Our results also showed that both the intervention methods had a similar effect and that there was a significant difference in the performance of breast self-examinations between the intervention and control groups after the intervention ( value < .001). Given the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of implementing an E-learning program, we would recommend that health care planners assist in designing and implementing this effective form of intervention to encourage many more women to perform self-examinations to aid breast cancer screening. Given the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of implementing an E-learning program, we would recommend that health care planners assist in designing and implementing this effective form of intervention to encourage many more women to perform self-examinations to aid breast cancer screening. Globally, khat chewing practice becoming an alarming and common among the youth generation, especially in higher educational institutions. It may also lead to frequent misbehavior, poor academic performance, and memory impairment among students. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of khat chewing practice and associated factors among medical students in Gondar town, Ethiopia, 2019. A cross-sectional study was employed on 422 medical students. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 20 software. Stratified followed by random sampling was employed to select the samples. A multivariable logistic regression model was fitted to identify the predictors.  ⩽ .05 was used to select statistically significant factors. The current prevalence of khat chewing practice among medical students was 21.5%. The odds of khat chewing practice was higher among males (AOR = 3.353; 95%CI [1.460-7.701]), Muslims (AOR = 6.390; 95%CI [1.903-21.460]), fifth and 6 year students (AOR = 3.391; 95%CI [1.354-8.488]), smokers (AOR = 5.081; 95%CI [1.898-13.601]), alcohol users (AOR = 4.872; 95%CI [2.094-11.332]), students who had khat chewer close friends (AOR = 30.645; 95%CI [12.261-76.589]). Since a significant proportion of students were found to be khat chewers, continuous awareness creation on the impact of khat chewing and counseling services are recommended. Since a significant proportion of students were found to be khat chewers, continuous awareness creation on the impact of khat chewing and counseling services are recommended. Validated diagnostic scales for dementia in Arabic are still scarce. The aim of this study is to construct a standardized dementia scale for dementia diagnosis among the Arabic-speaking population. Construction of the Dementia Arabic Scale (DAS) was done, followed by evaluation of content validity. A pilot study was done to ascertain feasibility and language clarity used in the scale. Patients diagnosed to have major neurocognitive disorder according to DSM-V criteria and control group were subjected to DAS, mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI). Finally, standardization of the scale and estimation of cutoff point, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the newly constructed scale (DAS) were done. There is significant correlation between DAS and both MMSE and CASI on Pearson's correlation study. https://www.selleckchem.com/ferroptosis.html The internal consistency of the DAS scale was good, with Cronbach's alpha correlation coefficient of 0.88. At cut-off ≤95 for literate, and ≤68 for illiterate, the sensitivity of the DAS scale was 100%, 87% for literate and illiterate, respectively, while specificity was 84%, 96% respectively, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of (AUC) 0.96. The DAS scale is an acceptable, reliable and valid scale for the diagnosis of dementia in Arabic-speaking countries. The DAS scale is an acceptable, reliable and valid scale for the diagnosis of dementia in Arabic-speaking countries. Around 40-50% of diffuse large-B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients suffer from refractory disease or relapse after R-CHOP first-line treatment. Many ongoing clinical trials for DLBCL patients involve microtubule targeting agents (MTAs), however, their anticancer activity is limited by severe side effects. Therefore, we chose to improve the therapeutic window of the MTA monomethyl auristatin E developing a nanoconjugate, T22-AUR, that selectively targets the CXCR4 receptor, which is overexpressed in many DLBCL cells (CXCR4 ) and associated with poor prognosis. The T22-AUR specificity towards CXCR4 receptor was performed by flow cytometry in different DLBCL cell lines and running biodistribution assays in a subcutaneous mouse model bearing CXCR4 DLBCL cells. Moreover, we determined T22-AUR cytotoxicity using cell viability assays, cell cycle analysis, DAPI staining and immunohistochemistry. Finally, the T22-AUR antineoplastic effect was evaluated in vivo in an extranodal CXCR4 DLBCL mouse model whereas the an effective therapy for CXCR4+ DLBCL patients. The role of statins as anti-inflammatory drugs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is controversial. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of statins used with or without corticosteroids in COPD patients. This was a retrospective cohort study and used the two million outpatients and inpatients in Taiwan's Longitudinal Health Insurance Database covering 2000 to 2015. A total of 92,460 patients were identified in this study. We divided COPD patients into four groups by auditing each patient's medication (statins used or not; corticosteroids used or not) and used Cox regression to analyze and compare the effects of statins in COPD patients with or without corticosteroids. In terms of all COPD patients, our findings were consistent with previous studies showing that statins decreased COPD-related hospitalization and mortality rates. However, the beneficial effects were only observed in younger patients or those not taking corticosteroids in further analysis. Statins significantly decreased r not.Toxicities associated with radiation therapy are common, symptomatically devastating, and costly. The best chance to effectively mitigate radiation-associated normal tissue side effects are interventions aimed at disrupting the biological cascade, which is the basis for toxicity development, while simultaneously not reducing the beneficial impact of radiation on tumor. Oxidative stress is a key initiator of radiation-associated normal tissue injury as physiologic antioxidant mechanisms are overwhelmed by the accumulation of effects produced by fractionated treatment regimens. And fundamental to this is the generation of superoxide, which is normally removed by superoxide dismutases (SODs). Attempts to supplement the activity of endogenous SOD to prevent radiation-induced normal tissue injury have included the administration of bovine-derived SOD and increasing SOD production using gene transfer, neither of which has resulted in a clinically acceptable therapy. A third approach has been to develop synthetic small molecule dismutase mimetics.