This study aimed to investigate the association among swallowing function, hand grip strength, and peak expiratory flow in elderly patients with dysphagia. A total of 35 patients (26 men and 9 women, 80.7±8.1 years) were included in the final analysis. They underwent videoendoscopy (VE) for the assessment of swallowing function, hand grip strength test, and peak expiratory flow test. We used the Hyodo score, the objective scale of VE developed by Hyodo etal. (2010), which consists of the following 4 parameters salivary pooling degree at the vallecula and pyriform sinuses, glottal closure reflex induced by touching of the endoscope to the epiglottis or arytenoid, swallowing reflex initiation assessed by "white-out" timing, and pharyngeal clearance after blue-dyed water is swallowed. The Hyodo score significantly correlated to hand grip strength and peak expiratory flow, and hand grip strength was significantly correlated to peak expiratory flow. Although a significant correlation was noted between the Hyodo score and hand grip strength after adjustment for peak expiratory flow, no significant correlation was found between the Hyodo score and peak expiratory flow after adjustment for hand grip strength. This study indicated that unlike peak expiratory flow, hand grip strength is associated with swallowing function, which was evaluated by an objective scale, and can be used as an indicator for whole body muscle strength. This result may contribute to the investigation of the effect of muscle training on dysphagia. This study indicated that unlike peak expiratory flow, hand grip strength is associated with swallowing function, which was evaluated by an objective scale, and can be used as an indicator for whole body muscle strength. This result may contribute to the investigation of the effect of muscle training on dysphagia.A geochemical speciation model was developed to predict Distribution coefficients (Kds) of radionuclides (RNs) in rivers. The model takes into account complexation of RNs with inorganic ligands, sorption of RNs with hydrous ferric oxides, complexation of RNs with dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) and sorption and/or co-precipitation of RNs to carbonates. A sorption model of Cs onto clay was also integrated. The tool is also designed to conduct uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis follows a stepwise structured approach, starting from computationally 'inexpensive' Morris method to most costly variance-based EFAST method. A nested Monte Carlo approach was also implemented to separate natural variability and lack of knowledge in global uncertainty assessment. As case studies, Kd distributions were estimated for Co, Mn, Ag and Cs in seven French rivers. Uncertainty analysis allowed to quantify Kd ranges that can be expected when considering all the sensitive parameters together.Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a leading cause of diarrhea among travelers and pediatric populations worldwide. The tip-localized adhesin of colonization factor antigen (CFA)/I fimbriae was engineered as a donor strand complemented variant (dscCfaE) and delivered via transcutaneous immunization. Preclinical vaccine testing demonstrated safety, immunogenicity and efficacy. A series of open-label dose-escalating phase 1 studies evaluated a 3-dose (days 0, 21, 42) regimen via a transcutaneous skin patch. A total of forty-six subjects were enrolled into one of four vaccine dose levels (10, 50, 250, or 1250 µg) co-administered with single-mutant heat-labile enterotoxin (LTR(192G)). At the 50 µg dose level, ten subjects received the dscCfaE vaccine without LT(R192G). The vaccine was well tolerated with mild local vaccine site reactions characterized by an erythematous papular rash and pruritus, which were less frequent and reactive in the group not receiving LT(R192G). The frequency of responses to dscCfaE were moderate, whereas anti-toxin responses (serum IgA/IgG) ranged from 75 to 100% across groups that received LT(R192G). Antigen-specific antibody-secreting cell responses were elicited at all dose levels, but were generally low. Follow-on studies will optimize construct and route of delivery and assess efficacy in an ETEC challenge study.Although vaccination with BCG prevents disseminated forms of childhood tuberculosis (TB), it does not protect against pulmonary infection or Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) transmission. In this study, we generated a complete deletion mutant of the Mtb Esx-5 type VII secretion system (Mtb Δesx-5). Mtb Δesx-5 was highly attenuated and safe in immunocompromised mice. When tested as a vaccine candidate to boost BCG-primed immunity, Mtb Δesx-5 improved protection against highly virulent Mtb strains in the murine and guinea pig models of TB. Enhanced protection provided by heterologous BCG-prime plus Mtb Δesx-5 boost regimen was associated with increased pulmonary influx of central memory T cells (TCM), follicular helper T cells (TFH) and activated monocytes. Conversely, lower numbers of T cells expressing exhaustion markers were observed in vaccinated animals. Our results suggest that boosting BCG-primed immunity with Mtb Δesx-5 is a potential approach to improve protective immunity against Mtb. Further insight into the mechanism of action of this novel prime-boost approach is warranted.Fetal lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO) is classically based on prenatal ultrasound identification of a dilated/ thick-walled bladder, bilateral hydronephrosis, dilated ureters and a dilated posterior urethra (also known as the "keyhole sign") in a male fetus. Although the most common underlying diagnosis is posterior urethral valves, the prenatal appearance may be similar with urethral atresia or stenosis, the Prune-Belly Syndrome, or even a cloacal anomaly in a female. These conditions form part of the Congenital Anomalies of Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT) spectrum, which is the commonest cause of end-stage renal disease in children. Although it is difficult to predict postnatal renal function from the prenatal appearance, studies have recently identified predictive features (based on ultrasound findings and fetal biochemistry), and established staging systems to assist with counselling, and, where indicated, patient selection for in-utero intervention. Current in-utero therapy includes amnio-infusion, vesico-amniotic shunting, and fetal cystoscopy with valve ablation or urethral stenting.