gut microbiota in relation to the disease pathology in anorexia nervosa and especially focuses on the therapeutic potential of fermented foods, proposed here as a recommended addition to the current nutritional treatment protocols warranting further investigation. To examine the effects of early echocardiography-targeted ibuprofen treatment of large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) on survival without cerebral palsy at 24months of corrected age. We enrolled infants born at <28weeks of gestation with a large PDA on echocardiography at 6-12hours after birth to ibuprofen or placebo by 12hours of age in a multicenter, double blind, randomized-controlled trial. Open-label ibuprofen was allowed for prespecified criteria of a hemodynamically significant PDA. The primary outcome was survival without cerebral palsy at 24months of corrected age. Among 337 enrolled infants, 109 had a small or closed ductus and constituted a reference group; 228 had a large PDA and were randomized. The primary outcome was assessed at 2years in 108 of 114 (94.7%) and 102 of 114 (89.5%) patients allocated to ibuprofen or placebo, respectively. Survival without cerebral palsy occurred in 77 of 108 (71.3%) after ibuprofen, 73 of 102 (71.6%) after placebo (adjusted relative risk 0.98, 95% CI 0.83-1.16, P=.83), and 77 of 101 (76.2%) in reference group. Infants treated with ibuprofen had a lower incidence of PDA at day 3. Severe pulmonary hemorrhage during the first 3days occurred in 2 of 114 (1.8%) infants treated with ibuprofen and 9 of 114 (7.9%) infants treated with placebo (adjusted relative risk 0.22, 95% CI 0.05-1.00, P=.05). Open-label rescue treatment with ibuprofen occurred in 62.3% of infants treated with placebo and 17.5% of infants treated with ibuprofen (P<.001), at a median (IQR) age of 4 (3, 5) and 4 (4, 12) days, respectively. Early echocardiography-targeted ibuprofen treatment of a large PDA did not change the rate of survival without cerebral palsy. Eudract 2011-003063-30 and NCT01630278. Eudract 2011-003063-30 and NCT01630278.With a global estimate of tens of thousands of arachnid enthusiasts, spiders and scorpions are gaining increasing popularity as pets in industrialised countries in Europe, Northern America and Asia. As most spiders and all scorpions are venomous and due to their mostly negative image in the public media, several governments are already considering introducing legislation to regulate the domestic care of potentially dangerous captive animals. We aimed to investigate the circumstances and effects of exposure to arachnids kept in captivity. Thus, we collected and analysed data from 354 self-reported bites and stings attributed to pet arachnids. Our data revealed that on average there were less than 20 recorded envenomations per year with ~90% preventable by due care. We also categorized the severity of the resulting symptoms and found that the vast majority of symptoms were either local (60.7%) or minor (32.8%), 5.4% were asymptomatic, only 1.1% were severe and no fatalities were recorded. Based on our database of bite and sting reports, we performed a risk assessment for arachnid pet ownership and concluded that, with the proper care, arachnids can be safely kept as pets and pose a lower risk than many other recreational activities.Species of Oxybelis are extremely elongate arboreal snakes that are broadly distributed in the Americas, from extreme southeastern Arizona (USA) to central South America. Primarily feeding on lizards and birds, Oxybelis venoms are poorly known in general, but a prominent taxon-specific three-finger toxin (fulgimotoxin) was isolated from and is a prominent component of O. fulgidus venom; a homolog is also present in O. aeneus venom. As part of ongoing characterization of venoms from rear-fanged snakes, we describe here the composition of two broadly distributed species, O. aeneus and O. fulgidus. Venom proteomes were of very low complexity, and four protein families (LAAO, PIII SVMP, CRiSP and 3FTx) account for more than 90% of total protein composition. Venoms from both species are moderately toxic to mice and to Hemidactylus geckos, but they are nearly an order of magnitude more toxic to Anolis lizards (a native prey species). These results reflect a trend in colubrid venom composition that is becoming increasingly more common the presence of taxon-specific toxins, specifically three-finger toxins, preferentially targeting lizards and/or birds.The envenomation caused by the Bothrops pauloensis snake leads to severe local and systemic effects including acute kidney injury. In this study, we investigated the renal effects by phospholipases A2 (PLA2s), divided into two main subgroups, Asp-49 and Lys-49, isolated from the Bothrops pauloensis snake venom (BpV) in isolated rat kidney system. Both PLA2s (3 μg/mL), added alone to the perfusion system and analyzed for 120 min, had significant effects on isolated rat kidney. Asp-49 reduced Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) at 60, 90 and 120 min, and the percentage of total tubular sodium transport (%TNa+) and potassium transport (%TK+) at 120 min. Lys-49 increased Perfusion Pressure (PP) at 120 min and reduced GFR, %TNa+ and the percentage of total tubular chloride transport (%TCl-) at 60, 90 and 120 min. Cytokine release in the kidney tissues were increased with Asp-49 PLA2 (IL-10) and Lys-49 PLA2 (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-10). Both increased MPO activity. Asp-49 PLA2 decreased Glutathione (GSH) and increased nitrite levels, while Lys-49 PLA2 increased Malondialdehyde (MDA), GSH and nitrite levels. Histological analysis of the perfused kidneys revealed the presence of glomerular degeneration and atrophy, deposit of proteinaceous material in Bowman's space and intratubular with both PLA2s. These findings indicated that both PLA2s modified the functional parameters in an isolated perfused kidney model with increased oxidative stress and cytokine release. PLA2s are one of the components at high concentration in BpV and our results provide important knowledge about their involvement with the nephrotoxic mechanism.