The resultant mutant strains (M-1, M-2, and M-3, respectively) showed a significant increase in lipid production in comparison to the wild-type strain (WT). MCFAs in M-1 (47.45%) was sharply increased compared to the wild type strain (2.25%), and it was further increased in M-2 (60.09%) suggesting a negative role of ACOX in MCFAs production. However, MCFAs in M-3 were much decreased compared to M-1,suggesting a positive role of ACOT in MCFAs production. The M-2 strain showed maximum lipid productivity (~1800 milligram per liter per day or mg/L.d) and MCFAs productivity (~1100 mg/L.d). Taken together, this study elaborates on how the combination of two multidimensional approaches, TE gene over-expression and modification of the β-oxidation pathway via substantial knockout of specific ACOX gene, significantly increased the production of MCFAs. This synergistic approach ultimately offers a novel opportunity for synthetic/industrial biologists to increase the content of MCFAs.Heat treatment can modify the allergenic potential, reducing allergenicity in specific proteins. Profilins are one of the important hazelnut allergens; these proteins are considered panallergens due to their high capacity for cross-reactivity with other allergens. In the present work, we evaluated the thermostability of hazelnut profilin, combining molecular dynamics simulation and immunoinformatic techniques. This approach helped us to have reliable results in immunogenicity studies. We modeled Cor a 2 profilin and applied annealing simulation, equilibrium, and production simulation at constant temperatures ranging from 300 to 500 K using Gromacs software. Despite the hazelnut profilins being able to withstand temperatures of up to 400 K, this does not seem to reduce its allergenicity. We have found that profilin subjected to temperatures of 450 and 500 K could generate cross-reactivity with other food allergens. In conclusion, we note a remarkable thermostability of Cor a 2 at 400 K which avoids its structural unfolding.Financial toxicity or the debt a cancer survivor incurs from the costs of their medical cancer care is an understudied aspect in the clinical development of experimental therapeutic agents. The United States National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program studies experimental therapeutic agents like radiopharmaceuticals in both early and late phase trials, which provide opportunities to comprehend more clearly the possible sources of financial toxicity incurred by cancer survivors. We reviewed the academic scholarship describing fiscal and social costs involved in the development of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Because many ovarian cancer survivors outlive their disease through initial and, perhaps, multiple treatment courses, these women and their treatments provide context for our discussion on financial toxicity. 16 (27%) of 60 articles discuss financial toxicity incurred by women with ovarian cancer; none described financial toxicity associated with regulatory agency-approved or experimental therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Fiscal costs of radiopharmaceutical dose and schedule and social costs of individual productivity loss or asset expenditure arose as primary financial toxicities. The development of radiopharmaceuticals for women with ovarian cancer remains a high priority for the NCI Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program. Weighing radiopharmaceutical clinical benefit against measures of financial toxicity is challenging and warrants further study in prospective radiopharmaceutical clinical trials.Purple seed stain disease, caused by (Cercospora kukuchii), is a major concern in soybean (Glycine max (L.)) in Mississippi, USA, due to its effects on seed quality, reducing soybean seed grade and potential market price at elevators. Therefore, investigating the effects of purple seed stain (PSS) on seed quality (germination and vigor) and seed composition (nutrition) is critical. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of PSS on seed harvest index, seed germination, seed vigor, and seed composition components (protein, oil, fatty acids, and sugars). A field experiment was initiated in 2019 in Stoneville, MS, at the Delta Research and Extension Center (DREC) on a Commerce silt loam soil (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, thermic Fluventic Epiaquepts). Soybean variety Credenz 4748 LL was used. The results showed that infected (symptomatic) seed had a 5.5% greater Seed Index (based on 100 seed weight) when compared to non-infected (non-symptomatic, as control) seed. Non-infected seed had greater percent germination and seedling vigor when compared to infected seed. Germination was 30.9% greater and vigor was 58.3% greater in non-infected seed. Also, the results showed that infected seed with PSS had higher protein content and some amino acids. No changes in total oil and fatty acids. Sucrose and stachyose were lower in infected seed than in non-infected seed. The research showed that PSS impacted seed health and seed quality (germination and vigor) and seed composition (protein, sugars, and some amino acids). Purple stained seed should be avoided when planting and should be managed properly as low germination is a potential risk. Planting population should be adjusted accordingly due to lack of germination and vigor if PSS is present. This research help growers for purple seed management, and scientists to further understand the potential negative impact on seed quality and nutrition. Further research is needed before conclusive recommendations are made.We examined the factors associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening and developed a HIV screening prevalence surface map using spatial interpolation techniques to identify the geographical areas with the highest and lowest rates of HIV screening in Mozambique. We analyzed the cross-sectional 2015 Mozambique AIDS Indicator Surveys with an analytic sample of 12,995 participants. Analyses were conducted on SPSS-21, STATA-14, and R freeware 3.5.3. We adjusted for the sample design and population weights. Results indicated that 52.5% of Mozambicans had undergone HIV screening. Mozambicans with these characteristics have a higher probability of undergoing HIV screening females, those with a primary education or higher, urban dwellers, residents of wealthy households, having at least one lifetime sexual partner, and dwelling in these provinces-Niassa, Tete, Manica, Sofala, Inhambane, Gaza, Maputo Provincia, and Maputo Cidade. The spatial map revealed that the national and regional estimates mask sub-regional level estimates.