This research developed a new methodology using a gas chromatograph, a pulsed discharge helium ionization detector (PDHID), and two mass spectrometric (MSD) detectors. The detectors worked simultaneously, using 8 columns and 7 valves. This new proposal for simultaneous analysis, with a single injection and analysis time of 36 min, allowed the quantification of 10 oxygenated compounds (alcohols, ketones and carboxylic acids), 3 permanent gases, 3 sulphides and 4 thiols, which are aggressive inhibitors of the Ziegler-Natta catalytic systems. The RSD (n = 6) for repeatability of the peak area of the 20 compounds analyzed, and the retention time were less than 0.59 and 0.23% respectively. The RSD (n = 6) for intermediate precision for the peak area was less than 0.85% and, for the retention time, less than 0.35%. 95% of the inhibitors analyzed showed relative errors inter and intra-day less than 3%. The inhibitors detected and quantified were formic acid (2 to 45.32 ppm), acetic acid (1 to 25.32 ppm), acetone (5 indicating that each inhibitor has a statistically significant effect on the model.For successful profiling of aroma carriers in food samples, a highly efficient extraction method is mandatory. A two-step stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) approach, namely fractionated SBSE (Fr-SBSE), was developed to improve both the organoleptic and the chemical identification of aroma compounds in beverages. Fr-SBSE consists of two multi-SBSE procedures (mSBSE) performed sequentially on the same sample. The first extraction consists of a conventional mSBSE using three polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stir bars (1stmSBSE). This is followed by a solvent-assisted mSBSE performed on the same sample using three solvent-swollen PDMS stir bars (2nd SA-mSBSE). The 1stmSBSE mainly extracts apolar/medium polar solutes with log Kow values >2, while the 2nd SA-mSBSE mainly extracts polar solutes with log Kow values less then 2. After this two-step fractionation procedure, either thermal desorption (TD) or liquid desorption - large volume injection (LD-LVI), followed by GC-MS is performed on each set of three stir bars. A real-life sample of roasted green tea was used for method development. The performance of the Fr-SBSE method is further illustrated with sensory evaluations and GC-MS analysis for a stout beer sample. Compared to an extraction procedure with SA-mSBSE only, Fr-SBSE including a 1stmSBSE and a 2nd SA-mSBSE reduced co-elution of aroma compounds in the chromatograms and was capable of providing improved mass spectral quality for identification of 17 additional compounds in roasted green tea, and 12 additional compounds in stout beer, respectively. Moreover, odor description and characterization were clearly improved.Organic gel (OG) has excellent characteristics, including a large surface area, adjustable pore/channel size, and good chemical stability, and has attracted great attention in the field of materials. However, the OG packed column is difficult to pack due to the weak mechanical strength and poor monodispersity. Herein, 1-allyl-3-methyl imidazolium hexafluorophosphate-co-1-dodecanethiol ([AMIm]PF6-co-TDDM) was prepared on the silica microsphere for chromatographic packing available in multimode liquid chromatography (LC) mode with the good mechanical properties of silica microspheres through a simple OG synthesis method. [AMIm]PF6-co-TDDM@SiO2 hybrid microspheres with uniform particles and narrow particle size distribution are used as stationary phases of LC. These microspheres are used in anion-exchange (IEC), reversed-phase (RP), and hydrophilic interaction (HILIC) mode for the separation of different analytes. Such microspheres can also be used for the preliminary qualitative analysis of active ingredients in actual samples in addition to organic acids, alkylbenzenes, and nucleoside bases. The [AMIm]PF6-co-TDDM@SiO2 chromatography packing also has good reproducibility and stability. The adhesive properties of organogels and the adsorption properties of silica gel simplify the synthesis of stationary phase materials. This simple and effective strategy for preparing [AMIm]PF6-co-TDDM@SiO2 composite microspheres by one-pot method can expand the application of OG as a functional additive on silica microspheres in LC.Hypercrosslinked polymers (HCPs) have demonstrated effective adsorption capabilities because of their rich porosity and high specific surface area. However, the HCPs prepared with phenylboronic acid based compounds as monomers via Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction have not been reported yet. Herein, four new HCPs with phenylboronic acid (PBA), 1,4-benzenediboronic acid, 4-hydroxyphenylboronic acid and 4-carboxyphenylboronic acid as the respective monomers were prepared for the first time. Their Brunner-Emmet-Teller surface areas were 909.1 m2 g-1, 71.9 m2 g-1, 39.8 m2 g-1 and 29.3 m2 g-1, respectively. The prepared HCP with PBA as the monomer (named as PBA-HCP) displayed the best adsorption capability for chlorophenols. Then, it was investigated as a SPE adsorbent for the extraction of some chlorophenols from water and honey-pomelo beverage samples prior to high performance liquid-phase chromatography with diode array detection. The established method had low limits of detection for the analytes in the range from 0.06 to 0.2 ng mL-1 for water samples and from 0.3 to 1.0 ng mL-1 for honey-pomelo beverage samples. The linear response for the analytes was in the range of 0.18-100.0 ng mL-1 for water samples and 0.9-100.0 ng mL-1 for honey-pomelo beverage samples. The method also had a good repeatability with the relative standard deviations less than 7.1% and a fairly good accuracy with the method recoveries falling between 80.0% and 120.0%. The adsorption capacities of the PBA-HCP for 2-chlorophenol, 3-chlorophenol, 2,3-dichlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol were 21.7 mg g-1, 31.2 mg g-1, 77.1 mg g-1 and 82.1 mg g-1, respectively. The PBA-HCP also exhibited excellent extraction capabilities for some other compounds, especially for those that have more hydrogen bonding sites.Despite the extensive use of electrospray ionization (ESI) for the quantification of neuropeptides by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), poor ionization and transmission efficiency are described for this ionization interface. A new atmospheric pressure ionization source, named UniSpray, was recently developed and commercialized. In this study, the LC-MS performance of this new ionization interface is evaluated and compared with ESI for the quantification of seven neuropeptides. Besides comparison of signal intensities and charge state distributions, also signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios and accuracy and precision were assessed. Additionally, matrix effects of human precipitated plasma and rat microdialysate were evaluated as well as the effect of three supercharging agents on the ionization of the seven neuropeptides. UniSpray ionization resulted in signal intensities four to eight times higher at the optimal capillary/impactor voltage for all seven neuropeptides. S/N values at the other hand only increased by not more than a twofold when the UniSpray source was used.