The dissection of the contribution of all these pathways to disease, and their correlation with the disease status, as well as their values as prognostic tools, can help to plan timely intervention and design new drugs for more appropriate therapeutic strategies. © 2020 British Society for Immunology.BACKGROUND Odontogenic myxoma (OM) is a rare neoplasm, which originates from odontogenic ectomesenchyme. There is no study in the literature that analyses the best standards for OM diagnosis and how the treatment modalities may influence the recurrence rates. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the best standards for odontogenic myxoma (OM) diagnosis and treatment, and how these may influence the recurrence rates. STUDY DESIGN Two independent researchers performed a systematic review in many databases. Fifty-two eligible studies were included for qualitative analysis. Bias analysis was conducted according to Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. RESULTS A total of 1363 OM cases were reported on, and female gender with average age of 27 years is the most common patient profile. Conventional microscopic findings were observed in 93.43% of the reported cases. In 57.49% of the cases, multilocular radiographic appearance was present, followed by unilocular appearance (32.87%). Posterior mandible was the site with the major prevalence, while surgical resection was the most common treatment modality, followed by enucleation. Recurrence rates for both treatment modalities were approximately close (13.04% and 25.0%, respectively). CONCLUSION The correct diagnosis of OM relies on the association of clinical, radiographic and microscopic findings. About imaging examinations, panoramic radiography and computed tomography are sufficient for the evaluation of OM. Recurrence rates were closely among the two most used surgery treatments. So according to some clinical-radiological aspects, conservative surgery may be preferred than aggressive surgery modalities. © 2020 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation.BACKGROUND Optimization of post-operative pain treatment is of upmost importance. Multimodal analgesia is the main post-operative pain treatment principle, but the evidence on optimal analgesic combinations is unclear. With the "DEXamethasone twice for pain treatment after TKA" trial, we aim to investigate the role of one or two doses of glucocorticoid for post-operative pain treatment after total knee arthroplasty. To ensure transparency and minimization of bias, we present this article with a detailed statistical analysis plan, to be published before the last participant is enrolled. METHODS "DEXamethasone twice for pain treatment after TKA" (DEX-2-TKA) is a randomized, blinded, three-group multicentre clinical trial. Participants will be randomized to one of three intervention groups single dose of iv dexamethasone 24 mg, two consecutive doses of iv dexamethasone 24 mg or matching iv placebo. All three intervention groups will receive paracetamol, NSAID (ibuprofen) and local infiltration analgesia. Participants, treatment providers, outcome assessors, data managers, statisticians and conclusion drawers will be blinded to the allocated intervention. The primary outcome is total opioid consumption (iv morphine milligram equivalents) 0-48 hours post-operatively. Secondary outcomes are (1) visual analogue scale pain levels (a) during active 45 degrees flexion of the knee at 24 and 48 hours post-operatively, (b) at rest at 24 and 48 hours post-operatively, and (c) during 0-24 hours (highest score) and 24-48 hours post-operatively (highest score); and (2) the proportion of participants with one or more adverse events within 48 hours post-operatively. DISCUSSION The DEX-2-TKA trial will provide high quality data regarding benefits and harms of adding one or two high-doses of dexamethasone to a multimodal analgesic regimen. TRIAL REGISTRATION EudraCT 2018-001099-39 (08/06-18); NCT03506789 (24/04-2019). © 2020 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.INTRODUCTION Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by increased central fat mass (CFM), hyper-inflammation, and hemostatic alterations; the risk of cardiovascular disease may also be increased. Reduced fibrin lysability is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The present study assessed fibrin lysability in women with PCOS and controls of similar age and body mass index. MATERIAL AND METHODS Ninety women with PCOS and 35 controls of comparable age and body mass index were included. Hemostatic markers (fibrin lysability, fibrinogen, coagulation factor XIII, plasminogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 [PAI-1], plasmin inhibitor, thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), D-dimer), C-reactive protein (CRP), body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, CFM determined by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan, and sex hormones (testosterone estradiol, and sex hormone binding globulin) were determined. RESULTS TAFI and CRP were higher in women with PCOS, than controls. In women with PCOS, fibrin rdiovascular disease. © 2020 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.BACKGROUND Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition affecting 8% to 13% of reproductive-aged women. In the past clomiphene citrate (CC) used to be the first-line treatment in women with PCOS. Ovulation induction with letrozole should be the first-line treatment according to new guidelines, but the use of letrozole is off-label. Consequently, CC is still commonly used. Approximately 20% of women on CC do not ovulate. Women who are CC-resistant can be treated with gonadotrophins or other medical ovulation-induction agents. These medications are not always successful, can be time-consuming and can cause adverse events like multiple pregnancies and cycle cancellation due to an excessive response. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) is a surgical alternative to medical treatment. There are risks associated with surgery, such as complications from anaesthesia, infection, and adhesions. OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of LOD with or without medical ovulation induction compared with medical ovulation induction alone for women with anovulatory polycystic PCOS and CC-resistance.