This prospective observational study examined changing trends in mental and behavioral responses, and their association with perceived risk, severity, self-efficacy and isolation status during the Chinese COVID-19 epidemic. There were five waves of interviews. Descriptive statistics and non-parametric test methods were used for data analysis. Participants numbered 150 for the linkable baseline survey and 102 completed all 5 survey waves and were included in the analysis. Mental stress, emotional status and lifestyle manifested a statistically significant downwards trend across the total period of this panel study. The number of reported new confirmed patients perceived high risk and perceived severity were positively associated with mental stress, emotional status and lifestyle. Self-efficacy was negatively associated with each type of mental and behavioral response. The more time people were confined to their home, the more serious the emotional and lifestyle problems. Dose-response relationships were noted between the number of reported new confirmed patients and mental stress, emotional status and lifestyle during the five observation points. This study yielded new information about mental and behavioral responses among Chinese people during the COVID-19 epidemic. Policy changes and health education are essential for minimizing the adverse health effects of these responses.Compared to their eukaryotic counterparts, bacterial genomes are small and contain extremely tightly packed genes. Repetitive sequences are rare but not completely absent. One of the most common repeat families is REPINs. REPINs can replicate in the host genome and form populations that persist for millions of years. Here, we model the interactions of these intragenomic sequence populations with the bacterial host. We first confirm well-established results, in the presence and absence of horizontal gene transfer (hgt) sequence populations either expand until they drive the host to extinction or the sequence population gets purged from the genome. We then show that a sequence population can be stably maintained, when each individual sequence provides a benefit that decreases with increasing sequence population size. Maintaining a sequence population of stable size also requires the replication of the sequence population to be costly to the host, otherwise the sequence population size will increase indefinitely. Surprisingly, in regimes with high hgt rates, the benefit conferred by the sequence population does not have to exceed the damage it causes to its host. Our analyses provide a plausible scenario for the persistence of sequence populations in bacterial genomes. We also hypothesize a limited biologically relevant parameter range for the provided benefit, which can be tested in future experiments.This study was conducted to determine the influence of environmental factors on the prevalence of house dust mites in student dormitories of Bandar Abbas city. In this study, 64 dust samples were collected from seven randomly selected dormitories located in various areas of the Bandar Abbas. The collected mites were isolated and mounted in Hoyer's medium and identified using a morphological key. The associations between the environmental factors and the density of house dust mites were investigated. In total, 1,093 adult mites were collected and identified. They consisted of four species including Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Trouessart (57.6%), Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes (24.3%) and Dermatophagoides evansi Fain (14.9%) (Acari Pyroglyphidae), and Cheyletus malaccensis Oudemans (3.2%) (Acari Cheyletidae). All of the dormitories were contaminated by more than one house dust mites species and the mean density of house dust mites in dormitories was 8.3 ± 0.2 mites/g of dust. There was a significant relationship between average house dust mites density and some of environmental factors such as relative humidity, temperature, floor covering type, and number of occupants (P less then 0.05). Results of this study revealed that two major allergenic dust mites, D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae, were the most prevalent and collected from all of dormitories and some of indoor environmental factors found to influence mites' population. With the current focus on lipoprotein(a) as a likely causal risk factor for cardiovascular disease and new drugs potentially on the market to lower lipoprotein(a) levels, the safety of lowering lipoprotein(a) to low levels becomes increasingly important. We tested whether low levels of lipoprotein(a) and corresponding LPA genotypes associate with major disease groups including cancers and infectious disease. We included 109440 individuals from the Copenhagen General Population Study. For main World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases 10th edition chapter diseases, the only concordant association of low levels of lipoprotein(a) plasma levels and corresponding LPA genotypes with risk of disease was with low risk of diseases of the circulatory system. Furthermore, no concordant association of low levels of lipoprotein(a) plasma levels and corresponding LPA genotypes with the risk of any cancer (i.e. cancer subtypes combined) or infectious disease was seen. The hazard ratio for the riy associate with any major disease groups including cancers and infections. There is no safety signal from our results to indicate that low levels of lipoprotein(a) are harmful. People living with heart disease are at elevated risk of hospitalisation during the last years of their life. The aim of this study was to describe hospitalisation-related usage patterns, and associated cost burden, for patients living with heart disease in the last six years of their life. The study was an observational cohort study, using routinely collected and linked data from hospital admission, ED presentation and death registry data in Queensland, Australia. The study sample included 1000 randomly selected patients who died in 2017 due to any cause who had been living with heart disease for at least the prior six years. The two main outcomes of interest in this study were cost of hospital admissions (HA) and cost of emergency department presentation (ED) in the last six years before death. Total cost was calculated as a sum of direct and overhead costs from each of the hospital presentations.The mean HA per patient in the sixth year, second year and last year prior to death was 5.3, 6.6, and 7.5, respectively, with a similar pattern observed for ED presentations.