We compute three-loop corrections to the relation between the heavy quark masses defined in the pole and kinetic schemes. Using known relations between the pole and MS[over ¯] quark masses, we can establish precise relations between the kinetic and MS[over ¯] charm and bottom masses. As compared to two loops, the precision is improved by a factor of 2 to 3. Our results constitute important ingredients for the precise determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |V_cb| at Belle II.For most chiralities, semiconducting nanotubes display topologically protected end states of multiple degeneracies. We demonstrate using density matrix renormalization group based quantum chemistry tools that the presence of Coulomb interactions induces the formation of robust end spins. These are the close analogs of ferromagnetic edge states emerging in graphene nanoribbons. The interaction between the two ends is sensitive to the length of the nanotube, its dielectric constant, and the size of the end spins for S=1/2 end spins, their interaction is antiferromagnetic, while for S>1/2, it changes from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic as the nanotube length increases. The interaction between end spins can be controlled by changing the dielectric constant of the environment, thereby providing a possible platform for two-spin quantum manipulations.The high temperature and electron degeneracy attained during a supernova allow for the formation of a large muon abundance within the core of the resulting protoneutron star. If new pseudoscalar degrees of freedom have large couplings to the muon, they can be produced by this muon abundance and contribute to the cooling of the star. By generating the largest collection of supernova simulations with muons to date, we show that observations of the cooling rate of SN 1987A place strong constraints on the coupling of axionlike particles to muons, limiting the coupling to g_aμ less then 10^-8.1  GeV^-1.We propose a universal practical approach to realize magnetic second-order topological insulator (SOTI) materials, based on properly breaking the time reversal symmetry in conventional (first-order) topological insulators. The approach works for both three dimensions (3D) and two dimensions (2D), and is particularly suitable for 2D, where it can be achieved by coupling a quantum spin Hall insulator with a magnetic substrate. Using first-principles calculations, we predict bismuthene on EuO(111) surface as the first realistic system for a two-dimensional magnetic SOTI. We explicitly demonstrate the existence of the protected corner states. Benefitting from the large spin-orbit coupling and sizable magnetic proximity effect, these corner states are located in a boundary gap ∼83  meV, and hence can be readily probed in experiment. By controlling the magnetic phase transition, a topological phase transition between a first-order TI and a SOTI can be simultaneously achieved in the system. The effect of symmetry breaking, the connection with filling anomaly, and the experimental detection are discussed.Non-Euclidean geometry, discovered by negating Euclid's parallel postulate, has been of considerable interest in mathematics and related fields for the description of geographical coordinates, Internet infrastructures, and the general theory of relativity. Notably, an infinite number of regular tessellations in hyperbolic geometry-hyperbolic lattices-are expected to extend Euclidean Bravais lattices and the consequent wave phenomena to non-Euclidean geometry. However, topological states of matter in hyperbolic lattices have yet to be reported. Here we investigate topological phenomena in hyperbolic geometry, exploring how the quantized curvature and edge dominance of the geometry affect topological phases. We report a recipe for the construction of a Euclidean photonic platform that inherits the topological band properties of a hyperbolic lattice under a uniform, pseudospin-dependent magnetic field, realizing a non-Euclidean analog of the quantum spin Hall effect. For hyperbolic lattices with different quantized curvatures, we examine the topological protection of helical edge states and generalize Hofstadter's butterfly, by employing two empirical parameters that measure the edge confinement and defect immunity. We demonstrate that the proposed platforms exhibit the unique spectral-magnetic sensitivity of topological immunity in highly curved hyperbolic planes. Our approach is applicable to general non-Euclidean geometry and enables the exploitation of infinite lattice degrees of freedom for band theory.A sizable right-handed photon polarization in b→sγ is a clear signal for new physics. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/dmog.html In this Letter, we point out that the photon helicity in b→sγ can be unambiguously extracted by combining the measurements in B→K_1γ and the Cabibbo-favored D→K_1e^+ν decay. We propose a ratio of up-down asymmetries in D→K_1e^+ν to quantify the hadronic effects. A method for measuring, in experiment, the involved partial decay widths in the ratio is discussed, and experimental facilities like BESIII, Belle-II and LHCb are likely to measure this ratio. We also give the angular distribution that is useful for extracting the photon polarization in the presence of different kaon resonances.We model power grids as graphs with heavy-tailed sinks, which represent demand from cities, and study cascading failures on such graphs. Our analysis links the scale-free nature of blackout sizes to the scale-free nature of city sizes, contrasting previous studies suggesting that this nature is governed by self-organized criticality. Our results are based on a new mathematical framework combining the physics of power flow with rare event analysis for heavy-tailed distributions, and are validated using various synthetic networks and the German transmission grid.We reveal the universal effect of gauge fields on the existence, evolution, and stability of solitons in the spinor multidimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Focusing on the two-dimensional case, we show that when gauge field can be split in a pure gauge and a nonpure gauge generating effective potential, the roles of these components in soliton dynamics are different the localization characteristics of emerging states are determined by the curvature, while pure gauge affects the stability of the modes. Respectively the solutions can be exactly represented as the envelopes which may depend on the pure gauge implicitly through the effective potential, and modulating stationary carrier-mode states, which are independent of the curvature. Our central finding is that nonzero curvature can lead to the existence of unusual modes, in particular, enabling stable localized self-trapped fundamental and vortex-carrying states in media with constant repulsive interactions without additional external confining potentials and even in the expulsive external traps.