Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) can increase the risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and dental caries. Interventions that alter the physical or social environment in which individuals make beverage choices have been proposed to reduce the consumption of SSB. We included randomised controlled, non-randomised controlled, and interrupted time series studies on environmental interventions, with or without behavioural co-interventions, implemented in real-world settings, lasting at least 12 weeks, and including at least 40 individuals. Studies on the taxation of SSB were not included, as these are subject of a separate Cochrane review. We used standard Cochrane methods for data extraction, risk of bias assessment, and evidence grading and synthesis. Searches were updated to January 24, 2018. We identified 14,488 unique records and assessed 1,030 full texts for eligibility. We included 58 studies comprising a total of 1,180,096 participants and a median length ofts of interventions suitable for large-scale implementation, and interventions and settings not yet studied thoroughly. With observed benefits outweighing observed harms, we suggest that environmental interventions to reduce the consumption of SSB be considered as part of a wider set of measures to improve population-level nutrition. Implementation should be accompanied by evaluations using appropriate methods. Future studies should examine population-level effects of interventions suitable for large-scale implementation, and interventions and settings not yet studied thoroughly.Currently, there is no clear agreement on the definition and conceptualization for psychological resilience (PR) in old age. Adopting a pragmatic view, this article elucidates the definition and conceptualization of PR by (1) extracting existing PR concepts that are relevant to aging, and (2) elucidating the contributing and delimiting factors for developing and sustaining PR as guided by the biopsychosocial framework. In addition, a comprehensive review of the tools used to measure PR was conducted to examine how scholars have conceptualized PR. Consequently, the renewed understanding defines PR as an emergent construct which is malleable, enduring, and can be developed and sustained by a dynamic interplay of biological, psychological, spiritual, and social factors. Correlates in terms of physical and mental well-being in the context of aging are identified. Urachal cancer (UrC) is a rare but aggressive cancer. Due to its low incidence, structured epidemiological data have only rarely been reported. To date, no valid data on UrC are available for the German population. Data on incidence and relative 5-year survival of urachal lesions (ICD-10 C67.7) were collected from all population-based cancer registries in Germany, provided by the Robert Koch-Institut (RKI). Data were anonymized and included age, sex, and general histology (ICD-O-3). For comparison, a similar inquiry of the "Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program" (SEER-18) database for the USA was conducted. From 2011 to 2015, a total of 154 and 152 cases of UrC were reported for Germany (RKI) and the USA (SEER-18 area), respectively. Age-standardized incidence was 0.32/1,000,000 age-standardized cases/year in both cohorts, and elderly persons were more often affected. The major histological type was adenocarcinoma (64.9 and 81.6%). Relative 5-year survival was 54.8% (CI 45.0-64.6) in Germaan population. High-risk human papillomavirus (HR HPV) is found to be responsible for 4.5% of cancer in general, primarily cervical cancer. We aim here to highlight the prevalence and genotypes of HR HPV and correlate its association with Pap tests' results, which are still not well known in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Over 7 years (2013-2019), the results of 164 Saudi women coinvestigated for HR HPV along with Pap tests were collected from the archive of King Fahd University Hospital. Only women who had atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) on the Pap test and those at elevated risk of infection were cotested for HR HPV; otherwise, the Pap test was the only screening modality for cervical cancer. Data were organized and statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS v26. Out of 164 Saudi women, 14.5% (n = 24/164) showed positive results for HR HPV (8 patients had HPV16 and 2 had both HPV16 and HPV18/45, while the remaining 14 had other HR HPV); among them, 41.5% (n = 10/24) had an abnormal Papncer. HR HPV frequency and genotype distribution, in this study, might reflect a different regional infection pattern. The high association of HR HPV with negative cytology emphasizes the need to add the HR HPV test to screening modalities of cervix cancer. Tetrahydrocurcumin (THC) is the major active metabolite of curcumin, which is a dietary factor derived from Curcuma species. Our previous study demonstrated a significant beneficial effect of THC in mice with allergic asthma. Glucocorticosteroids (GCs) are commonly used drugs in asthma. Whether THC supplementation could promote the beneficial effects of GC therapy on asthma has not yet been reported. The current study aimed to investigate the combined efficacy of GC and THC treatment in a mouse model of allergic asthma. BALB/c mice were randomly divided into 5 groups the control group, ovalbumin (OVA)-induced group, and OVA-induced mice treated with dietary THC only, intraperitoneal injection of dexamethasone (DEX) only, or THC combined with DEX. The nasal symptoms, histopathological alterations of lung tissues, lung cytokine production, and Th cell subsets were assessed. THC or DEX had beneficial effects on nasal symptoms and pathological lung changes, and the therapeutic effects between THC and DEX treatment were comparable. Importantly, compared to the monotherapy groups (THC or DEX only), the combination of THC and DEX showed a significantly reduced nasal rubbing frequency, lower mucus hyperproduction, lower Th2 and Th17 cell numbers as well as lower related cytokine levels (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-17A). Supplementation with THC can enhance the therapeutic effects of DEX to alleviate airway symptoms, lung inflammation, and the Th2 response. Our findings suggest that dietary administration of THC could act as an add-on therapy for asthma treated with GCs. Supplementation with THC can enhance the therapeutic effects of DEX to alleviate airway symptoms, lung inflammation, and the Th2 response. Our findings suggest that dietary administration of THC could act as an add-on therapy for asthma treated with GCs.